





@Table(name = "mq_mark")
public class MarkModel implements Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = -5169585172209348371L;

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	public Long id;

	@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
	@JoinColumn(name = "show_id", nullable = false)
	public ShowImage showImage;

 然后在进行hql join查询

@Query("select r from MarkModel t join t.showImage r where t.type= ?1 and t.datamId = ?2  ")
    List<ShowImage> findMarkImages(Integer marktype, Long datamId, Pageable pageable);

会生成 left join 语句


 使用sql去重一般是使用distinc ,但是这种方式是会影响效率的。

 hql的去重推荐使用group by

@Query("select t.showImage from MarkModel t where t.type= ?1 and t.datamId = ?2  group by t.showImage.id")
    List<ShowImage> findMarkImages(Integer marktype, Long datamId, Pageable pageable);


select showimage1_.id as id1_25_, showimage1_.create_time as create_t5_25_, showimage1_.image_url as image_ur8_25_, showimage1_.position as positio14_25_ 

from xxx markmodel0_ inner join mq_showpic showimage1_ on markmodel0_.show_id=showimage1_.id

cross join mq_showpic showimage2_

where markmodel0_.show_id=showimage2_.id and markmodel0_.type=? and markmodel0_.datam_id=?

group by markmodel0_.show_id order by showimage2_.create_time desc limit ?

 这里看到有一个cross join ,看见cross join就说明要生成笛卡尔积,这样会非常大的影响效率,

经过排查,发现只有order by的时候有用到了showimage2_,所以猜测是order by的问题,看下怎么生成的order by

Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(page, rows, Direction.DESC, "showImage.createTime");//注意这里的条件
List<ShowImage> result = this.markDao.findMarkImages(marktype, datamId, pageable);

 这里使用了join的表进行排序,所以才出现了cross join


Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(page, rows, Direction.DESC, "createTime");


select showimage1_.id as id1_25_, showimage1_.create_time as create_t5_25_, showimage1_.image_url as image_ur8_25_, showimage1_.position as positio14_25_ 

from mq_mark markmodel0_ inner join mq_showpic showimage1_ on markmodel0_.show_id=showimage1_.id

where markmodel0_.type=? and markmodel0_.datam_id=?

group by showimage1_.id order by markmodel0_.create_time desc limit ?

不在有cross join了

posted on 2015-11-20 11:48  大招无限  阅读(2122)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报