




                      字段中 ‘。’去除,




SQL> select * from c;

        ID NAME       DATEHH

---------- ---------- ----------         

1 yang       2016.0323         

2 cheng      2013.3213        

23 aefe       2013.1103         

4 qewrqwer   2013.103         

5 sasrqwooo  2013.1201         

6 swwwww     2013.201         

7 qqw        4289         

8 eew e      4223

8 rows selected.


#函数replace替换.  => null

SQL>  update c set datehh=replace(datehh,'.',null);



SQL> update c set datehh=(substr(datehh,1,4))||'0'||(substr(datehh,5)) where length(datehh)<8 and datehh not like '42%';


SQL> alter table c add new_a number(10);
SQL>  update c set new_a=datehh;
SQL> commit;
SQL> alter table c drop column datehh;
SQL> alter table c rename column new_a to datehh;
posted @ 2018-04-14 20:00  绿茶有点甜  阅读(1249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报