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Jython Course Outline

Jython Course Outline

Author:Dave Kuhlman
Date:May 9, 2008
Copyright:Copyright (c) 2006 Dave Kuhlman. All Rights Reserved.
This software is subject to the provisions of the MIT License


This document provides an outline of an introductory
course on programming in Jython and connecting Jython to Java


1   How-to Write Jython Code

Jython is Python. That's one of its big advantages: you get two for
the price of one. If your learn Python, then you have also learned
Jython, and vice versa. If you already know Python, then you know

But, if you do know know Python or Jython, then here are good
training aids:

2   Installing and Running Jython

2.1   Install Jython

You will need Java installed, of course. And, since you are likely
to want to use Jython class libraries from Jython, it is also likely
that you will want the Java SDK. Important: If more than one
version of Java is installed on your machine, make sure that when
you install Jython, you use the version of Java for which the SDK is
installed and the version of Java that you will be using when you
run Jython.

Download the Jython installation jar file -- You can file the Jython
distribution here: Jython downloads --

Install Jython -- Follow the instructions at:
Jython installation --

$ java -jar jython_installer-2.2.1.jar

Command line history -- On MS Windows, command line history for the
Jython interactive interpreter comes built-in. On Linux,
to get command line history, command line editing, and readline
support, follow the instructions here:
ReadlineSetup --

Standalone mode -- You can also create a self-contained Jython jar
file. Run the standard installer (above), then you come to the
"Installation type" page, select "Standalone". For more on this, see:
Standalone mode --

2.2   Configuration

There are several places to configure Jython.

2.2.1   Command-line options

To display the options for jython, type:

$ jython --help

2.2.2   Jython configuration files

For explanation of configuration options and values, see:

2.2.3   Checking configuration values

From within the Jython interactive interpreter or from within your
Jython application, you can display the values of configuration

To get the system properties as a dictionary-like object, do:

>>> from java.lang import System
>>> props = System.getProperties()

Of particular interest are the following:

  • props['java.class.path'] -- Location of the Jython jar file.
  • props['java.library.path'] -- Locations of Java class libraries.

Other properties are in sys.registry:

>>> import sys
>>> r = sys.registry
>>> for k in r:
...   print k, r[k]

Here is a script that you may find useful when interactively
inspecting system properties:

>>> from java.lang import System
>>> props = System.getProperties()
>>> names = []
>>> for name in props.keys():
...     names.append(name)
>>> names.sort()    # now you can list the keys in alpha order
>>> for val in props['java.class.path'].split(':'):
...     print val

2.2.4   Classpath and python path

Jython can pick up Java class files from locations on either the
Jython/Python path (see sys.path) or the Java classpath. Set
these with the following:

  • The Python/Jython path can be set in your registry file. See
    registry variable python.path.

    Or, at runtime, you could do:

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.path.append('/path/to/module')

    But, you must do the above before trying to import the module.

  • Set the classpath by setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.
    Note that (on my Linux machine, at least) the CLASSPATH environment
    variable is picked up and added to the Java -classpath flag.

A few rules about CLASSPATH and python.path:

  • sys.path in the registry file -- Add here to enable importing
    from Java classes (.java), Java class libraries (.jar), and
    Jython/Python (.py).
  • CLASSPATH -- Add paths to this environment variable in order to
    enable importing from Java classes (.java) and Java class
    libraries (.jar), but not Jython/Python (.py).

2.3   Running Jython

The Jython interactive, command-line interpreter: jython.

Jython IDEs (interactive development environments) -- There is a
Jython plug-in for Eclipse. See: http://pydev.sourceforge.net/.

Exercises -- Start the Jython interpreter. Then do each of the

  • Print "hello".
  • Define an empty class.
  • Import a Python/Jython file containing a class definition.
    Create an instance of that class.
  • Import a module from the standard Python/Jython library, for
    example, re or os.path. Use a method from that module.
  • Import a Java class, for example, java.util.Vector. Create
    and use an instance of that class.

Running Jython scripts:

  • From the command line, run a script with jython. For

    $ jython myscript.py
  • For help, run:

    $ jython --help
  • For debugging, use something similar to the following:

    import pdb


    import pdb

    For example:

    def main():
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  • To "set a breakpoint" in your code so that it will drop into
    debugger, either (1) use the b command at the pdb prompt
    or (2) add the following to your code at the location where you
    wish to drop into the debugger:

    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    For more information on the Python debugger, see The Python
    in the
    Python standard documentation, or while in the debugger, type

  • To make a script both "run-able" and "import-able", use the
    following idiom:

    if __name__ == '__main__':

Don't forget to include a doc string at the top of your module for

Exercise -- Create a small Jython script:

  • Include a class in your script that creates an instance of
  • Make the script both "run-able" and "import-able".
  • From the Jython interpreter, import the script and create an instance
    of the class.
  • From the command line, use jython to run the script.
  • Add pdb debugging to your script. Run the script again from
    the command line. Step through several lines of code.

2.4   Installing Jython/Python packages

Some Jython packages will be distributed as a Java jar file. If that
is the case, add the jar file to your classpath.

If the package is distributed as a standard Python package with a
setup.py installer file and if there are no C/C++ files in the
package, then you might try something like the following:

$ python setup.py install --prefix /path/to/install/directory

And, then put that install directory on your classpath.

3   Integrating Java into Jython/Python

3.1   Calling existing Java code

In order to call Java code from Jython do the following:

  1. Import the Java module.
  2. Use the Java module to create an instance/object.
  3. Call functions and objects in it.

It works the way you would hope and expect it to. Here is an

>>> from java.util import Vector
>>> v = Vector()
>>> dir(v)
['__init__', 'add', 'addAll', 'addElement', 'capacity', 'class', 'clear', 'clone', 'contains', 'containsAll', 'copyInto', 'elementAt', 'elements', 'empty', 'ensureCapacity', 'equals', 'firstElement', 'get', 'getClass', 'hashCode', 'indexOf', 'insertElementAt', 'isEmpty', 'iterator', 'lastElement', 'lastIndexOf', 'listIterator', 'notify', 'notifyAll', 'remove', 'removeAll', 'removeAllElements', 'removeElement', 'removeElementAt', 'retainAll', 'set', 'setElementAt', 'setSize', 'size', 'subList', 'toArray', 'toString', 'trimToSize', 'wait']
>>> v.add('aaa')
>>> v.add('bbb')
>>> for val in v:
...     print val

In some cases you will need to pass Java objects to Java methods.

Special treatment for some overloaded Java methods -- Explicitly
create and pass Jython objects. For more on this, see:
Overloaded Java Method Signatures
-- http://www.jython.org/Project/userguide.html#overloaded-java-method-signatures.

Often you can use Python/Jython style and idioms to process Java
objects. For example: the Jython for statement can be applied
to Java collection objects.

Exercise -- Use the class java.util.Hashtable to create a
dictionary with several keys and values, then print out the keys
and their values. Solution:

>>> from java.util import Hashtable
>>> impl_language = Hashtable()
>>> impl_language.put('jython', 'java')
>>> impl_language.put('python', 'c')
>>> for key in impl_language.keys():
...     print '%s is implemented in %s' % (key, impl_language[key])
python is implemented in c
jython is implemented in java

3.2   Extending a Java class in Jython

You can import and then extend (sub-class) a Java class.

Example -- This sample extends the Java filestream class by adding a
method that converts all characters to upper case::

import sys
from java.io import FileOutputStream

class UppercaseFileOutputStream(FileOutputStream):
    def write_upper(self, text):
        text = text.upper()

def test(outfilename):
    fos = UppercaseFileOutputStream(outfilename)
    for idx in range(10):
        fos.write_upper('This is line # %d\n' % idx)
    infile = open(outfilename, 'r')
    for line in infile:
        line = line.rstrip()
        print 'Line: %s' % line

def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(args) != 1:
        print 'usage: extend_fileoutputstream.py <infilename>'

if __name__ == '__main__':

3.3   Emulating Jython classes in Java

You can make a Java class "act like" one of the built-in Jython
classes. In order to do so, you would implement one or more of
Jython's special methods. You can find descriptions of the special
methods in the "Python Reference Manual":
3.4 Special method names --

Example: This module implements a class that acts like a sequence in
certain ways, specifically (1) it responds to the len() operator
by returning a length; (2) it supports an append method; and (3)
it supports the use of the [] operator to get a value:

import java.util.Vector;
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