using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;

namespace Pub.Class
/// <summary>
/// 生成分页SQL代码
/// </summary>
public class GetPager
#region 私有成员
private string _tblName;
private string _fldKey;
private string _fldFields;
private int _PageSize;
private int _PageIndex;
private string _strWhere;
private string _strOrder;
private int _OrderType = -1;
private int _doCount;
private int _State = 0;

#region 属性
/// <summary>
/// 表名
/// </summary>
public string tblName { set { _tblName = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 主键
/// </summary>
public string fldKey { set { _fldKey = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 字段名
/// </summary>
public string fldFields { set { _fldFields = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 页大小
/// </summary>
public int PageSize { set { _PageSize = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 当前页
/// </summary>
public int PageIndex { set { _PageIndex = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 条件
/// </summary>
public string strWhere { set { _strWhere = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 排序字段 注意:如果使用OrderType时 strOrder只能使用一个字段排序
/// </summary>
public string strOrder { set { _strOrder = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 排序类型 注意:如果strOrder支持多个字段排序时 不能使用OrderType属性
/// </summary>
public int OrderType { set { _OrderType = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 不等0时是否输出记录数
/// </summary>
public int doCount { set { _doCount = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// 返回操作状态
/// </summary>
public int State { get { return _State; } }

#region 构造器
/// <summary>
/// 构造器
/// </summary>
public GetPager()
this._tblName = "";
this._fldKey = "";
this._fldFields = "*";
this._PageSize = 10;
this._PageIndex = 1;
this._strWhere = "";
this._strOrder = "";
this._doCount = 0;
this._OrderType = -1;
/// <summary>
/// 构造器
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tblName">表名</param>
/// <param name="fldKey">主键</param>
/// <param name="fldFields">字段名</param>
/// <param name="PageSize">页大小</param>
/// <param name="PageIndex">当前页</param>
/// <param name="strWhere">条件</param>
/// <param name="strOrder">排序</param>
/// <param name="orderType">1ASC/2DESC排序类型</param>
/// <param name="doCount">不等0时是否输出记录数 </param>
public GetPager(string tblName, string fldKey, string fldFields, int PageSize, int PageIndex, string strWhere, string strOrder,int orderType, int doCount)
this._tblName = tblName;
this._fldKey = fldKey;
this._fldFields = fldFields;
this._PageSize = PageSize;
this._PageIndex = PageIndex;
this._strWhere = strWhere;
this._strOrder = strOrder;
this._OrderType = orderType;
this._doCount = doCount;

#region 生成SQL分页字符串
/// <summary>
/// 生成SQL字符串
/// 注意:如果使用OrderType!=-1时 strOrder只能使用一个字段排序,并且调用strSqlSingleOrder方法
/// 否则调用strSqlUseNotIn方法
/// </summary>
/// <returns>生成SQL字符串</returns>
public string StrSql() {
if (_OrderType == -1) return StrSqlUseNotIn(); else return StrSqlSingleOrder();
/// <summary>
/// 使用not in
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string StrSqlUseNotIn()
string _strSQL="";

if (_doCount != 0){
if (_strWhere !="")
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere;
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName ;
else {
if (_strOrder != "") _strOrder = " order by " + _strOrder + " ";
if (_PageIndex == 1){
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere + _strOrder;
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " " + _strOrder;
else {
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select top " + _PageSize + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " where ( " + _fldKey + " not in (select top " + (_PageSize * (_PageIndex-1)) + " " +
+ " from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere + _strOrder + ")) and (" + _strWhere + ") " + _strOrder ;
= "select top "+ _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " where ( " + _fldKey + " not in (select top " + (_PageSize * (_PageIndex-1)) + " " +
+ " from " + _tblName + " " + _strOrder + ")) " + _strOrder ;
return _strSQL;
/// <summary>
/// 只支持单个字段排序
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string StrSqlSingleOrder()
string _strSQL = "", _strTmp = "", __strOrder,___strOrder;

if (_doCount != 0) {
if (_strWhere !="")
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere;
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName;
else {
= _fldKey;
if (_fldKey.Split('.').Length > 1) ___strOrder = _fldKey.Split('.')[1];
if (_OrderType != 0) {
= "<(select min";
= " order by " + _strOrder + " desc";
else {
= ">(select max";
= " order by " + _strOrder +" asc";
if (_PageIndex == 1){
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields+ " from " + _tblName + " where " +
+ " " + __strOrder;
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " " + __strOrder;
else {
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " +_fldFields + " from " + _tblName +
" where " + _fldKey + _strTmp + "(" + ___strOrder + ") from (select top " +
- 1) * _PageSize) + " " + _fldKey + " from " + _tblName + " " + __strOrder + ") as tblTmp) " + __strOrder;
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " +_fldFields + " from " + _tblName +
" where " + _fldKey + _strTmp + "(" + ___strOrder + ") from (select top " +
- 1) * _PageSize) + " " + _fldKey + " from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere + " " +
+ ") as tblTmp) and " + _strWhere + " " + __strOrder;
return _strSQL;
/// <summary>
/// 没使用not in
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string StrSqlNoUseNotIn()
string _strSQL = "", __strOrder1 = "", __strOrder2 = "";

if (_doCount != 0){
if (_strWhere !="")
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere;
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName ;
else {
if (_strOrder != "") {
string[] OrderArr = _strOrder.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i <= OrderArr.Length - 1; i++) {
string[] strOrderArr1 = OrderArr[i].Trim().Split(' ');
string[] strOrderArr2 = OrderArr[i].Trim().Split('.');
string __strOrder3 = (strOrderArr1.Length == 1) ? strOrderArr1[0] + " desc" : strOrderArr1[0] + (strOrderArr1[strOrderArr1.Length-1]=="desc"?" asc":" desc");
string[] strOrderArr3 = __strOrder3.Trim().Split('.');
= (strOrderArr3.Length == 1) ? __strOrder1 + strOrderArr3[0] : __strOrder1 + strOrderArr3[1] + ",";
= (strOrderArr2.Length == 1) ? __strOrder2 + strOrderArr2[0] : __strOrder2 + strOrderArr2[1] + ",";
= " order by " + __strOrder1.TrimEnd(',');
= " order by " + __strOrder2.TrimEnd(',');
= " order by " + _strOrder;
if (_PageIndex == 1){
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere + _strOrder;
= "select top " + _PageSize.ToString() + " " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " " + _strOrder;
else {
if (_strWhere != "") _strWhere = " where " + _strWhere;
= "select * from ( " +
" SELECT TOP " + _PageSize.ToString() + " * from ( " +
" select top " + (_PageSize * _PageIndex) + " " + _fldFields + " " +
" from " + _tblName + " " +
" " + _strWhere + " " +
" " + _strOrder + " " +
" ) as _a " + __strOrder1 + " " +
") as _b " + __strOrder2 + " ";
return _strSQL;
/// <summary>
/// MySql分页
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string StrMySql() {
string _strSQL="";

if (_doCount != 0){
if (_strWhere !="")
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere;
= "select count(" + this._fldKey + ") as Total from " + _tblName ;
else {
if (_strOrder != "") _strOrder = " order by " + _strOrder + " ";
if (_PageIndex == 1){
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere + _strOrder + " limit 0," + _PageSize.ToString();
= "select " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " " + _strOrder + " limit 0," + _PageSize.ToString();
else {
if (_strWhere != "")
= "select " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " where " + _strWhere + _strOrder + " limit " + ((_PageIndex-1) * _PageSize) + "," + _PageSize.ToString();
= "select " + _fldFields + " from " + _tblName + " " + _strOrder + " limit " + ((_PageIndex-1) * _PageSize) + "," + _PageSize.ToString();
return _strSQL;


posted @ 2010-07-05 21:31  熊哥  阅读(1361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报