3."Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v1.1.4322' of the runtime and......"问题解决方案见:http://blog.csdn.net/woaixiaozhe/article/details/7864391
1. 录音设备,对我们的PC设备就是声卡。这个录音设备可以进行的操作应该有开始和关闭。
2. 缓冲区,也就是录制的声音放在哪里的问题。
1. DirectSound对录音的支持类
Ø Capture,设备对象,可以看作是声卡的描述。
Ø CaptureBuffer,缓冲区对象,存放录入的音频数据。
Ø Notify,事件通知对象,由于录音是一个长时间的过程,因此使用一个缓冲队列(多个缓冲区)接收数据,每当一个缓冲区满的时候,系统使用这个对象通知应用程序取走这个缓冲区,并继续录音。
以上三个对象是进行录音操作的主要对象,由于在C++中对DirectSound的操作DirectX帮助文档中已经有很详细的说明,这里就不再赘述了。本文是针对Managed Code。除了以上三个主要的DirectSound类,还需要以下几个辅助类。
Ø WaveFormat,描述了进行录制的声音波形的格式,例如采样率,单声道还是立体声,每个采样点的长度等等。
Ø Thread,线程类,由于录音的过程是需要不断处理缓冲区满的事件,因此新建一个线程对此进行单独处理。
Ø AutoResetEvent,通知的事件,当缓冲区满的时候,使用该事件作为通知事件。
#region 成员数据 private Capture mCapDev = null; // 音频捕捉设备 private CaptureBuffer mRecBuffer = null; // 缓冲区对象 private WaveFormat mWavFormat; // 录音的格式 private int mNextCaptureOffset = 0; // 该次录音缓冲区的起始点 private int mSampleCount = 0; // 录制的样本数目 private Notify mNotify = null; // 消息通知对象 public const int cNotifyNum = 16; // 通知的个数 private int mNotifySize = 0; // 每次通知大小 private int mBufferSize = 0; // 缓冲队列大小 private Thread mNotifyThread = null; // 处理缓冲区消息的线程 private AutoResetEvent mNotificationEvent = null; // 通知事件 private string mFileName = string.Empty; // 文件保存路径 private FileStream mWaveFile = null; // 文件流 private BinaryWriter mWriter = null; // 写文件 #endregion
3. 对外操作的函数
#region 对外操作函数 /// <summary> /// 构造函数,设定录音设备,设定录音格式. /// <summary> public SoundRecorder() { // 初始化音频捕捉设备 InitCaptureDevice(); // 设定录音格式 mWavFormat = CreateWaveFormat(); } /// <summary> /// 创建录音格式,此处使用16bit,16KHz,Mono的录音格式 /// <summary> private WaveFormat CreateWaveFormat() { WaveFormat format = new WaveFormat(); format.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm; // PCM format.SamplesPerSecond = 16000; // 采样率:16KHz format.BitsPerSample = 16; // 采样位数:16Bit format.Channels = 1; // 声道:Mono format.BlockAlign = (short)(format.Channels * (format.BitsPerSample / 8)); // 单位采样点的字节数 format.AverageBytesPerSecond = format.BlockAlign * format.SamplesPerSecond; return format; // 按照以上采样规格,可知采样1秒钟的字节数为 16000*2=32000B 约为31K } /// <summary> /// 设定录音结束后保存的文件,包括路径 /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">保存wav文件的路径名</param> public void SetFileName(string filename) { mFileName = filename; } /// <summary> /// 开始录音 /// </summary> public void RecStart() { // 创建录音文件 CreateSoundFile(); // 创建一个录音缓冲区,并开始录音 CreateCaptureBuffer(); // 建立通知消息,当缓冲区满的时候处理方法 InitNotifications(); mRecBuffer.Start(true); } /// <summary> /// 停止录音 /// </summary> public void RecStop() { mRecBuffer.Stop(); // 调用缓冲区的停止方法,停止采集声音 if (null != mNotificationEvent) mNotificationEvent.Set(); //关闭通知 mNotifyThread.Abort(); //结束线程 RecordCapturedData(); // 将缓冲区最后一部分数据写入到文件中 // 写WAV文件尾 mWriter.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Begin); mWriter.Write((int)(mSampleCount + 36)); // 写文件长度 mWriter.Seek(40, SeekOrigin.Begin); mWriter.Write(mSampleCount); // 写数据长度 mWriter.Close(); mWaveFile.Close(); mWriter = null; mWaveFile = null; } #endregion
#region 对内操作函数 /// <summary> /// 初始化录音设备,此处使用主录音设备. /// </summary> /// <returns>调用成功返回true,否则返回false</returns> private bool InitCaptureDevice() { // 获取默认音频捕捉设备 CaptureDevicesCollection devices = new CaptureDevicesCollection(); // 枚举音频捕捉设备 Guid deviceGuid = Guid.Empty; if (devices.Count>0) deviceGuid = devices[0].DriverGuid; else { MessageBox.Show("系统中没有音频捕捉设备"); return false; } // 用指定的捕捉设备创建Capture对象 try { mCapDev = new Capture(deviceGuid); } catch (DirectXException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } /// <summary> /// 创建录音使用的缓冲区 /// </summary> private void CreateCaptureBuffer() { // 缓冲区的描述对象 CaptureBufferDescription bufferdescription = new CaptureBufferDescription(); if (null != mNotify) { mNotify.Dispose(); mNotify = null; } if (null != mRecBuffer) { mRecBuffer.Dispose(); mRecBuffer = null; } // 设定通知的大小,默认为1s钟 mNotifySize = (1024 > mWavFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond/8) ? 1024 : (mWavFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond / 8); mNotifySize -= mNotifySize % mWavFormat.BlockAlign; // 设定缓冲区大小 mBufferSize = mNotifySize * cNotifyNum; // 创建缓冲区描述 bufferdescription.BufferBytes = mBufferSize; bufferdescription.Format = mWavFormat; // 录音格式 // 创建缓冲区 mRecBuffer = new CaptureBuffer(bufferdescription, mCapDev); mNextCaptureOffset = 0; } /// <summary> /// 初始化通知事件,将原缓冲区分成16个缓冲队列,在每个缓冲队列的结束点设定通知点. /// </summary> /// <returns>是否成功</returns> private bool InitNotifications() { if (null == mRecBuffer) { MessageBox.Show("未创建录音缓冲区"); return false; } // 创建一个通知事件,当缓冲队列满了就激发该事件. mNotificationEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); // 创建一个线程管理缓冲区事件 if (null == mNotifyThread) { mNotifyThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitThread)); mNotifyThread.Start(); } // 设定通知的位置 BufferPositionNotify[] PositionNotify = new BufferPositionNotify[cNotifyNum + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < cNotifyNum; i++) { PositionNotify[i].Offset = (mNotifySize * i) + mNotifySize - 1; PositionNotify[i].EventNotifyHandle = mNotificationEvent.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); } mNotify = new Notify(mRecBuffer); mNotify.SetNotificationPositions(PositionNotify, cNotifyNum); return true; } /// <summary> /// 接收缓冲区满消息的处理线程 /// </summary> private void WaitThread() { while (true) { // 等待缓冲区的通知消息 mNotificationEvent.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, true); // 录制数据 RecordCapturedData(); } } /// <summary> /// 将录制的数据写入wav文件 /// </summary> private void RecordCapturedData() { byte[] CaptureData = null; int ReadPos=0, CapturePos=0, LockSize=0; mRecBuffer.GetCurrentPosition(out CapturePos, out ReadPos); LockSize = ReadPos - mNextCaptureOffset; if (LockSize < 0) // 因为是循环的使用缓冲区,所以有一种情况下为负:当文以载读指针回到第一个通知点,而Ibuffeoffset还在最后一个通知处 LockSize += mBufferSize; LockSize -= (LockSize % mNotifySize); // 对齐缓冲区边界,实际上由于开始设定完整,这个操作是多余的. if (0 == LockSize) return; // 读取缓冲区内的数据 CaptureData = (byte[])mRecBuffer.Read(mNextCaptureOffset, typeof(byte), LockFlag.None, LockSize); // 写入Wav文件 mWriter.Write(CaptureData, 0, CaptureData.Length); // 更新已经录制的数据长度. mSampleCount += CaptureData.Length; // 移动录制数据的起始点,通知消息只负责指示产生消息的位置,并不记录上次录制的位置 mNextCaptureOffset += CaptureData.Length; mNextCaptureOffset %= mBufferSize; // Circular buffer } /// <summary> /// 创建保存的波形文件,并写入必要的文件头. /// </summary> private void CreateSoundFile() { // Open up the wave file for writing. mWaveFile = new FileStream(mFileName, FileMode.Create); mWriter = new BinaryWriter(mWaveFile); /************************************************************************** Here is where the file will be created. A wave file is a RIFF file, which has chunks of data that describe what the file contains. A wave RIFF file is put together like this: The 12 byte RIFF chunk is constructed like this: Bytes 0 - 3 : 'R' 'I' 'F' 'F' Bytes 4 - 7 : Length of file, minus the first 8 bytes of the RIFF description. (4 bytes for "WAVE" + 24 bytes for format chunk length + 8 bytes for data chunk description + actual sample data size.) Bytes 8 - 11: 'W' 'A' 'V' 'E' The 24 byte FORMAT chunk is constructed like this: Bytes 0 - 3 : 'f' 'm' 't' ' ' Bytes 4 - 7 : The format chunk length. This is always 16. Bytes 8 - 9 : File padding. Always 1. Bytes 10- 11: Number of channels. Either 1 for mono, or 2 for stereo. Bytes 12- 15: Sample rate. Bytes 16- 19: Number of bytes per second. Bytes 20- 21: Bytes per sample. 1 for 8 bit mono, 2 for 8 bit stereo or 16 bit mono, 4 for 16 bit stereo. Bytes 22- 23: Number of bits per sample. The DATA chunk is constructed like this: Bytes 0 - 3 : 'd' 'a' 't' 'a' Bytes 4 - 7 : Length of data, in bytes. Bytes 8 -: Actual sample data. ***************************************************************************/ // Set up file with RIFF chunk info. char[] ChunkRiff = {'R', 'I','F','F'}; char[] ChunkType = {'W','A','V','E'}; char[] ChunkFmt = {'f','m','t',' '}; char[] ChunkData = {'d','a','t','a'}; short shPad = 1; // File padding int nFormatChunkLength = 0x10; // Format chunk length. int nLength = 0; // File length, minus first 8 bytes of RIFF description. This will be filled in later. short shBytesPerSample = 0; // Bytes per sample. // 一个样本点的字节数目 if (8 == mWavFormat.BitsPerSample && 1 == mWavFormat.Channels) shBytesPerSample = 1; else if ((8 == mWavFormat.BitsPerSample && 2 == mWavFormat.Channels) || (16 == mWavFormat.BitsPerSample && 1 == mWavFormat.Channels)) shBytesPerSample = 2; else if (16 == mWavFormat.BitsPerSample && 2 == mWavFormat.Channels) shBytesPerSample = 4; // RIFF 块 mWriter.Write(ChunkRiff); mWriter.Write(nLength); mWriter.Write(ChunkType); // WAVE块 mWriter.Write(ChunkFmt); mWriter.Write(nFormatChunkLength); mWriter.Write(shPad); mWriter.Write(mWavFormat.Channels); mWriter.Write(mWavFormat.SamplesPerSecond); mWriter.Write(mWavFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond); mWriter.Write(shBytesPerSample); mWriter.Write(mWavFormat.BitsPerSample); // 数据块 mWriter.Write(ChunkData); mWriter.Write((int)0); // The sample length will be written in later. } #endregion
private SoundRecord recorder = null; // 录音
recorder = new SoundRecord();
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // // 录音设置 // string wavfile = null; wavfile = “test.wav”; recorder.SetFileName(wavfile); recorder.RecStart(); }
private void btnStop_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { recorder.RecStop(); recorder = null; }