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Erlang Bot (Ebot) is an opensource web crawler written on top of Erlang, a NOSQL database (Apache CouchDB or Riak),  RabbitMQ, Webmachine (Mochiweb), RRDTOOL, .. Using a NOSQL instead of a Relational Database, Ebot can grow easily and cheaply…  Ebot is a solid and highly scalable, distribuited and customizable web crawler.

The Ebot crawler project is hosted at http://github.com/matteoredaelli/ebot


ebot web crawler

Thanks to Ebot crawler I’ve been improving my knowledge about Erlang, the AMQP protocol (RabbitMQ) and NOSQL databases (Apache CouchDB and Riak) with the distribuited map/reduce queries



Below there is an example of a url document generated by the ebot crawler (with apache couchdb backend)

Below you find a sample image of Statistics generated by ebot web crawler using RRDTOOL

posted on 2011-11-23 22:21  lexus  阅读(341)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报