20个免费的 AngularJS 资源和开发教程

  曾经,jQuery 无疑是最受欢迎的开源的 JavaScript 库,如今它有了很多的竞争对手,像 AngularJS、React、KnockoutJS 等等。在这里,我想重点关注一下 AngularJS,它最初的学习曲线比较陡,如果入门之后就容易多了。在这里,我收集了包括钻研 AngularJS 在内的20个资源教程和免费的在线代码分享给大家。



Absolute Beginners Guide

angularjs code for absolute beginners how

Better Way to Learn

better way to learn angular js open source

Getting Started

getting started with angularjs open source

AngularJS Docs

angular js docs open source

AngularJS Video Course

angularjs development video course codeschool

Animating AngularJS

animating angular js open source

Your First Angular App

step by step angularjs app howto

Angular Hold Events

buttons with hold events angularjs

AngularJS Fellows

open source github repo angularjs fellows


AngularJS Invoicing

angular js open source github invoice app

Angular Material Design

angular material design open source


angularui angularjs open source github

Angular Translate

angular i18n international translation open source

Angular Loading Bar

angular loading bar github open source

Sortable UI

angularjs open source plugin sortable ui

AngularJS for Designers

angular js open source for designers


ng infinite scroll angularjs open source

AngularJS Animate

nganimate angular js open source

AngularJS Todo List

angularjs todo list open source codepen

Angular YouTube Channel

angular js youtube video channel



本文链接:分享20个免费的 AngularJS 资源和开发教程

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

posted @ 2015-07-27 15:08  梦想天空(山边小溪)  阅读(6261)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报