
1 基础环境


Qt版本更替较快,一般在google里搜索Qt Download即可得到链接:https://qt-project.org/downloads ,可以在下面找到源代码下载链接.可以看到Qt的下载站点类似ftp站点:Qt目前最新的源代码包位于https://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.0/5.0.2/single/,通过URL可以得到https://download.qt-project.org/提供了所有Qt相关的内容下载,下载Qt安装包和源代码包均可按图索骥.




  • ANGLE为替代OpenGL的图形支持库,ICU为UNICODE及国际化支持库;
  • OpenSSL支持同样依赖于外部库.见https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtdoc/requirements.html
  • 编译需要Perl,创建QtWebKit依赖与Python及Ruby;
  • jom为替代nmake的构建工具,可以利用多核CPU来加速构建;
  • 使用Windows SDK 7.1编译时需要按照以下顺序完成SDK安装:
    • Install Visual Studio 2010
    • Install Windows SDK 7.1
    • Install Visual Studio 2010 SP1
    • Install Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Compiler Update for the Windows SDK 7.1


ANGLE库可以从https://code.google.com/p/angleproject/获取,但是由于其在DirectX9上实现,必须要安装DirectX SDK.(https://www.microsoft.com/en-hk/download/details.aspx?id=6812).






2 Qt5.0模块分类



Qt Core Core non-graphical classes used by other modules.提供给其他模块使用的核心非图形类 对应于源代码目录Qtbase
Qt GUI Base classes for graphical user interface (GUI) components. Includes OpenGL.图形界面基础类,包含OpenGL  
Qt Multimedia Classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality.音频、视频、无线电、相机功能类  
Qt Network Classes to make network programming easier and more portable.网络编程支持类 源代码目录qtmultimedia
Qt QML Classes for QML and JavaScript languages.QML及JavaScript支持类  
Qt Quick A declarative framework for building highly dynamic applications with custom user interfaces.使用自定义用户界面构建高动态应用程序的描述性框架  
Qt SQL Classes for database integration using SQL.基于SQL的数据库整合类  
Qt Test Classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries.单元测试类  
Qt WebKit Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a new QML API. See also Qt WebKit Widgets in the add-on modules. 源代码目录qtwebkit
Qt WebKit Widgets WebKit1 and QWidget-based classes from Qt 4.  
Qt Widgets Classes to extend Qt GUI with C++ widgets.扩展Qt GUI的C++组件类  



Active Qt Classes for applications which use ActiveX and COM 源代码目录qtactiveqt
Qt Concurrent Classes for writing multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives.  
Qt Graphical Effects Graphical effects for use with Qt Quick 2.  
Qt Image Formats Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF, MNG, TGA, WBMP.  
Qt OpenGL OpenGL support classes.

Note: Provided to ease porting from Qt 4.x. Please use the QOpenGL classes in QtGui for new code.

Qt Print Support Classes to make printing easier and more portable.  
Qt Declarative Qt Declarative is provided for Qt 4 compatibility. The documentation is available through the Qt 4.8 Qt Quickdocumentation. qtdeclarative
Qt Script Classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Provided for Qt 4.x compatibility. Please use the QJS* classes in the QtQmlmodule for new code.  
Qt Script Tools Additional components for applications that use Qt Script.  
Qt SVG Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files.  
Qt XML Patterns Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validation. qtxmlpatterns



Qt Designer Classes for extending Qt Designer.
Qt Help Classes for online help.
Qt UI Tools Classes for UI tools.

3 配置选项


configure -help


  -prefix <dir> 指定编译结果目录,如果不指定编译结果将会出现在Qtbase下
  -debug 生成debug库
  -release 生成release库
  -debug-and-release 生成debug及release库
  -shared 创建并使用动态Qt库
  -static 创建并使用静态Qt库
  -make <part> 编译(libs,tools,examples...)
  -nomake <part> 不编译(libs,tools,examples...)
  -skip <module> 构建时排除该模块
  -no-widgets 禁止编译widgets模块
  -no-sql-<driver> 禁止编译指定SQL驱动
  -no-opengl 不支持opengl
  -opengl <api>


desktop 桌面OpenGL



  -icu 使用ICU库
  -no-icu 不是用ICU
  -no-vcproj 不生成vc++.vcproj文件
  -vcproj 只针对"win32-msvc.net",
  -no-openssl 不编译openssl


4 如何选择模块及配置


 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 3245-ACDE

 Directory of D:\Qt\src

05/20/2013  09:48 PM    <DIR>          .
05/20/2013  09:48 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/20/2013  07:43 PM    <DIR>          .obj
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          gnuwin32
05/20/2013  07:58 PM    <DIR>          qtactiveqt
05/20/2013  07:57 PM    <DIR>          qtbase
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtdeclarative
04/09/2013  03:10 AM    <DIR>          qtdoc
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtgraphicaleffects
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtimageformats
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtjsbackend
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtmultimedia
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtquick1
05/20/2013  07:59 PM    <DIR>          qtscript
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtsvg
05/20/2013  08:06 PM    <DIR>          qttools
04/09/2013  03:10 AM    <DIR>          qttranslations
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtwebkit
04/09/2013  03:12 AM    <DIR>          qtwebkit-examples-and-demos
04/09/2013  03:11 AM    <DIR>          qtxmlpatterns
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              20 Dir(s)  146,437,746,688 bytes free


addModule(qtsvg, qtbase)
addModule(qtxmlpatterns, qtbase)
addModule(qtjsbackend, qtbase)
addModule(qtdeclarative, qtjsbackend, qtsvg qtxmlpatterns)
addModule(qtmultimedia, qtbase, qtdeclarative)
addModule(qtactiveqt, qtbase)
addModule(qtwebkit, qtdeclarative, , WebKit.pro)
addModule(qttools, qtbase, qtdeclarative qtactiveqt qtwebkit)
addModule(qtwebkit-examples-and-demos, qtwebkit qttools)
addModule(qtimageformats, qtbase)
addModule(qtgraphicaleffects, qtdeclarative)
addModule(qtscript, qtbase)
addModule(qtquick1, qtscript, qtsvg qtxmlpatterns qtwebkit qttools)
addModule(qttranslations, qttools)
addModule(qtdoc, qtdeclarative)


模块名 所在目录 描述
base qtbase 包含了Qt的基础类库,该类库必须编译
svg qtsvg Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files.显示SVG文件内容的类库
xmlpatterns qtxmlpatterns Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validation
jsbackend qtjsbackend 构建依赖于Python
declarative qtdeclarative Qt Declarative is provided for Qt 4 compatibility. The documentation is available through the Qt 4.8 Qt Quick documentation.
multimedia qtmultimedia Classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality.
activeqt qtactiveqt Classes for applications which use ActiveX and COM
webkit qtwebkit Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a new QML API. See also Qt WebKit Widgets in the add-on modules.
imageformats qtimageformats Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF, MNG, TGA, WBMP.
graphicaleffects qtgraphicaleffects Graphical effects for use with Qt Quick 2.
script qtscript Classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Provided for Qt 4.x compatibility. Please use the QJS* classes in the QtQml module for new code.
quick1 qtquick1 A declarative framework for building highly dynamic applications with custom user interfaces.
translations qttranslations tr翻译功能
doc qtdoc  
webkit-examples-and-demos qtwebkit-examples-and-demos webkit的示例及演示
tools qttools
Qt Designer Classes for extending Qt Designer.
Qt Help Classes for online help.
Qt UI Tools Classes for UI tools.

 可以使用-skip modulename来跳过编译该模块.

  5 最小功能编译






configure -prefix "D:\Qt\build" -release -opensource -nomake examples -no-opengl -no-openssl -no-openvg -no-angle -no-icu -no-vcproj -skip svg -skip xmlpatterns -skip jsbackend -skip declarative -skip multimedia -skip webkit -skip webkit-examples-and-demos -skip imageformats -skip quick1 -skip translations -skip doc -skip graphicaleffects  -mp -D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS

 将编译结果存储在"D:\Qt\build"目录,使用release模式编译,不编译exampes.不是用opengl、openssl、openvg,不是用angle及icu,-no-vcproj来禁止产生vc工程文件(如果配置为参数vc工程文件,在实际配置中会报出很多找不到vcproj文件的警告),除了base和tools模块,其他全部跳过.使用-mp标志使能多处理器编译支持,使用"-D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"宏传递选项来禁止关于string操作的windows 不安全警报(报出的很多警告都是该原因).


jom -j<处理器数目> install 


call cfg.bat |wtee cfg.log
call install.bat |wtee install.log

在I5-3320M 4核处理器,4G内存,64位Windows7操作系统上使用该配置编译耗时17分钟完成.在编译完成之后,build\bin目录下会有uitools编译完成,可以打开designer.exe来检查编译结果是否正常.这样编译出来的lib即可作为发布使用.





 6 配置引导


 如果是这样,安装就不会依赖与ANGLE和ICU库,同样Rudy及Python也不需要,也无需安装Direct SDK.你需要跳过webkit以及webkit-examples-and-demos,同时跳过jsbackend及quick1.并且采用-opengl desktop,以及 -no-angle标志.


 对于MSVC来讲,编译两种Qt的不同支持仅仅在于启动的编译环境不同,其他配置均相同,当然你可能需要修改一下编译输出的路径(清除上次编译配置的命令为nmake confclean).







 7 常规应用编译版本(不使用webkit及quick1)


configure -prefix "D:\Qt\build\x64" -debug-and-release -opensource -opengl desktop -no-openssl -no-openvg -no-icu -no-vcproj -nomake examples -skip jsbackend -skip webkit -skip webkit-examples-and-demos -skip quick1 -skip declarative -skip multimedia -skip doc -skip graphicaleffects -mp -D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS


 该配置在I5-3320M 4核处理器,4G内存,64位Windows7操作系统上使用该配置编译耗时30分钟完成.


posted @ 2013-05-20 23:43  liff.engineer  阅读(4414)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报