English Study Plan

Along with the rapid development of science and technology since China entered into the WTO(The World Trade Organization) in 2001,  English has become more and more important in our daily life, especially for an ITer, so how to learn it well is an valuable topic for every one of us here.


We're often told that it is never too old to learn, yes, I couldn't agree more with this saying. As my English is still under the level of middle school (Maybe Primary School) for now, I am planing to learn it from the zero level , I hope this time , I can master English so that I can make it a tool for Working and Living.


Here's what I want to do:


1. Learn the pronuciation

Target : Form a good foundation to speak English

Reference material : Speaking English with an American Accent , see http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTIxMTk0NjY4.html?f=3774829, I was told that  this video is a very professional one for learning the pronuciation.

1. 学习发音

目标: 为说英语打下良好的基础

参考资料: 美国语音发音教程,参看http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTIxMTk0NjY4.html?f=3774829, 我听说这个视频是一个非常专业的学习发音的教程。

2. Watching English TV show

Target : Practise Listening and speaking 

Reference material : "Friends", together with the related notes of "Friends" in the internet. "Friends" is commonly considered to be one the best TV shows for learning spoken English.

2. 看英语电视剧

目标: 练习听力及口语

参考资料: 《老友记》,或者叫《六人行》,还有网上有关这部电视剧的笔记。《老友记》被认为是最好的用来学习口语的英语电视剧之一。

3. Find some topic to write in English, twice a week, at least

Target : Practising English writing skills 

Reference material : Find some guidance about writing skills  from the internet

3. 找一些话题来写,一周至少两次


参考资料: 从网上找一些有关写作技巧的指导资料。

4. Study at least one specified topic every two days 

Target : To make good use of English

Reference material : Find some related documents refer to the specified topic, such as asking road , answer the telephone, withdraw some money from a bank, etc.

4. 两天至少学习一个特定的话题


参考资料: 找一些与此话题相关的文档,比如问路、接电话、从银行取款等。

5. Try to translate some good foreign technical articles or books

Target : To check the study result and share with others

Reference material :  Find some good articles or books through the internet.

5. 试着找一些外国优秀技术文章或者书籍

目标: 检查学习英语的效果,分享

参考资料: 从网上找好的文章或者书籍

I think that is enough for me , reference material is not the more, the better. Thought all these years experience, the failure of learning English is lack of plan and the constant effort to overcome the difficulty.

我认为,这对于我来说足够多了,参考资料不是越多越好的。 经过这些年的经验,我学习英语的失败原因就是缺少计划、不能坚持克服学习中遇到的困难。

So, now, I speak it out lound here and hope you can give me some good advice and most important is ,to supervise me about the Learning result. 


(Forgive me that I even don't know what I am writing about, thought it takes me almost two and a half hours,  just some useless words ,but , I think it will get better day by day)


God bless me, God bless the one who learn English with me !





posted @ 2013-04-11 21:45  LetMyDreamComeTrue  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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