varnish-4.x 之varnishlog,varnishstat,varnishtop,varnishhist

varnish-4.x 之varnishlog,varnishstat,varnishtop,varnishhist

man varnishlog
man vsl
man vsl-query

-g  session | request | vxid | raw

• Transaction groups are hierarchical
• Levels are equal to relationships (parents and children):
Level 1: Client request (cache miss)
  Level 2: Backend request
  Level 2: ESI subrequest (cache miss)
    Level 3: Backend request
    Level 3: Backend request (VCL restart)
    Level 3: ESI subrequest (cache miss)
      Level 4: Backend request
  Level 2: ESI subrequest (cache hit)

• string matching, e.g.: RespProtocol eq "HTTP/1.1"
• regex, e.g.: ReqMethod ~ "GET|POST"
• integer and float matching, e.g.: RespStatus == 200
• boolean operators, e.g.: RespStatus >= 500 and RespStatus < 600
• parenthesis hierarchy
• negation using not
varnishlog -g request -i Begin,Link -d
varnishlog -q 'RespStatus < 500'
varnishlog -g request -q 'ReqURL eq "/"'
varnishlog -g request -q 'Backend ~ default'
varnishlog -g request -i ReqHeader,RespHeader

varnishstat -f MAIN.client_req -f MAIN.cache_hit
varnish-4.x <wbr>之varnishlog,varnishstat,varnishtop,varnishhist
Column Description
Name The name of the counter
Current The current value of the counter.
Change The average per second change over the last update interval.
Average The average value of this counter over the runtime of the Varnish daemon, or a
period if the counter can't be averaged.
Avg_10 The moving average over the last 10 update intervals.
Avg_100 The moving average over the last 100 update intervals.
Avg_1000 The moving average over the last 1000 update intervals.

varnish-4.x <wbr>之varnishlog,varnishstat,varnishtop,varnishhist

varnish-4.x <wbr>之varnishlog,varnishstat,varnishtop,varnishhist

posted @ 2016-03-23 08:34  李庆喜  阅读(316)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报