
  你正在寻找一些日历的设计灵感吗? 看看我为大家分享的一组国外的鼓舞人心的2013年创意日历设计作品。马上紧要进入进入2013年了,世界各地的设计师都在思考如何让自己的日历设计能够脱颖而出。一起欣赏这组令人惊叹的2013年日历设计作品。



01. Cat Calendar


02. Maple Veneer Wall Calendar


03. Dog Calendar


04. Pocket Calendar


05. The sun, it shines


06. The South Illustrated 2013 Calendar


07. Monthly Measure


08. Zoo Calendar


09. Typodarium 2013


10. Puzzle Calendar


11. Planet Calendar 2013


12. Fluid Animals


13. Animal Matryoshka


14. Move with spirals

Created by Polish designer Łukasz Drwal, this calendar was created for use in print and in a digital. The two fonts used in the project are Zag and Lato, and we're big fans of the clean design and strong use of geometric shapes in this example.


15. Geometric seasons series


16. Jumping Point calendar from MoMA


17. Idiom calendar


18. Letterpress calendar


19. Wild animal


20. European heroes




英文来源:stunning examples of 2013 calendar design

文章来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

posted @ 2012-12-16 12:18  梦想天空(山边小溪)  阅读(22720)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报