Alert Log删除

标题:Renaming or Deleting the Alert Log While an Oracle Instance is Up & Running (文档 ID 74966.1)



Can the alert log be renamed or deleted while an Oracle instance is up
and running?


Yes.  The alert log can be renamed or deleted while an Oracle instance 
is up and running.  After you rename or delete the alert log, a new alert
log is created when the next alert entry is ready to be written to the 
log file.
Caution:  Oracle recommends that you be able to retrieve the alert 
          log for debugging purposes.  If you choose to delete the 
          alert log, backup the log file to tape prior to deleting it.


posted @ 2017-05-11 14:25  gegeman  阅读(951)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报