Jasper_passValue_return value from the subreport to main report

create a variable In subreport  say returnValue

variable class type --> whatever u want

calculation type --> nothing

reset type and increment type -->none

variable expression --> value you want to return


In main report create variable with same name as returnValue

variable class type --> same as return type

calculation type --> nothing

reset type and increment type -->none

variable expression --> blank


In main report  Subreport --> properties -->Subreport(other)-->subreport return values-->add

Subreport variable--> variable name as returnValue(u want to return) 

local destination variable --> main report variable (returnValue)

calculation type --> nothing

and use that variable wherever u want .

posted @ 2016-11-14 16:28  天天好心情啊  阅读(228)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报