今日推荐:“有SQL Server的问题,找SQL Stan!”等
1、Ask SQL Stan your toughest SQL Server questions!
<img src=http://www.quest.com/images/landing_page/bn-sql-stan.gif>
详情请见 :http://http://www.codeproject.com/redir.aspx?id=3397
或者直接点这里: http://www.quest.com/2_0/registration.aspx?requestdefid=12492
2、一个.net写的图形编辑软件 PaintNET3.05
对我们这些非专业图形设计人士来说,这款图形编辑软件用起来比较得心应手,界面美观,支持无限次CTRL + Z,这一点比PhotoShop强多了~
而且性能也不错,最主要还是用.net 写的(只有安装过程用了些C++的东西)……
3、一款桌面RSS订阅器——RSS Bandit
下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=671910
4、Terrarium 游戏,不用多说了吧,重温经典~
<img src=http://www.quest.com/images/landing_page/bn-sql-stan.gif>
详情请见 :http://http://www.codeproject.com/redir.aspx?id=3397
或者直接点这里: http://www.quest.com/2_0/registration.aspx?requestdefid=12492
SQL Stan answers Backup and Recovery Questions
Ask SQL Stan your question now! And keep reading to find answers to common SQL Server backup and recovery questions.
Q: How can I recover a single table from my SQL Server backup file?
SQL Stan says: "With most SQL backup solutions, you have to recover the entire database to restore individual objects. What a pain! But there is a solution. Quest's LiteSpeed for SQL Server is the only solution that offers Table Level Recovery, allowing you to restore only the data you need."
Q: How can I backup and restore data faster?
SQL Stan says: "To speed up SQL Server backup and recovery, you need a solution that is fast, intuitive and easy to use. Award-winning LiteSpeed looks, feels and reacts just like your SQL database. And LiteSpeed’s compression technology reduces backup and restore windows by 75 percent. Is there really another choice?"
Ask SQL Stan your question now! And keep reading to find answers to common SQL Server backup and recovery questions.
Q: How can I recover a single table from my SQL Server backup file?
SQL Stan says: "With most SQL backup solutions, you have to recover the entire database to restore individual objects. What a pain! But there is a solution. Quest's LiteSpeed for SQL Server is the only solution that offers Table Level Recovery, allowing you to restore only the data you need."
Q: How can I backup and restore data faster?
SQL Stan says: "To speed up SQL Server backup and recovery, you need a solution that is fast, intuitive and easy to use. Award-winning LiteSpeed looks, feels and reacts just like your SQL database. And LiteSpeed’s compression technology reduces backup and restore windows by 75 percent. Is there really another choice?"
2、一个.net写的图形编辑软件 PaintNET3.05
对我们这些非专业图形设计人士来说,这款图形编辑软件用起来比较得心应手,界面美观,支持无限次CTRL + Z,这一点比PhotoShop强多了~
而且性能也不错,最主要还是用.net 写的(只有安装过程用了些C++的东西)……
3、一款桌面RSS订阅器——RSS Bandit
下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=671910
4、Terrarium 游戏,不用多说了吧,重温经典~