IE10标准模式不支持HTC (Html Components) ,升级重写Htc原有代码之三: mpc.htc选项卡组件
有了之前两文( 事件,自定义属性)的积累后,就可以对mpc.htc选项卡组件进行升级改造了。
关于这个mpc选项卡的介绍,可以参考msdn上的:mpc Behavior
2.去掉无用的Event, Method。
5.修改原有的DoInit, MakeContent, MakeTab等方法。

<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // File: // // Description: This behavior allows web authors to a tabbed dialog // style control for grouping information on a page. // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- --> //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Global Variables // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var selectedIndex; var CumulativeTabWidth var ContainerHeight var TABTEXT var TABTITLE var StyleInfo; var StyleRules = new Array(); var iIndex = null; var bReady = false; var ThisObject; var element; var parentElement; var uniqueID; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DoInit // // Description: Calls functions, set variables, and attaches events to // initialize behavior // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DoBeforeInit() { var containers= document.getElementsByTagName("mpc:container"); for(i=0;i<containers.length;i++) { tagName = "container"; ThisObject = containers[i]; DoInit(); } var pages = document.getElementsByTagName("mpc:page") for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) { tagName = "page"; ThisObject = pages[i]; element = pages[i]; parentElement = pages[i].parentElement; TABTEXT = pages[i].getAttribute("tabtext"); TABTITLE = pages[i].getAttribute("tabtitle"); innerHTML = pages[i].innerHTML; DoInit(); } } function DoInit() { //if container.... if(tagName=="container") { = "absolute"; CumulativeTabWidth = -1; if(selectedIndex==null) selectedIndex = 1; SetDefaults(); ContainerHeight =; } //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* //if page..... if (tagName == "page") { var iIndex = null; for(c=0; c<parentElement.children.length; c++) { if (element == parentElement.children(c)) { iIndex = c + 1; } } uniqueID="ms__id" + iIndex; //create and insert the HTML that is the content area for the tab MakeContent(); //determine the width of this tab, using a simple algorithm (fairly reliable, //since the font family and size are restricted var factor = 1; if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(TABTEXT)) { factor = 18; } else { factor = 7; } var iWidth = factor * parseInt(TABTEXT.length); //create and insert the HTML that is the tab if (parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth==null) parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth = -1; MakeTab(parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth + 1, iWidth+6, TABTEXT, TABTITLE, iIndex); //reset CumulativeTabWidth parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth = parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth + iWidth + 18; //create a stylesheet for the tab CreatePageStyleSheet(); //determine which tab in the collection this one is. If last, do some configuring var Tabs = window.document.all("Tab"); if(parentElement.children.length == 1) { SelectTab(); SelectContent(); } else { if(Tabs.length >= parentElement.children.length) { SelectTab(); SelectContent(); } } } attachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChange); bReady = true; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ChangeTab // // Description: Change One tab to another tab // // Arguments: Index // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChangeTab(Index) { selectedIndex = Index; DeselectTab(); SelectTab(); DeselectContent(); SelectContent(); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MakeContent // // Description: Makes Content Area that holds content // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MakeContent(iIndex) { var sHTML = '<DIV onclick="window.event.cancelBubble = true" CLASS=DormantContent_' + uniqueID + '>' + innerHTML + '</DIV>'; innerHTML = ""; element.innerHTML = sHTML; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MakeTab // // Description: Makes Tabs // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MakeTab(iLeft, iWidth, sLabel, sTitle, iIndex) { var sTopDisplay = null; var sBottomDisplay = null; if ( != "" && == "TOP") { sTopDisplay = "inline"; sBottomDisplay = "none"; } if ( != "" && == "BOTTOM") { sTopDisplay = "none"; sBottomDisplay = "inline"; } var sHTML = ""; sHTML = sHTML + '<TABLE ID=Tab onclick="ChangeTab(' + iIndex + ')" CLASS=DormantTab_' + uniqueID + ' index=' + iIndex + ' CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 STYLE="left:' + iLeft + 'px">'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TR STYLE="display:' + sTopDisplay + '">'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px; height:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=LightShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '</TR>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TR STYLE="display:' + sTopDisplay + '">'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + ' STYLE="height:1px"></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=LightShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Tab_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=DarkShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '</TR>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TR>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=LightShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Tab_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Tab_' + uniqueID + ' TITLE="' + sTitle + '" STYLE="font:9pt MS Sans Serif; width:' + iWidth + 'px; height:20px; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px">' + sLabel + '</TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=MediumShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=DarkShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '</TR>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TR STYLE="display:' + sBottomDisplay + '">'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + ' STYLE="height:1px"></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=LightShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Tab_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=DarkShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '</TR>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TR STYLE="display:' + sBottomDisplay + '">'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px; height:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD CLASS=DarkShadow_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '<TD STYLE="width:1px" CLASS=Transparent_' + uniqueID + '></TD>'; sHTML = sHTML + '</TR>'; sHTML = sHTML + '</TABLE>'; element.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd', sHTML); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CreatePageStyleSheet // // Description: // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreatePageStyleSheet() { // Create Page StyleSheet page element.document.body.MPCPageStyleSheet = element.document.createStyleSheet(); StyleInfo = element.document.body.MPCPageStyleSheet; //get values of container background color and foreground color var sForeColor = + "\9\0"; var sBackColor = + "\9\0"; //determine value of iTop for placement of tabs var iTop = null; if( !="" && == "TOP") iTop = -22; if( !="" && == "BOTTOM") iTop = - 2; StyleInfo.addRule( '.Transparent_' + uniqueID, 'width:1px; height:1px; font-size:0px'); StyleRules['Transparent'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule( '.LightShadow_' + uniqueID, 'background:white; font-size:0px'); StyleRules['LightShadow'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule( '.MediumShadow_' + uniqueID, 'background:gray; font-size:0px'); StyleRules['MediumShadow'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule( '.DarkShadow_' + uniqueID, 'background:black; font-size:0px'); StyleRules['DarkShadow'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule('.Tab_' + uniqueID, 'background:' + sBackColor + '; border-top:solid 1px white; height:50px; color:' + sForeColor); StyleRules['Tab'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule('.DormantTab_' + uniqueID, 'position:absolute; z-index:2; border-left:solid 1px white; border-top:solid 1px white; border-bottom:solid 1px white; border-right:solid 1 white;cursor:default'); StyleRules['DormantTab'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule( '.ActiveTab_' + uniqueID, 'position:absolute; z-index:4; cursor:default'); StyleRules['ActiveTab'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule( '.DormantContent_' + uniqueID, 'position:absolute; visibility:hidden; top:3px; left:0px; background:silver'); StyleRules['DormantContent'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; StyleInfo.addRule('.ActiveContent_' + uniqueID, 'position:absolute; top:15px; height:100%; width:100%; border-left:solid 1px white; border-bottom:solid 1px; border-right:solid 1 black; background:' + sBackColor + '; z-index:3'); StyleRules['ActiveContent'] = StyleInfo.rules[StyleInfo.rules.length-1].style; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetDefaults // // Description: Called during the initialization of the behavior. Sets // the defaults for custom CSS properties (calls the // CustomDefault() function), regular CSS properties (the // NormalDefault() function), and attribute/properties. // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetDefaults() { if(tagName=="container") { CustomDefault('td--tab-orientation', 'tdTabOrientation', 'top'); NormalDefault('width', 'auto'); NormalDefault('height', 'auto'); NormalDefault('background', 'buttonface'); NormalDefault('color', 'buttontext'); } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CustomDefault // // Description: Sets the defaults for custom CSS properties and establishes // a scriptable name for the property // // Arguments: sCSSName - the CSS name of the property // sScriptName - the desired Scriptable name of the property // sDefault - the desired default value // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CustomDefault(sCSSName, sScriptName, sDefault) { if (ThisObject.currentStyle[sCSSName] == null) {[sCSSName] = sDefault; } else[sCSSName] = ThisObject.currentStyle[sCSSName];[sScriptName] =[sCSSName]; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: NormalDefault // // Description: Sets the defaults for CSS properties by checking the // currentStyle and style of the object against the IE // default. // // Arguments: sCSSName - the CSS name of the property // sIEDefault - the IE standard default of the property // sDefault - the desired default of the property // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NormalDefault(sCSSName, sDefault) { if ([sCSSName] == "" ||[sCSSName] == null) {[sCSSName] = sDefault; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SelectTab // // Description: Selects the selected tab // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SelectTab() { var oContainer = null; if(tagName=="container") { oContainer = element; } if(tagName=="page") { oContainer = parentElement; } //handle the possibility that selectedIndex is a string. Change it to an integer. if(isNaN(parseInt(selectedIndex))) { //alert("oContainer.selectedIndex=" + selectedIndex); for(i=0; i<oContainer.children.length; i++) { if(oContainer.children(i).getAttribute("TABTEXT")==selectedIndex) { selectedIndex = i + 1; } } if(isNaN(parseInt(selectedIndex))) selectedIndex = 1; } if(selectedIndex > oContainer.children.length) { var TempClass = oContainer.children(0).children(1).getAttribute("class"); TempClass = "ActiveTab" + TempClass.substring(TempClass.indexOf("_"), TempClass.length); oContainer.children(0).children(1).setAttribute("class") = TempClass; return; } var TempClass = oContainer.children(selectedIndex - 1).children(1).getAttribute("class"); TempClass = "ActiveTab" + TempClass.substring(TempClass.indexOf("_"), TempClass.length); oContainer.children(selectedIndex - 1).children(1).className = TempClass; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DeselectTab // // Description: Deselects the selected tab // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DeselectTab() { var oContainer = null; if (tagName == "container") oContainer = element; if (tagName == "page") oContainer = parentElement; for (i = 0; i < oContainer.children.length; i++) { var TempClass = oContainer.children(i).children(1).className; TempClass = "DormantTab" + TempClass.substring(TempClass.indexOf("_"), TempClass.length); oContainer.children(i).children(1).className = TempClass; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SelectContent // // Description: Selects the selected content page // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SelectContent() { var oContainer = null; if(tagName=="container") oContainer = element; if(tagName=="page") oContainer = parentElement; if(selectedIndex > oContainer.children.length) { var TempClass = oContainer.children(0).children(0).getAttribute("class"); TempClass = "ActiveContent" + TempClass.substring(TempClass.indexOf("_"), TempClass.length); oContainer.children(0).children(0).className = TempClass; return; } var TempClass = oContainer.children(selectedIndex-1).children(0).getAttribute("class"); TempClass = "ActiveContent" + TempClass.substring(TempClass.indexOf("_"), TempClass.length); oContainer.children(selectedIndex-1).children(0).className = TempClass; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DeselectContent // // Description: Deselects the selected tab // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DeselectContent() { var oContainer = null; if (tagName == "container") oContainer = element; if (tagName == "page") oContainer = parentElement; for (i = 0; i < oContainer.children.length; i++) { var TempClass = oContainer.children(i).children(0).className; TempClass = "DormantContent" + TempClass.substring(TempClass.indexOf("_"), TempClass.length); oContainer.children(i).children(0).className = TempClass; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetTabTop // // Description: Sets the top position of the tabs, based on container.tdTabOrientation // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetTabTop() { var sOrient = null; var iTop = null; var iHeight = null; if (tagName == "container") sOrient = style.tdTabOrientation.toUpperCase(); if (tagName == "page") sOrient =; var Tabs = window.document.all("Tab"); if (sOrient == "TOP") iTop = -21; if (sOrient == "BOTTOM" && tagName == "container") iTop = style.posHeight - 1; if (sOrient == "BOTTOM" && tagName == "page") { if (isNaN(parentElement.ContainerHeight)) parentElement.ContainerHeight = 0; iTop = - 1; for (i = 0; i < parentElement.children.length; i++) { if (parentElement.children(i).children(0).offsetHeight > parentElement.ContainerHeight) { parentElement.ContainerHeight = parentElement.children(i).children(0).offsetHeight; = parentElement.ContainerHeight; } } iTop = parentElement.ContainerHeight - 1; } //if there are no tabs if (Tabs == null) return; //if there is only one tab if (Tabs.length == null) { = iTop; return; } //if there are more than 1 tab for (i = 0; i < Tabs.length; i++) { Tabs(i) = iTop; } } function SetContainerHeight() { if (isNaN( = 0; parentElement.ContainerHeight = 0; for (i = 0; i < parentElement.children.length; i++) { try { if (parentElement.children(i).children(0).offsetHeight > parentElement.ContainerHeight) { parentElement.ContainerHeight = parentElement.children(i).children(0).offsetHeight; = parentElement.ContainerHeight; } } catch (e) { } } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetTabFormat // // Description: Formats the tab for display at top or bottom orientation // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetTabFormat() { var sOrient = null; if(tagName=="container") { sOrient = style.tdTabOrientation.toUpperCase(); } if(tagName=="page") { sOrient =; } var Tabs = window.document.all("Tab"); //if there are no tabs if(Tabs==null) return; //if there is only one tab if(Tabs.length==null) { if(sOrient=="TOP") { Tabs.rows(0).style.display = "inline"; Tabs.rows(1).style.display = "inline"; Tabs.rows(3).style.display = "none"; Tabs.rows(4).style.display = "none"; } if(sOrient=="BOTTOM") { Tabs.rows(0).style.display = "none"; Tabs.rows(1).style.display = "none"; Tabs.rows(3).style.display = "inline"; Tabs.rows(4).style.display = "inline"; } return; } //if there are more than 1 tab for(i=0; i<Tabs.length; i++) { if(sOrient=="TOP") { Tabs(i).rows(0).style.display = "block"; Tabs(i).rows(1).style.display = "block"; Tabs(i).rows(3).style.display = "none"; Tabs(i).rows(4).style.display = "none"; } if(sOrient=="BOTTOM") { Tabs(i).rows(0).style.display = "none"; Tabs(i).rows(4).style.display = "block"; Tabs(i).rows(1).style.display = "none"; Tabs(i).rows(3).style.display = "block"; } } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PositionTabs // // Description: Positions all tabs. Called after resetting the label in a tab // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PositionTabs() { var iIndex = parseInt(children(1).index); iCurrentLeft = children(1).style.posLeft + children(1).offsetWidth; for(i=iIndex; i<parentElement.children.length; i++) { var CurrentTab = parentElement.children(i).children(1); = iCurrentLeft; iCurrentLeft = + CurrentTab.offsetWidth; } for(i=0; i<parentElement.children.length; i++) { parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth = parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth + parentElement.children(i).children(1).offsetWidth; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DoPropChange // // Description: Handles property changes on CSS and regular property // attributes. // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DoPropChange() { var propertyName = window.event.propertyName; detachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChange); if (propertyName.substring(0,5) == "style") { switch (propertyName) { case "style.tdTabOrientation" : SetTabTop(); SetTabFormat(); break; case "style.backgroundColor" : SetBackgroundColor(); break; case "style.color" : SetColor(); break; case "style.width" : ConfirmContainerWidth(); break; case "style.height" : if(ContainerHeight>style.posHeight) style.height = ContainerHeight; SetTabTop(); break; default : break; } } else { switch(propertyName) { case "selectedIndex" : DeselectTab(); SelectTab(); DeselectContent(); SelectContent(); //; //children(selectedIndex-1).FireFocus(); break; case "TABTITLE" : children(1).rows(2).cells(2).title = TABTITLE; break; case "TABTEXT" : children(1).rows(2).cells(2).innerText = TABTEXT; children(1).rows(2).cells(2).style.width = parseInt((TABTEXT.length*6)+8); PositionTabs(); ConfirmContainerWidth(); break; default : break; } } attachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChange); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ConfirmContainerWidth // // Description: Sets container width to Cumulative width of tabs + 10 if // container is not wide enough to accommodate tab widths // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ConfirmContainerWidth() { if (tagName == "container") { if (style.posWidth < CumulativeTabWidth + 10) { style.width = CumulativeTabWidth + 10; } } if (tagName == "page") { //skip if the container is automatically determining width if ( == 'auto') return; if ( < parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth + 10) { = parentElement.CumulativeTabWidth + 10; } } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetBackgroundColor // // Description: Sets the background color for the control // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetBackgroundColor() { if(tagName!="container") return; var Tabs = element.children; //window.external.alert(Tabs.length); if(Tabs==null) return; if(Tabs.length==null) { Tabs.children(0).style.background = style.background; Tabs.children(1).rows(2).cells(1).style.background = style.background; Tabs.children(1).rows(2).cells(2).style.background = style.background; return; } for(i=0; i<Tabs.length; i++) { Tabs(i).children(0).style.background = style.background; Tabs(i).children(1).rows(2).cells(1).style.background = style.background; Tabs(i).children(1).rows(2).cells(2).style.background = style.background; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetColor // // Description: Sets the foreground color for the control // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetColor() { if(tagName!="container") return; var Tabs = element.children; //window.external.alert(Tabs.length); if(Tabs==null) return; if(Tabs.length==null) { Tabs.children(0).style.color = style.color; Tabs.children(1).rows(2).cells(1).style.color = style.color; Tabs.children(1).rows(2).cells(2).style.color = style.color; return; } for(i=0; i<Tabs.length; i++) { Tabs(i).children(0).style.color = style.color; Tabs(i).children(1).rows(2).cells(1).style.color = style.color; Tabs(i).children(1).rows(2).cells(2).style.color = style.color; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: FireFocus // // Description: Fires the onfocus event // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FireFocus() {; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsReady // // Description: Returns whether initialization is completed or not // // Arguments: none // // Returns: true if initialization is completed, otherwise false // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IsReady() { return bReady; }
<HTML xmlns:mpc="mpc"> <HEAD> <TITLE ></TITLE> <META http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" /> <SCRIPT language="javascript" src="ie10_mp2c_htc.js" type="text/javascript"> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onload="DoBeforeInit()"> <FORM method="post" > <mpc:container xmlns:mpc="mpc" STYLE="top:25; width:600px; height:480px"> <mpc:page TABTITLE="Page 1" TABTEXT="China"> <p> <input type="text" id="tid" value="China" /> </p> </mpc:page> <mpc:page TABTITLE="Page 2" TABTEXT="American"> <p> <input type="text" id="Text1" value="American" /> </p> </mpc:page> <mpc:page TABTITLE="Page 3" TABTEXT="France"> </p> <p> <input type="text" id="Text2" value="France" /> </p> </mpc:page> <mpc:page TABTITLE="Page 4" TABTEXT="German"> <p> <input type="text" id="Text3" value="German" /> </p> </mpc:page> </mpc:container> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>
至此,因为IE10标准模式不支持HTC ,升级重写Htc原有代码系列的三文已经全了,总体来说,虽然htc死了,但是,其尸体经过一些包装处理后,还是能继续获得新生的,这就是所谓的上帝在关闭一个大门之后,同时还会打开一个窗户的道理吧!
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