Leetcode 214: Shortest Palindrome

Given a string S, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation.

For example:

Given "aacecaaa", return "aaacecaaa".

Given "abcd", return "dcbabcd".


 1 public class Solution {
 2     public string ShortestPalindrome(string s) {
 3         int i = 0, end = s.Length - 1, j = end;
 5         while (i < j)
 6         {
 7             if (s[i] == s[j])
 8             {
 9                 i++;
10                 j--;
11             }
12             else
13             {
14                 i = 0;
15                 end--;
16                 j = end;
17             }
18         }
20         var sb = new StringBuilder();
22         for (int k = s.Length - 1; k > end; k--)
23         {
24             sb.Append(s[k]);
25         }
27         for (int k = 0; k < s.Length; k++)
28         {
29             sb.Append(s[k]);
30         }
32         return sb.ToString();
33     }
34 }


posted @ 2017-12-02 01:23  逸朵  阅读(124)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报