- 新建表,命名为student(id, name, score, sex, age),id为关键字,代码如下:
import sqlite3 # test.db is a file in the working directory conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db") c = conn.cursor() # create tables sql = '''create table student (id int primary key, name varchar(20), score int, sex varchar(10), age int)''' c.execute(sql) # save the changes conn.commit() # close the connection with the database conn.close()
- 代码示例
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db") c = conn.cursor() students = [(2, 'mark', 80, 'male', 18), (3, 'tom', 78, 'male', 17), (4, 'lucy', 98, 'female', 18), (5, 'jimi', 60, 'male', 16)] # 第一种:execute "INSERT" c.execute("insert into student(id, name, score, sex, age) values (1,'jack',80,'male',18)") # 第二种:execute multiple commands c.executemany('insert into student values (?,?,?,?,?)', students) # 第三种:using the placeholder c.execute("insert into student values (?,?,?,?,?)", (6, 'kim', 69, 'male', 16)) conn.commit() conn.close()
- 代码示例
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db') c = conn.cursor() # 第一种:retrieve one record c.execute('select * from student order by score desc') print(c.fetchone()) #第1条记录 print(c.fetchone()) #第2条记录 # 第二种:retrieve all records as a list c.execute('select * from student order by score desc') print(c.fetchall()) # 第三种:terate through the records rs = c.execute('select * from student order by score desc') for row in rs: print(row)
- 运行结果:
#第一种 (4, 'lucy', 98, 'female', 18) (1, 'jack', 80, 'male', 18) #第二种 [(4, 'lucy', 98, 'female', 18), (1, 'jack', 80, 'male', 18), (2, 'mark', 80, 'male', 18), (3, 'tom', 78, 'male', 17), (6, 'kim', 69, 'male', 16), (5, 'jimi', 60, 'male', 16)] #第三种 (4, 'lucy', 98, 'female', 18) (1, 'jack', 80, 'male', 18) (2, 'mark', 80, 'male', 18) (3, 'tom', 78, 'male', 17) (6, 'kim', 69, 'male', 16) (5, 'jimi', 60, 'male', 16)
- 代码示例
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db") c = conn.cursor() sql = "update student set name='jerry' where id = 2" c.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close()
- 删除数据,代码示例
conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute('delete from student where id=2') conn.commit() conn.close()
- 删除数据表
c.execute('drop table tableName')
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