
















echo "$3" | grep -q '/trunk';if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "未找到trunk字段,请检查待更新文件列表是否规范";exit 3;fi

echo "$3" | grep '/trunk' | awk -F '/trunk' '{print $2}' >> "$file_update_list"


chmod 777 $file_update_list


##流水线脚本如下( input部分可去掉,'Online'是自定义的,stage可多个):

pipeline {

            agent {

                       label 'master' /* 执行节点 */


            stages {

                       stage('Online') {

                                   steps {

                                           input "Are you sure to commit?"

                                               sh "/bin/bash /data/shell/yhz_online_update.sh '$Comment' '$Version' '$Content'"




            post {

                       always {

                                   echo 'One way or another, I have finished'

                                   deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */


                       success {

                                   echo 'I succeeeded!'


                       unstable {

                                   echo 'I am unstable :/'


                       failure {

                                   echo 'I failed :('


                       changed {

                                   echo 'Things were different before...'






posted on 2019-09-06 16:39  绿洲2017  阅读(2089)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报