



Loading Bar by Andra Popovici

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Amount of water by Romina Kavcic

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

In Progress by Jonas Goth

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Loading bar (animated) by Howard Moen

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Game Loading Screen by Ryan Myers

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Deboo loading bar by Sergio Camalich

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Progress Graphic by Ledger

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Circle progress bar by Michal Kruška

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Almost Ready by Karmon French

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Progress bar by Sasha Agapov

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Cig Loading Bar by khuon nguyen

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Map Loading… by Ben Haddock

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Loading Status by Nick Mealey

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration

Percentage Bar (PSD) by Miguel Mendes

30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs for Your Inspiration



英文链接:30 Amazing Examples of Loading Bar Designs

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

posted @ 2014-07-08 15:21  梦想天空(山边小溪)  阅读(4496)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报