

  1. 下载源码,然后解压,新建VS工程,配置好opencv,把C++源码下的src,include文件夹下的代码cope到新建工程下并在工程中添加
  2. 将代码中的所有包含目录下的.h文件的<>改成”“  比如#include <tld_utils.h>改成#include "tld_utils.h"
  3. opencv246中需要在TLD.h中添加#include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp> //原作者没有添加这个所以出错,定义了PatchGenerator类
  4. Vs中没有round函数,所以要自己写一个,
    int round(float f)
    if ((int)f+0.5>f) 
    return (int)f; 
    return (int)f + 1; 


  5. TLD::clusterBB函数中,vs不支持这种动态数组分配。

    float L[c-1]; //Level
    int nodes[c-1][2];
    int belongs[c];
    float *L = new float [c-1]; //Level
    int **nodes = new int *[c-1];
    for(int i = 0; i < 2 ;i ++)
    nodes[i] = new int [c-1];
    int *belongs = new int [c];
    delete [] L;
    L = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    delete [] nodes[i];
    nodes[i] = NULL;
    delete []nodes;
    nodes = NULL;
    delete [] belongs;
    belongs = NULL;


  6. 上面完成之后,程序编译可以通过,摄像头也可以打开,但是一选定boundingbox程序就运行不下去了。看了一下代码才发现run_tld.cpp中有一个print_help函数。
    %To run from camera
    ./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml
    %To run from file
    ./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg
    %To init bounding box from file
    ./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg -b ../datasets/06_car/init.txt
    %To train only in the first frame (no tracking, no learning)
    ./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg -b ../datasets/06_car/init.txt -no_tl 
    %To test the final detector (Repeat the video, first time learns, second time detects)
    ./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg -b ../datasets/06_car/init.txt -r



posted @ 2014-08-23 15:31  Albert-Lxy  阅读(1461)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报