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Computer Programming Languages - Y

Programming Languages - Y

Sample Program

Y - General purpose language syntactically like RATFOR, semantically like C. Lacks structures and pointers. Used as a source language for the Davidson/Fraser peephole optimizer. "The Y Programming Language", D.R. Hanson, SIGPLAN Notices 16(2):59-68 (Feb 1981). ftp://ftp.cs.princeton.edu/pub/y+po.tar.Z


Yaa - Yet Another Assembler - Macro assembler for GCOS 8 and Mark III on Bull DPS-8 machines. Available from Bull as part of U Waterloo Tools package (maintained by <pjf@thinkage.on.ca>).


yacc - Yet Another Compiler Compiler. Language used by the Yacc LALR parser generator. "YACC - Yet Another Compiler Compiler", S.C. Johnson, CS TR 32, Bell Labs (Jul 1975). Implementations: ayacc - UC Irvine. written in Ada, produces Ada output ftp://liege.ics.uci.edu/pub/irus/aflex-ayacc_1.2a.tar.Z Bison - from GNU ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/bison-1.21.tar.Z Bison++ - produces C++ output. ftp://psuvax1.cs.psu.edu/pub/src/gnu/bison++-1.04.tar.Z perl-byacc - produces perl output ftp://ftp.sterling.com/local/perl-byacc1.8.2.tar.Z SASL-yacc - "Yacc in SASL - An Exercise in Functional Programming", Simon Peyton-Jones, Software Prac & Exp 15:807-820 (1985). Mentions also a BCPL implementation. yacc++ - 1990. An object-oriented rewrite of yacc, supports regular exp- ressions, produces an LR(1) parser. "YACC Meets C++", S.C. Johnson, USENIX Spring '88 Conf. Chris Clark, Compiler Resources Inc, Barbara Zino <bz%compres.UUCP@primerd.cv.com> (508) 435-5016. MLYACC - Implementation and output in SML/NJ ftp://research.att.com/dist/ml/75.tools.tar.Z


YALLL - Yet Another Low Level Language. Patterson et al, UC Berkeley, 1979. A microprogramming language resembling conventional assembly language. "Towards an Efficient Machine-Independent Language or Microprogramming", D.A. Patterson et al, Proc 12th Ann Workshop Microprogramming (MICRO-12), 1979, pp.22-35


YAPS - Yet Another Production System? College Park Software. Commercial production rule language, simpler than OPS5. Allows knowledge bases to be attached to instances of CLOS objects. info: Liz Allen <liz@grian.cps.altadena.cs.us>


YASOS - Yet Another Scheme Object System. info: Ken Dickey <kend@newton.apple.com>


Yay - Yet Another Yacc - An extension of Yacc with LALR(2) parsing. Available from Bull as part of U Waterloo Tools package (maintained by <pjf@thinkage.on.ca>).


Yellow - SRI. A language proposed to meet the Ironman requirements which led to Ada. "On the YELLOW Language Submitted to the DoD", E.W. Dijkstra, SIGPLAN Notices 13(10):22-26 (Oct 1978).


Yerk - (named for Yerkes Observatory) A public domain reincarnation of Neon. ftp://oddjob.uchicago.edu/pub/Yerk info: Bob Lowenstein <rfl@oddjob.uchicago.edu>


YLISP - Hewlett-Packard. A variant of Xlisp for the HP-95LX palmtop. ftp://hpcsos.col.hp.com/mirrors/.scsi5/hp95lx/languages/ylisp*

posted on 2012-11-02 14:44  lexus  阅读(327)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报