
Key Concepts key概念

database field key field set
field value measurement point
retention policy series tag key
tag set tag value timestamp
Check out the Glossary if you prefer the cold, hard facts.

下面引用数据下打印出来。数据是虚构的,但代表了InfluxDB一个可信的设置。它们显示了 butterflies和honeybees be counts((langstroth and perpetua)) in two locations (0 或者 1) 在从2015年8月18日午夜至2015年8月18日在上午06点12分的时间段
name: census
time butterflies honeybees location scientist
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 12 23 1 langstroth
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1 30 1 perpetua
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 11 28 1 langstroth
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 3 28 1 perpetua
2015-08-18T05:54:00Z 2 11 2 langstroth
2015-08-18T06:00:00Z 1 10 2 langstroth
2015-08-18T06:06:00Z 8 23 2 perpetua
2015-08-18T06:12:00Z 7 22 2 perpetua

time。在上述数据有一个名为列 time 在InfluxDB所有数据列都有 ,time 存储时间戳和时间戳示出了具有特定数据相关联的日期和时间,在RFC3339 UTC。

接下来的两列,称为butterflies and honeybees 是字段。field keys and field values,Field keys (butterflies and honeybees) are strings and they store metadata; the field key butterflies tells us that the field values 12-7 refer to butterflies and the field key honeybees tells us that the field values 23-22 refer to, well, honeybees.

12 23
1 30
11 28
3 28
2 11
1 10
8 23
7 22

在上面的数据,field-key and field-value pairs 的集合构成了一个filed set。这里是所有filed set集样本数据:

butterflies = 12 honeybees = 23
butterflies = 1 honeybees = 30
butterflies = 11 honeybees = 28
butterflies = 3 honeybees = 28
butterflies = 2 honeybees = 11
butterflies = 1 honeybees = 10
butterflies = 8 honeybees = 23
butterflies = 7 honeybees = 22

字段是一个需要一块InfluxDB的数据结构 - 你不能没有字段InfluxDB数据
It’s also important to note that fields are not indexed. Queries that use field values as filters must scan all values that match the other conditions条件 in the query.


最后两列中的采样数据,称为location and scientist 是标签 标签是由标签键和标签值的。这两个标签键和标签值作为字符串存储和记录元数据

在样本数据的标签键是location and scientist 标签键 location 有两个变量值:1和2。 标签键 scientist 同样有两个变量值为langstroth and perpetua.

In the data above, the tag set is the different combinations of all the tag key-value pairs. The four tag sets in the sample data are:
location = 1, scientist = langstroth
location = 2, scientist = langstroth
location = 1, scientist = perpetua
location = 2, scientist = perpetua

标记是可选的。你不需要有标签的数据结构,但它通常是一个好方法,利用它们,因为不像字段,标签是可以被索引的 这意味着,在查询标签是速度更快,这标签是理想的用于存储常用-查询的元数据

Why indexing matters: The schema case study Say you notice that most of your queries focus on the values of the field keys honeybees and butterflies:
SELECT * FROM "census" WHERE "butterflies" = 1
SELECT * FROM "census" WHERE "honeybees" = 23

Because fields aren’t indexed, InfluxDB scans every value of butterflies in the first query and every value of honeybees in the second query before it provides a response.
因为字段没有索引,InfluxDB扫描butterflies的每个值 在第一次查询honeybees的每一个值 在第二个查询之前它提供了一个响应
这种行为会伤害查询响应时间 - 尤其是在更大的范围
要优化查询,这可能是有益的重新排列模式,使得字段(butterflies and honeybees) become the tags and the tags (location and scientist) become the fields: name: census

name: census
time location scientist butterflies honeybees
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1 langstroth 12 23
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1 perpetua 1 30
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 1 langstroth 11 28
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 1 perpetua 3 28
2015-08-18T05:54:00Z 2 langstroth 2 11
2015-08-18T06:00:00Z 2 langstroth 1 10
2015-08-18T06:06:00Z 2 perpetua 8 23
2015-08-18T06:12:00Z 2 perpetua 7 22

measurement充当标记,字段容器中,时间列,并且measurement名称是存储在相关联的字段的数据的描述 measurement名称是字符串,而且,对于任何SQL用户在那里
The name census 告诉我们,字段值butterflies and honeybees 记录的数
不是他们的大小,方向,或某种 happiness index


单次measurement可以属于不同的保留策略。保留策略描述InfluxDB多久保存数据(DURATION) 和这些数据的多少份被存储在集群中的(cluster) 如果你有兴趣阅读更多有关保留策略,check out Database Management

在样本数据,census measurement 的一切属于AUTOGEN保留策略 InfluxDB自动创建保留策略;它具有无限持续时间,并设置到一个复制因素。

现在,你已经熟悉了measurement,标记集,和保留策略是时候来讨论系列。在InfluxDB,a series 是共享的保留策略,measurement和标记组数据的集合。以上数据包括四个series:

Arbitrary series number Retention policy Measurement Tag set
series 1 autogen census location = 1,scientist = langstroth
series 2 autogen census location = 2,scientist = langstroth
series 3 autogen census location = 1,scientist = perpetua
series 4 autogen census location = 2,scientist = perpetua


name: census
time butterflies honeybees location scientist
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1 30 1 perpetua

The series in the example is defined by the retention policy (autogen), the measurement (census), and the tag set (location = 1, scientist = perpetua). The timestamp for the point is 2015-08-18T00:00:00Z.


所有我们刚刚覆盖存储在数据库中的东西 - 样本数据在数据库MY_DATABASE
See Authentication and Authorization and Continuous Queries for more on those topics.


#,InfluxDb不需要做schema定义,这意味着你可以随意的添加measurements, tags, and fields at any time,

#,retention policy,保留策略,用于决定要保留多久的数据,保存几个备份,以及集群的策略等;
#,series,a series is the collection of data that share a retention policy, measurement, and tag set,

name: census
time location scientist butterflies honeybees
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1 langstroth 12 23
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1 perpetua 1 30
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 1 langstroth 11 28
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 1 perpetua 3 28
2015-08-18T05:54:00Z 2 langstroth 2 11
2015-08-18T06:00:00Z 2 langstroth 1 10
2015-08-18T06:06:00Z 2 perpetua 8 23
2015-08-18T06:12:00Z 2 perpetua 7 22

Arbitrary series number Retention policy Measurement Tag set
series 1 default census location = 1,scientist = langstroth
series 2 default census location = 2,scientist = langstroth
series 3 default census location = 1,scientist = perpetua
series 4 default census location = 2,scientist = perpetua

这个其实比较好理解,其实一个series就是一个测点,或者说一条曲线,那么retention policy, measurement, tagset就共同组成了一个定位测点序列的唯一标识。
Understanding the concept of a series is essential when designing your schema and when working with your data in InfluxDB.
#,InfluxDb不需要做schema定义,这意味着你可以随意的添加measurements, tags, and fields at any time,


min, max, sum, count, mean, median 一系列函数,方便统计
Native HTTP API, 内置http支持,使用http读写
Powerful Query Language 类似sql
Built-in Explorer 自带管理工具

tags,以0~n个key-value来表示,point 的属性。
以一个具体的例子来说,现在需要监控1服务器的负载,那么负载(load)就是measurement,此刻的负载值,就是field,该服务器的 ip 就可以作为tags中的一个,也可以不记 ip,因为此时我们的需求只是记录一台服务器而已。



batch 批量
continuous query (CQ)


posted @ 2016-10-31 23:39  众里寻,阑珊处  阅读(645)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报