
LVM 镜像硬盘更换、数据恢复(centos7.4 redhat7.5)

VG:vg  LV:vg-lv
Redhat 7.5
VG:vgtest LV:lvtest 目的:模拟硬盘 /dev/sdb损坏、在线添加新硬盘/dev/sdc,lv镜像数据同步
Last login: Thu Nov 15 07:10:20 2018 from
[root@web02 ~]# df -h                                       ###查看文件系统
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2           47G  1.6G   43G   4% /
tmpfs              246M     0  246M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1          976M   39M  886M   5% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg-lv  5.8G   12M  5.5G   1% /dd_data
[root@web02 ~]# lsblk                                       ###查看硬盘分区信息
sr0                        11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  
sda                         8:0    0   50G  0 disk 
├─sda1                      8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
├─sda2                      8:2    0 47.5G  0 part /
└─sda3                      8:3    0  1.5G  0 part [SWAP]
sdb                         8:16   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdb1                      8:17   0   10G  0 part 
  └─vg-lv_mimage_0 (dm-1) 253:1    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
sdd                         8:48   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdd1                      8:49   0   10G  0 part 
  ├─vg-lv_mlog (dm-0)     253:0    0    4M  0 lvm  
  │ └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
  └─vg-lv_mimage_1 (dm-2) 253:2    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data

[root@web02 ~]# lvdisplay         ###查看lv信息
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/vg/lv
LV Name lv
VG Name vg
LV UUID bm5k1e-hD8k-cZhf-EfD9-NP2g-Scr0-Meh8Yr
LV Write Access read/write
LV Creation host, time web02.riyimei.cn, 2018-11-15 07:53:10 +0000
LV Status available
# open 1
LV Size 6.00 GiB
Current LE 1536
Mirrored volumes 2   ###镜像数量
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 253:3

[root@web02 dd_data]# pvs                          ###查看pv信息
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb1 vg lvm2 a--u 10.00g 4.00g
/dev/sdd1 vg lvm2 a--u 9.99g 3.99g


[root@web02 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 count=10    ###损坏/dev/sdb的数据信息
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
5120 bytes (5.1 kB) copied, 0.00133574 s, 3.8 MB/s
[root@web02 ~]# lsblk 
sr0                        11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  
sda                         8:0    0   50G  0 disk 
├─sda1                      8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
├─sda2                      8:2    0 47.5G  0 part /
└─sda3                      8:3    0  1.5G  0 part [SWAP]
sdb                         8:16   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdb1                      8:17   0   10G  0 part 
  └─vg-lv_mimage_0 (dm-1) 253:1    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
sdd                         8:48   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdd1                      8:49   0   10G  0 part 
  ├─vg-lv_mlog (dm-0)     253:0    0    4M  0 lvm  
  │ └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
  └─vg-lv_mimage_1 (dm-2) 253:2    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
[root@web02 ~]# lvs                                    ###查看lv出现报错
  Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
  Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
  LV   VG   Attr       LSize Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log       Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv   vg   mwi-aom-p- 6.00g                                [lv_mlog] 100.00
[root@web02 ~]# vgs                                     ###vg也出现报错
  Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
  Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
  VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  vg     2   1   0 wz-pn- 19.99g 7.98g
[root@web02 ~]# pvs                                      ###查看pv信息提示有一块硬盘无法识别
  Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
  Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
  PV             VG   Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sdd1      vg   lvm2 a--u  9.99g 3.99g
  unknown device vg   lvm2 a-mu 10.00g 4.00g



[root@web02 ~]# fdisk /dev/sd
sda   sda1  sda2  sda3  sdb   sdb1  sdd   sdd1  
[root@web02 ~]# fdisk /dev/sd^C
[root@web02 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan      ###刷新硬盘
[root@web02 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/scan
[root@web02 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan
[root@web02 ~]# lsblk 
sr0                        11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  
sda                         8:0    0   50G  0 disk 
├─sda1                      8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
├─sda2                      8:2    0 47.5G  0 part /
└─sda3                      8:3    0  1.5G  0 part [SWAP]
sdb                         8:16   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdb1                      8:17   0   10G  0 part 
  └─vg-lv_mimage_0 (dm-1) 253:1    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
sdd                         8:48   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdd1                      8:49   0   10G  0 part 
  ├─vg-lv_mlog (dm-0)     253:0    0    4M  0 lvm  
  │ └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
  └─vg-lv_mimage_1 (dm-2) 253:2    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
sdc                         8:32   0   10G  0 disk    ###新添加的硬盘
[root@web02 ~]# fdisk -l  /dev/sdc     ###查看核实新硬盘信息

Disk /dev/sdc: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1305 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

[root@web02 ~]# fdisk  /dev/sdc    ###对新硬盘分区,做成lvm格式
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xc9fa05fb.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to
         switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to
         sectors (command 'u').

Command (m for help): n      ###新建分区
Command action
   e   extended
   p   primary partition (1-4)
p  ### 主分区
Partition number (1-4): 1  ###设置为1分区
First cylinder (1-1305, default 1): 
Using default value 1
Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-1305, default 1305): 
Using default value 1305

Command (m for help): t   ###分区类型
Selected partition 1
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e   lvm格式分区
Changed system type of partition 1 to 8e (Linux LVM)

Command (m for help): p   ###打印分区信息

Disk /dev/sdc: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1305 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xc9fa05fb

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc1               1        1305    10482381   8e  Linux LVM

Command (m for help): w   ###写入分区信息
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
[root@web02 ~]# lsblk   ###查看新硬盘分区
sr0                        11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  
sda                         8:0    0   50G  0 disk 
├─sda1                      8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
├─sda2                      8:2    0 47.5G  0 part /
└─sda3                      8:3    0  1.5G  0 part [SWAP]
sdb                         8:16   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdb1                      8:17   0   10G  0 part 
  └─vg-lv_mimage_0 (dm-1) 253:1    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
sdd                         8:48   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdd1                      8:49   0   10G  0 part 
  ├─vg-lv_mlog (dm-0)     253:0    0    4M  0 lvm  
  │ └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
  └─vg-lv_mimage_1 (dm-2) 253:2    0    6G  0 lvm  
    └─vg-lv (dm-3)        253:3    0    6G  0 lvm  /dd_data
sdc                         8:32   0   10G  0 disk 
└─sdc1                      8:33   0   10G  0 part 
[root@web02 ~]# lvs -a -o +devices    ###查看lv的激活信息状态
  Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
  Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
  LV            VG   Attr       LSize Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log       Cpy%Sync Convert Devices                      
  lv            vg   mwi-aom-p- 6.00g                                [lv_mlog] 100.00           lv_mimage_0(0),lv_mimage_1(0)
  [lv_mimage_0] vg   iwi-aom-p- 6.00g                                                           unknown device(0)            
  [lv_mimage_1] vg   iwi-aom--- 6.00g                                                           /dev/sdd1(0)                 
  [lv_mlog]     vg   lwi-aom--- 4.00m                                                           /dev/sdd1(1536)    

[root@web02 ~]# pvcreate /dev/sdc1     ###把 /dev/sdc1 创建成pv
  Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
  Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
  Physical volume "/dev/sdc1" successfully created
[root@web02 ~]# pvs     ###查看pv /dev/sdc1 
  Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
  Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
  PV             VG   Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree 
  /dev/sdc1           lvm2 ---- 10.00g 10.00g
  /dev/sdd1      vg   lvm2 a--u  9.99g  3.99g
  unknown device vg   lvm2 a-mu 10.00g  4.00g



[root@web02 dd_data]# vgreduce --removemissing --force vg     ###坏盘自动解除:--force后面添加有坏盘的vg名称
Couldn't find device with uuid XvYP09-jmxl-A6Pl-ViMz-t0k8-AwWd-5IUbWv.
Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
Couldn't find device for segment belonging to vg/lv_mimage_0 while checking used and assumed devices.
Wrote out consistent volume group vg

[root@web02 dd_data]# pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree 
/dev/sdc1 lvm2 ---- 10.00g 10.00g
/dev/sdd1 vg lvm2 a--u 9.99g 3.99g

[root@web02 dd_data]# vgextend vg /dev/sdc1   ###把新硬盘添加的vg
Volume group "vg" successfully extended
[root@web02 dd_data]# pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdc1 vg lvm2 a--u 9.99g 9.99g
/dev/sdd1 vg lvm2 a--u 9.99g 3.99g
[root@web02 dd_data]# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree 
vg 2 1 0 wz--n- 19.98g 13.98g
[root@web02 dd_data]# lvs
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
lv vg -wi-ao---- 6.00g 


将新硬盘添加到lv镜像数据同步(可以不添加/dev/sdd1:lvconvert -m1 /dev/vg/lv /dev/sdc1 )

[root@web02 dd_data]# lvconvert -m1 /dev/vg/lv /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdc1  
vg/lv: Converted: 0.0%
vg/lv: Converted: 4.7%
vg/lv: Converted: 9.4%
vg/lv: Converted: 14.1%
vg/lv: Converted: 18.9%
vg/lv: Converted: 23.7%
vg/lv: Converted: 28.4%
vg/lv: Converted: 33.0%
vg/lv: Converted: 37.9%
vg/lv: Converted: 42.8%
vg/lv: Converted: 47.6%
vg/lv: Converted: 52.3%
vg/lv: Converted: 57.0%
vg/lv: Converted: 61.8%
vg/lv: Converted: 66.7%
vg/lv: Converted: 71.5%
vg/lv: Converted: 76.4%
vg/lv: Converted: 81.3%
vg/lv: Converted: 86.1%
vg/lv: Converted: 90.8%
vg/lv: Converted: 95.4%
vg/lv: Converted: 100.0%

[root@web02 dd_data]# lvs -a -o +devices
  LV            VG   Attr       LSize Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log       Cpy%Sync Convert Devices                      
  lv            vg   mwi-aom--- 6.00g                                [lv_mlog] 100.00           lv_mimage_0(0),lv_mimage_1(0)
  [lv_mimage_0] vg   iwi-aom--- 6.00g                                                           /dev/sdd1(0)                 
  [lv_mimage_1] vg   iwi-aom--- 6.00g                                                           /dev/sdc1(0)                 
  [lv_mlog]     vg   lwi-aom--- 4.00m                                                           /dev/sdc1(1536)              
[root@web02 dd_data]# lvdisplay 
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/vg/lv
  LV Name                lv
  VG Name                vg
  LV UUID                bm5k1e-hD8k-cZhf-EfD9-NP2g-Scr0-Meh8Yr
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time web02.riyimei.cn, 2018-11-15 07:53:10 +0000
  LV Status              available
  # open                 1
  LV Size                6.00 GiB
  Current LE             1536
  Mirrored volumes       2
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           253:3
[root@web02 dd_data]# lvs
  LV   VG   Attr       LSize Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log       Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv   vg   mwi-aom--- 6.00g                                [lv_mlog] 100.00          
[root@web02 dd_data]# vgs
  VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  vg     2   1   0 wz--n- 19.98g 7.98g
[root@web02 dd_data]# pvs
  PV         VG   Fmt  Attr PSize PFree
  /dev/sdc1  vg   lvm2 a--u 9.99g 3.99g
  /dev/sdd1  vg   lvm2 a--u 9.99g 3.99g

[root@web02 dd_data]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 47G 1.6G 43G 4% /
tmpfs 246M 0 246M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 976M 39M 886M 5% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg-lv 5.8G 12M 5.5G 1% /dd_data

[root@web02 dd_data]# ls
liweiming  lost+found  test


[root@web02 dd_data]# lvdisplay -m
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/vg/lv
  LV Name                lv
  VG Name                vg
  LV UUID                bm5k1e-hD8k-cZhf-EfD9-NP2g-Scr0-Meh8Yr
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time web02.riyimei.cn, 2018-11-15 07:53:10 +0000
  LV Status              available
  # open                 1
  LV Size                6.00 GiB
  Current LE             1536
  Mirrored volumes       2
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           253:3
  --- Segments ---
  Logical extents 0 to 1535:
    Type        mirror
    Monitoring        monitored
    Mirrors        2
    Mirror size        1536
    Mirror log volume    lv_mlog
    Mirror region size    512.00 KiB
    Mirror original:
      Logical volume    lv_mimage_0
      Logical extents    0 to 1535
    Mirror destinations:
      Logical volume    lv_mimage_1
      Logical extents    0 to 1535


[root@web02 dd_data]# lvs -a -o name,copy_percent,devices vg
  LV            Cpy%Sync Devices                      
  lv            100.00   lv_mimage_0(0),lv_mimage_1(0)
  [lv_mimage_0]          /dev/sdd1(0)                 
  [lv_mimage_1]          /dev/sdc1(0)                 
  [lv_mlog]              /dev/sdc1(1536)              
[root@web02 dd_data]# lvs --all --segments -o +devices
  LV            VG   Attr       #Str Type   SSize Devices                      
  lv            vg   mwi-aom---    2 mirror 6.00g lv_mimage_0(0),lv_mimage_1(0)
  [lv_mimage_0] vg   iwi-aom---    1 linear 6.00g /dev/sdd1(0)                 
  [lv_mimage_1] vg   iwi-aom---    1 linear 6.00g /dev/sdc1(0)                 
  [lv_mlog]     vg   lwi-aom---    1 linear 4.00m /dev/sdc1(1536)              
[root@web02 dd_data]#



[root@lvm ~]# lvconvert -m0 /dev/mapper/vgtest-lvtest
Are you sure you want to convert raid1 LV vgtest/lvtest to type linear losing all resilience? [y/n]: y Logical volume vgtest/lvtest successfully converted. [root@lvm ~]# lvdisplay -m --- Logical volume --- LV Path /dev/vgtest/lvtest LV Name lvtest VG Name vgtest LV UUID SYCcLe-3RgP-aUj0-Fnef-eODz-cLoK-YtF4iM LV Write Access read/write LV Creation host, time lvm, 2018-11-27 15:20:19 +0800 LV Status available # open 1 LV Size 5.00 GiB Current LE 1280 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 8192 Block device 253:9 --- Segments --- Logical extents 0 to 1279: Type linear Physical volume /dev/sdd1 Physical extents 1 to 1280 --- Logical volume --- LV Path /dev/vg_root/lv_opt LV Name lv_opt VG Name vg_root LV UUID 24eBV3-UY8L-Yuel-2jKm-VlDC-sQMV-zQODY7 LV Write Access read/write LV Creation host, time localhost, 2018-11-15 14:32:30 +0800 LV Status available # open 1 LV Size <15.50 GiB Current LE 3967 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 8192 Block device 253:1 --- Segments --- Logical extents 0 to 3966: Type linear Physical volume /dev/sda3 Physical extents 0 to 3966 --- Logical volume --- LV Path /dev/vg_root/lv_tmp LV Name lv_tmp VG Name vg_root LV UUID 73xbdz-RV5j-ifd0-npSE-g2Ut-6P52-dHyhaZ LV Write Access read/write LV Creation host, time localhost, 2018-11-15 14:32:32 +0800 LV Status available # open 1 LV Size 4.00 GiB Current LE 1024 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 8192 Block device 253:2 --- Segments --- Logical extents 0 to 1023: Type linear Physical volume /dev/sda3 Physical extents 3967 to 4990 --- Logical volume --- LV Path /dev/vg_root/lv_home LV Name lv_home VG Name vg_root LV UUID 7TzF7z-l4eL-LcZl-Dv6h-nfCC-3Ysd-HnhNqb LV Write Access read/write LV Creation host, time localhost, 2018-11-15 14:32:34 +0800 LV Status available # open 1 LV Size 4.00 GiB Current LE 1024 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 8192 Block device 253:3 --- Segments --- Logical extents 0 to 1023: Type linear Physical volume /dev/sda3 Physical extents 4991 to 6014 --- Logical volume --- LV Path /dev/vg_root/lv_var LV Name lv_var VG Name vg_root LV UUID fnck2V-dYdH-3h0R-qXai-Y1pz-YoDn-Xd1t0c LV Write Access read/write LV Creation host, time localhost, 2018-11-15 14:32:35 +0800 LV Status available # open 1 LV Size 10.00 GiB Current LE 2560 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 8192 Block device 253:4 --- Segments --- Logical extents 0 to 2559: Type linear Physical volume /dev/sda3 Physical extents 6015 to 8574 --- Logical volume --- LV Path /dev/vg_root/lv_root LV Name lv_root VG Name vg_root LV UUID leRKJl-a7xF-k5pH-uCcl-3fHa-m6Os-gVDW07 LV Write Access read/write LV Creation host, time localhost, 2018-11-15 14:32:37 +0800 LV Status available # open 1 LV Size 15.00 GiB Current LE 3840 Segments 1 Allocation inherit Read ahead sectors auto - currently set to 8192 Block device 253:0 --- Segments --- Logical extents 0 to 3839: Type linear Physical volume /dev/sda3 Physical extents 8575 to 12414 ##扫出需要做镜像的硬盘 [root@lvm ~]# pvs PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree /dev/sda3 vg_root lvm2 a-- <48.50g 0 /dev/sdd1 vgtest lvm2 a-- <10.00g <5.00g /dev/sde1 vgtest lvm2 a-- <10.00g <10.00g

## 把线性逻辑卷做出镜像逻辑 镜像备份1份
~]# lvconvert -m 1 /dev/mapper/vgtest-lvtest /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 Are you sure you want to convert linear LV vgtest/lvtest to raid1 with 2 images enhancing resilience? [y/n]: y Logical volume vgtest/lvtest successfully converted. [root@lvm ~]# lvs LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert lv_home vg_root -wi-ao---- 4.00g lv_opt vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g lv_root vg_root -wi-ao---- 15.00g lv_tmp vg_root -wi-ao---- 4.00g lv_var vg_root -wi-ao---- 10.00g lvtest vgtest rwi-aor--- 5.00g 0.62 [root@lvm ~]# lvs -a -o +devices LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices lv_home vg_root -wi-ao---- 4.00g /dev/sda3(4991) lv_opt vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g /dev/sda3(0) lv_root vg_root -wi-ao---- 15.00g /dev/sda3(8575) lv_tmp vg_root -wi-ao---- 4.00g /dev/sda3(3967) lv_var vg_root -wi-ao---- 10.00g /dev/sda3(6015) lvtest vgtest rwi-aor--- 5.00g 6.20 lvtest_rimage_0(0),lvtest_rimage_1(0) [lvtest_rimage_0] vgtest iwi-aor--- 5.00g /dev/sdd1(1) [lvtest_rimage_1] vgtest Iwi-aor--- 5.00g /dev/sde1(1) [lvtest_rmeta_0] vgtest ewi-aor--- 4.00m /dev/sdd1(0) [lvtest_rmeta_1] vgtest ewi-aor--- 4.00m /dev/sde1(0) [root@lvm ~]# lvs -a -o name,copy_percent,devices vgtest LV Cpy%Sync Devices lvtest 14.68 lvtest_rimage_0(0),lvtest_rimage_1(0) [lvtest_rimage_0] /dev/sdd1(1) [lvtest_rimage_1] /dev/sde1(1) [lvtest_rmeta_0] /dev/sdd1(0) [lvtest_rmeta_1] /dev/sde1(0)





[BEGIN] 2018/11/27 22:23:20
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press Ctrl+Alt+].
Last login: Tue Nov 27 16:02:26 2018 from 172-5-0-243.lightspeed.oshkwi.sbcglobal.net
[root@lvm ~]# 
[root@lvm ~]# lvs -a -o name,copy_percent,devices vgtest
  LV                Cpy%Sync Devices                              
  lvtest            100.00   lvtest_rimage_0(0),lvtest_rimage_1(0)
  [lvtest_rimage_1]          /dev/sdd1(1)                         
  [lvtest_rmeta_1]           /dev/sdd1(0)                         
[root@lvm ~]# lvs -a -o +devices
  LV                VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices                              
  lv_home           vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(4991)                      
  lv_opt            vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                     /dev/sda3(0)                         
  lv_root           vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(8575)                      
  lv_tmp            vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(3967)                      
  lv_var            vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(6015)                      
  lvtest            vgtest  rwi-aor-r-   5.00g                                    100.00           lvtest_rimage_0(0),lvtest_rimage_1(0)
  [lvtest_rimage_0] vgtest  vwi-aor-r-   5.00g                                                                                          
  [lvtest_rimage_1] vgtest  iwi-aor---   5.00g                                                     /dev/sdd1(1)                         
  [lvtest_rmeta_0]  vgtest  ewi-aor-r-   4.00m                                                                                          
  [lvtest_rmeta_1]  vgtest  ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                     /dev/sdd1(0)                         
[root@lvm ~]# pvs
  PV         VG      Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree  
  /dev/sda3  vg_root lvm2 a--  <48.50g      0 
  /dev/sdd1  vgtest  lvm2 a--  <10.00g   4.99g
  /dev/sde1  vgtest  lvm2 a--  <10.00g <10.00g
[root@lvm ~]# vgs
  VG      #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree  
  vg_root   1   5   0 wz--n- <48.50g      0 
  vgtest    2   1   0 wz--n-  19.99g <14.99g
[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor-r-   5.00g                                    100.00          
[root@lvm ~]# lvconvert -m1 /dev/vgtest/lvtest /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1
Are you sure you want to convert raid1 LV vgtest/lvtest to 2 images enhancing resilience? [y/n]: y
  WARNING: vgtest/lvtest already has image count of 2.
  Logical volume vgtest/lvtest successfully converted.
[root@lvm ~]# lvs -a -o +devices
  LV                VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices                              
  lv_home           vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(4991)                      
  lv_opt            vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                     /dev/sda3(0)                         
  lv_root           vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(8575)                      
  lv_tmp            vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(3967)                      
  lv_var            vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(6015)                      
  lvtest            vgtest  rwi-aor-r-   5.00g                                    100.00           lvtest_rimage_0(0),lvtest_rimage_1(0)
  [lvtest_rimage_0] vgtest  vwi-aor-r-   5.00g                                                                                          
  [lvtest_rimage_1] vgtest  iwi-aor---   5.00g                                                     /dev/sdd1(1)                         
  [lvtest_rmeta_0]  vgtest  ewi-aor-r-   4.00m                                                                                          
  [lvtest_rmeta_1]  vgtest  ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                     /dev/sdd1(0)                         
[root@lvm ~]# lvconvert --repair  /dev/mapper/vgtest-lvtest
  WARNING: Disabling lvmetad cache for repair command.
  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because of repair.
Attempt to replace failed RAID images (requires full device resync)? [y/n]: y
  Faulty devices in vgtest/lvtest successfully replaced.
[root@lvm ~]# lvs -a -o +devices
  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because a repair command was run.
  LV                VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices                              
  lv_home           vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(4991)                      
  lv_opt            vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                     /dev/sda3(0)                         
  lv_root           vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(8575)                      
  lv_tmp            vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(3967)                      
  lv_var            vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                     /dev/sda3(6015)                      
  lvtest            vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    1.17             lvtest_rimage_0(0),lvtest_rimage_1(0)
  [lvtest_rimage_0] vgtest  Iwi-aor---   5.00g                                                     /dev/sde1(1)                         
  [lvtest_rimage_1] vgtest  iwi-aor---   5.00g                                                     /dev/sdd1(1)                         
  [lvtest_rmeta_0]  vgtest  ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                     /dev/sde1(0)                         
  [lvtest_rmeta_1]  vgtest  ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                     /dev/sdd1(0)                         
[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because a repair command was run.
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    16.20           
[root@lvm ~]# df -h
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_root   15G  1.4G   14G   9% /
devtmpfs                     908M     0  908M   0% /dev
tmpfs                        920M     0  920M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                        920M  9.0M  911M   1% /run
tmpfs                        920M     0  920M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_opt    16G   33M   16G   1% /opt
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_home  4.0G   33M  4.0G   1% /home
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_var    10G  125M  9.9G   2% /var
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_tmp   4.0G   33M  4.0G   1% /tmp
/dev/sda1                    509M  139M  371M  28% /boot
tmpfs                        184M     0  184M   0% /run/user/0
/dev/mapper/vgtest-lvtest    5.0G   33M  5.0G   1% /lvdata

[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because a repair command was run.
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    55.62           
[root@lvm ~]# lvdisplay /dev/vgtest/mirror
  Failed to find logical volume "vgtest/mirror"
[root@lvm ~]# lvdisplay /dev/vgtest/lvtest 
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/vgtest/lvtest
  LV Name                lvtest
  VG Name                vgtest
  LV UUID                SYCcLe-3RgP-aUj0-Fnef-eODz-cLoK-YtF4iM
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time lvm, 2018-11-27 15:20:19 +0800
  LV Status              available
  # open                 1
  LV Size                5.00 GiB
  Current LE             1280
  Mirrored volumes       2
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     8192
  Block device           253:9
[root@lvm ~]# 
[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    85.16           
[root@lvm ~]# pvs
  PV         VG      Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
  /dev/sda3  vg_root lvm2 a--  <48.50g    0 
  /dev/sdd1  vgtest  lvm2 a--  <10.00g 4.99g
  /dev/sde1  vgtest  lvm2 a--  <10.00g 4.99g
[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    90.04           
[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    100.00          

[root@lvm ~]# systemctl status  lvm2-lvmetad.service 
● lvm2-lvmetad.service - LVM2 metadata daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lvm2-lvmetad.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-11-28 06:36:51 CST; 4ms ago
     Docs: man:lvmetad(8)
 Main PID: 5124 (systemd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/lvm2-lvmetad.service
           └─5124 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22

Nov 28 06:36:51 lvm systemd[1]: lvm2-lvmetad.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Nov 28 06:36:51 lvm systemd[1]: Unit lvm2-lvmetad.service entered failed state.
Nov 28 06:36:51 lvm systemd[1]: lvm2-lvmetad.service failed.
Nov 28 06:36:51 lvm systemd[1]: Started LVM2 metadata daemon.
Nov 28 06:36:51 lvm systemd[1]: Starting LVM2 metadata daemon...
[root@lvm ~]# systemctl stop  lvm2-lvmetad.service 
Warning: Stopping lvm2-lvmetad.service, but it can still be activated by:

[root@lvm ~]# systemctl restart  lvm2-lvmetad.service 
[root@lvm ~]# systemctl status  lvm2-lvmetad.service 
● lvm2-lvmetad.service - LVM2 metadata daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lvm2-lvmetad.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-11-28 06:37:17 CST; 5s ago
     Docs: man:lvmetad(8)
 Main PID: 5161 (lvmetad)
   CGroup: /system.slice/lvm2-lvmetad.service
           └─5161 /usr/sbin/lvmetad -f

Nov 28 06:37:17 lvm systemd[1]: Started LVM2 metadata daemon.
Nov 28 06:37:17 lvm systemd[1]: Starting LVM2 metadata daemon...
[root@lvm ~]# lvs
  LV      VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  lv_home vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_opt  vg_root -wi-ao---- <15.50g                                                    
  lv_root vg_root -wi-ao----  15.00g                                                    
  lv_tmp  vg_root -wi-ao----   4.00g                                                    
  lv_var  vg_root -wi-ao----  10.00g                                                    
  lvtest  vgtest  rwi-aor---   5.00g                                    100.00          


posted @ 2018-11-28 09:52  Eren.li  阅读(2527)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报