博客园win8客户端开发记录6 - 成功发布到微软应用商店

  经历了一个多月的等待,博客园cnblogs win8客户端终于通过审核并发布到微软应用商店。



下午傍晚左右,依次收到Windows Store team发来的两封邮件,分别通知软件通过审核和软件已经发布到应用商店。下面是邮件截图:







   The description of this app did not appear localized correctly to our reviewer. One or more links, including privacy policy, websites or support contact links, provided with your submission do not resolve to a functional webpage and/or do not appear to be complete. Screenshots provided are not appropriately localized for each language the app is supported in. The app has declared access to network capabilities and no privacy statement was provided in the Windows Settings Charm. During the review of this app, it did not appear to be fully localized for the languages it supports.

    应用程序设置的语言和发布的区域语言不一致,代码清单中把locale 设置为zh-cn,然后把应用描述重新用中文描述,然后提交。



  You should add more detail to your App description. It does not provide the user sufficient information about the App or what it is designed for and does not adequately represent the App's unique value.

    应用描述不是很清晰,把描述改为 “博客园cnblogs 是一款功能全面的第三方博客园客户端软件,汇集了博客园最新最热博客新闻信息,采用win8 现代风格设计,适用于pc和平板电脑,让技术分享更加多姿多彩。” 重新提交。



  The privacy policy provided is not complete. It fails to inform users of the personal information transmitted by your App and how that information is used, stored, secured, and disclosed. Please see requirement 4.1.1 for details on what is an acceptable privacy policy.

    隐私策略不完整, 应该说明如何使用,传输,存储,加密用户信息,以及会不会暴露用户个人信息等。 重新修改了隐私声明,强调不搜集,存储,透露,公开,分享用户隐私,以及不追踪用户及设备信息等,重新提交。



  One or more links, including privacy policy, websites or support contact links, provided with your submission do not resolve to a functional webpage and/or do not appear to be complete. One or more links, including privacy policy, websites, support contact or other websites linked to from this App do not resolve to a functional webpage and/or do not appear to be complete.

  提供的联系方式,个人页面,隐私策路 链接 有的不能访问。 检查更新后, 重新提交。



 the app appears to provide users with uncontrolled access to online social networks or sharing of personal information with third parties. Because of this, you must assign a Windows Store age rating of at least 12+.

   大意就是应用没有限制对网络的访问(用户可能接受到不良信息),所以应用年龄分级应该至少针对12岁以上的人。 设置应用适合于16岁以上的人,重新提交。 

    嗯, 今天很晚了,准备洗澡睡觉去。晚安!

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