

Edward Sharp





正如我的同事StephenBates以前指出的, “不要再将NVM看成高速存储,而把它当作(较慢的)内存“。




Re-imagining Storage with Non-Volatile Memory

      “May you live in interesting times.” Ifyou haven’t noticed, IT is already there, with cloud, mobile, big data,in-memory, NoSQL, Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), Shingled MagneticRecording (SMR) drives, Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), and the list goes on. Ourlandscape is undergoing massive disruption as new technologies and techniquesenable customers to do more with less. This disruption is a threat toexisting businesses, and an opportunity for the fast, the focused, and thebold.

          For those of us in the storage business, there is nobigger disruption than NVM. After decades of hard disk drives (HDDs)owning the storage media layer, getting slower (particularly on aper-GB-basis), fatter and cheaper each year, along came flash solid statedrives (SSDs) to change everything:  milliseconds of latency improved byorders of magnitude; racks of spindles for performance replaced with a shelf ofSSDs; power, heat and noise reduced significantly; and incumbents disrupted bystart-ups.

         But NVM is memory, and we’ve justbeen talking about NVM as storage! As my colleague Stephen Bates hasnoted before, “Let’s stopthinking about NVM as fast storage and start thinking about it as (slow)memory.” In this new world, computer architectures canbe re-imagined, with data available in persistent memory right off theCPU. This isn’t science fiction. The bright folks at MIT haverecently demonstrated 20 servers with flash memory performing as well as 40servers with DRAM. This is a harbinger of thingsto come.

        This will have profound implicationsfor what customers get for the money they put into theirinfrastructure. However, it requires changes throughout the stack, fromapplications to devices. Let’s get to work!

posted on 2017-07-03 16:53  ljbguanli  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报