HW01-Briefly Describe a Project.

The Project about Web——To Do List

The Nature of the Project: The project is about web design which uses html, css and javascript. It could help people record the tasks both finished and not completed. When people use the web page at the first time, they have to register their own account before logining. After logging in, users could add, modify and delete the tasks they want to record. The dates of deadline also be written. To Do List could remind you the urgent works you must finish at once. In order to achieve it, I use different colors to distinguish them.


The Initial Objectives: In order to record lots of datas, the web page must be connected to the database at first. When users register and login, the corresponding table must be created. Then, when people add, mofidy or delete information, the database should put it in correct lists and refresh the whole table. About the display of task lists for users, it will show the due date and the explicit content. When the cut-off date coming in, the color of substance will become pink. While it exceed the date, the color will become red. What’s more, when tasks finished, users could modify their state and a line will cover up the substance.


The Planing Start&Ending Dates: 2016/12/20——2017/01/08

The Actual Start&Ending Dates: 2016/12/31——2017/01/08

The List of Resources:

The development tools: node.js, JetBrains WebStorm, MySQL

The programming lauguage: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery


The outcome of the project: The database connects with the database successfully, and users could record and refresh the information. However, when I test the function of deleting, the display have to include some special symbols so that the tasks could be deleted successfully in database. About the comparing between due date and the actual date, the function which I expected have been realized. As a result, I achieve the initial objectives with some small matters.


posted @ 2017-02-28 20:03  linC_ZYX  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报