笔记173 使用游标批量删除Sql Server对象

笔记173 使用游标批量删除Sql Server对象

 1 --使用游标批量删除Sql Server对象
 2 DECLARE cursorname cursor for select 'drop PROCEDURE  '+name from sys.objects where name like 'xx%' and type = 'p' --删除对应的存储过程
 3 DECLARE cursorname cursor for select 'drop Trigger'+name from sys.objects where name like 'xx%' and type = 'tr' --删除对应的触发器
 5 open cursorname
 6 declare @curname sysname
 7 fetch next from cursorname into @curname
 8 while(@@fetch_status=0)
 9   begin
10 exec(@curname)
11 fetch next from cursorname into @curname
12 end
13 close cursorname
14 deallocate cursorname


posted @ 2013-08-03 23:49  桦仔  阅读(528)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报