1 实例创建过多,引起不必要的性能消耗
2 将配置信息从文件读到内存时,然后在读内容时,去比较最后修改时间与内存中存储的时间是否相同 ,如果不同则重新从文件中读到信息到内存
1 /// <summary> 2 /// 配置信息生产工厂 3 /// </summary> 4 public class ConfigFactory : Singleton<ConfigFactory> 5 { 6 private ConfigFactory() 7 { 8 9 } 10 #region 私有 11 12 /// <summary> 13 /// 配置文件管理类 14 /// </summary> 15 static ConfigFilesManager cfm; 16 17 #endregion 18 19 #region 公开的属性 20 public T GetConfig<T>() where T : IConfiger 21 { 22 string configFilePath = string.Empty; 23 string filename = typeof(T).Name; 24 25 HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; 26 string siteVirtrualPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteVirtrualPath"]) ? 27 "/" : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteVirtrualPath"]; 28 if (context != null) 29 { 30 configFilePath = context.Server.MapPath(string.Format("{0}/Configs/{1}.Config", siteVirtrualPath, filename)); 31 } 32 else 33 { 34 configFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Configs\{0}.Config", filename); 35 } 36 37 if (!File.Exists(configFilePath)) 38 { 39 throw new Exception("发生错误: 网站" + 40 new FileInfo("fileName").DirectoryName 41 + "目录下没有正确的.Config文件"); 42 } 43 44 cfm = new ConfigFilesManager(configFilePath, typeof(T)); 45 return (T)cfm.LoadConfig(); 46 } 47 #endregion 48 49 }
1 /// <summary> 2 /// 泛型单例基类 3 /// </summary> 4 public abstract class Singleton<TEntity> where TEntity : class 5 { 6 private static readonly Lazy<TEntity> _instance 7 = new Lazy<TEntity>(() => 8 { 9 var ctors = typeof(TEntity).GetConstructors( 10 BindingFlags.Instance 11 | BindingFlags.NonPublic 12 | BindingFlags.Public); 13 if (ctors.Count() != 1) 14 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Type {0} must have exactly one constructor.", typeof(TEntity))); 15 var ctor = ctors.SingleOrDefault(c => c.GetParameters().Count() == 0 && c.IsPrivate); 16 if (ctor == null) 17 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The constructor for {0} must be private and take no parameters.", typeof(TEntity))); 18 return (TEntity)ctor.Invoke(null); 19 }); 20 21 public static TEntity Instance 22 { 23 get { return _instance.Value; } 24 } 25 }
1 #region 重设配置类实例 2 /// <summary> 3 /// 重设配置类实例 4 /// </summary> 5 /// <returns></returns> 6 internal IConfiger LoadRealConfig() 7 { 8 lock (lockHelper) 9 { 10 DateTime newfileChangeTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(this.fileName); 11 if (!newfileChangeTime.Equals(this.fileChangeTime)) 12 { 13 IconfigInfo = ConfigSerialize.DeserializeInfo(ConfigFilePath, this.configType); 14 this.fileChangeTime = newfileChangeTime; 15 } 16 } 17 return IconfigInfo as IConfiger; 18 } 19 #endregion
本例中实体持久化到文件中,在读取信息时,是从文件到内存的反序列化的过程,对于双方的载体,其实也有其它实现的方式,如果文件持久化也可以用数据库来实现,而内存缓存机制也可以用Cache缓存来实现,下一篇,我会着重介绍一个.net Cache的用法。