SmartCard-3 API Description(API 描述)


Value types:
boolean: a primitive type, can be true or false
int: a primitive type, contains a 4 byte integer value
byte[]: an array of single byte (8 bits) values
String: a string of characters
Context: an object representing the execution context of an application
void: not a type, indicates that the method has no return value

Error types:
IOError: an error related to communication (I/O)
SecurityError: an error related to security conditions not being satisfied
IllegalStateError: raised when an object is used in the wrong context (e.g. being closed)
IllegalParameterError: raised when a method is given an incorrect parameter (e.g. bad format for an APDU)
IllegalReferenceError: an error occurs if the reference cannot be found
OperationNotSupportedError: an error occurs if the operation is not supported
The methods are described as followed:
<return value type> <method name> ( <parameter1 type> <parameter1 name> …)


posted @ 2012-08-14 14:43  语带悠伤  阅读(1472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报