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Marcel's World - Marcel Neuhausler

Some Links - 2011/11/27


Some links that crossed my way recently:


  • Tangle .. Tangle is a JavaScript library for creating reactive documents.
  • Mesos .. A cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks.
  • Gnip .. Access to over 100 realtime social media streams.
  • Fantom .. Write code portable to the Java VM, .NET CLR, and JavaScript in the browser.
  • Upverter .. Social Making: Hardware design tools for the web.
  • OpenMAMA .. A high performance Middleware Agnostic Messaging API.
  • ShareJS .. Collaborative editing in any app.
  • MADlib .. An open-source library for scalable in-database analytics.
  • Scalala .. A high performance numeric linear algebra library for Scala.
  • GitLab .. Projects/repositories hosting on your server.
  • Crunch .. Easy MapReduce Pipelines for Hadoop.
  • Graphs .. What are some good MapReduce implementations?
  • HBase .. Schema Design - Things you need to know.
  • SSD .. De-Confusing SSD (for Oracle Databases).
  • Cocktails .. Are Yahoo Cocktails the answer for cross-platform apps?
  • Netflix .. Global Platform.
  • Netflix .. Building for the Cloud.
  • Flipboard .. Evan Doll, co-founder explains how simplicity is one of the keys to success.

Some Links - 2011/08/03

Some links that crossed my way recently:



Some Links - 2011/05/28

Some links that crossed my way recently:


  • Talks .. Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2011.
  • Talks .. Stuff to Watch from Surge 2010.
  • Cloud Computing .. crash course, a nice presentation.
  • Continuous Delivery .. a tool list.
  • StackMob .. seems to provide a complete backend technology stack for mobile applications.
  • CloudBees .. complete develop-to-deploy lifecycle of Java web applications in the cloud.
  • Cloud Foundry .. using MongoDB, Redis, Node.js, and Spring MVC.
  • Cloud Foundry .. Open PaaS Deep Dive.
  • AWS Outage .. Lessons Netflix Learned from.
  • Visualization .. 22 free tools.
  • Lily .. Smart Data, at Scale, made Easy.
  • Riak .. using Links to Index Riak objects.
  • Splashscreens .. iOS UI Patterns.
  • JS Conf .. slides - 2011.
  • three.js .. a Javascript 3D Enginet.
  • Microjs .. Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit.
  • openFrameworks .. is a c++ library designed to assist the creative process.

Some Links - 2011/04/23

Some links that crossed my way recently:


  • Mashape .. apizize yourself.
  • Now.js .. directly call remote functions in Javascript.
  • Node.js .. for $0.02 or less.
  • Varnish .. a high performance http accelerator.
  • Netflix .. HTML5 to deliver amazing user interfaces on hundreds of devices.
  • Maqetta .. a WYSIWYG visual authoring tool for HTML5.
  • YUI 3 .. a recipe for an application.
  • Nimbula .. delivers Amazon EC2-like services to Enterprises and Service Providers.
  • CloudFoundry .. getting started.
  • Riak, Vagrant, Chef .. creating a local riak cluster.
  • Riak Core .. where to start.
  • riak_zab .. Zookeeper Atomic Broadcast Protocol for riak.
  • Amazon S3 .. client-side data encryption using AWS Java SDK.
  • Google ProtoRPC .. a simple way to create well defined and easy to use web-based Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) services.
  • Particles .. an art installation.
  • Product design .. at GitHub.
  • Lessons .. from GitHub’s first year.

Some Links - 2011/03/27

Some links to interesting projects and blog posts I came across recently:


  • Pattern .. is s a web mining module for the Python programming language.
  • d3.js .. a small, free JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
  • Mobile CouchDB .. CouchDB for iOS.
  • Project Hank .. Hank is an open-source system for running distributed, highly-scalable, low-latency, batch-writable-only, key-value datastores.
  • Cluster .. node.js multi-core server manager with plugins suport.
  • Google Public Data Explorer .. makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate.
  • Orion .. deliver code based editing and debugging through a web-based interface.
  • Jackson .. a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON.
  • PhantomJS .. a minimalistic headless WebKit.
  • Wallaby .. convert Adobe Flash FLA files into HTML.
  • Illuminations .. is a tool that makes developing web applications more intuitive when using Ext JS and Firebug.
  • Real_Time_Congress_API .. a RESTful API over the artifacts of Congress.
  • LinkedIn .. build a distributed realtime tweet search system in no time.
  • AOL .. an emerging data management architectural pattern behind interactive web application.
  • Measure .. Anything, Measure Everything.

Some Links - 2011/02/13

Some links to interesting projects and blog posts I came across recently:


  • Apigee and 3scale .. APIs as a service.
  • YQL .. Video: Building Open Data Tables with YQL Execute.
  • node.io .. a distributed data scraping and processing framework.
  • CodeMirror .. a JavaScript library that can be used to create editor interface for code-like content.
  • WireIt .. a Javascript library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages, graphical modeling, or graph editors.
  • Treesaver.js .. a JavaScript framework for creating magazine-style layouts using standards-compliant HTML and CSS.
  • lawnchair .. a lightweight clientside JSON document store.
  • Compass .. a Stylesheet Authoring Environment.
  • kippo .. a SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.
  • About Version Vectors .. an introduction.
  • Norbert .. a Java library that provides easy cluster management and workload distribution.
  • Geckoboard .. a Realtime Business Status Board.
  • U.C.Engine .. a publish/subscribe server with persistence.

Some Links - 2011/01/22

Some links to interesting projects and blog posts I came across recently:


  • Processing and Data Visualization .. getting started.
  • Kinect and Processing .. getting started.
  • Bixo .. an open source web mining toolkit that runs as a series of Cascading pipes on top of Hadoop.
  • Wukong .. is Ruby for Hadoop.
  • npm .. a package manager/repository for node.js.
  • JSDOM .. is a CommonJS implementation of the W3C Document Object Model designed to work with Node.js.
  • mug .. a JavaScript compiler for the JVM, written in Clojure.
  • couchdb-lucene .. enables full-text searching of CouchDB documents using Lucene.
  • MongoHub .. a native mac GUI application for mongodb.

Some Links - 2010/12/18

Some links to interesting projects, products, and videos I came across recently:



LinkedIn Signal

LinkedIn Signal, an impressive show-case of a Lucene- and facet-based realtime search of Twitter-feeds.


.. additional information of LinkedIn's technology plus their opensource projects can be found at SNA LinkedIn .. cool stuff ..



Ingredients for an App in the Cloud

I recently attended an interesting talk given by GetSatisfaction. The speakers mentioned different cloud-based services and projects they use for their cloud-based app:


  • fog .. Is a Ruby cloud computing library.
  • SendGrid .. for Email delivery. It transparently handles rate limits, content inspection, bounces, and spam reports to help users achieve higher deliverability.
  • Dynect .. DNS service.
  • Cloudkick .. A cloud monitoring and management tool.
  • New Relic .. On-demand application management.
  • Hoptoad .. The app error app.
  • AlerstSite .. Web site monitoring.
  • DevStructure .. "DevStructure figures out what you did to a server. We call this a blueprint."
  • Pivotal Tracker .. An agile project management tool that enables real time collaboration around a shared, prioritized backlog.

Some Links - 2010/10/31

Some links to interesting projects and products I came across recently:


  • Google Refine .. A tool for cleaning up raw data, making it consistent, linking it to data registries, augmenting it with more data from other data sources, transforming it into the required format for other tools to consume .. Watch the screencasts!
  • FluidDB .. An interesting new database that provides an easy way to let different applications or users annotate/tag the same underlying (social) objects.
  • Efene .. A programming language with C-like syntax that runs on the Erlang platform.
  • timemap.js .. a Javascript library to help use Google Maps with a SIMILE timeline.

Some Links - 2010/10/16

Links to interesting projects and products I came across recently:


posted on 2012-05-10 15:56  lexus  阅读(227)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报