Yahoo javascript 开源界面库YUI 和EXT



[yui][译]Yahoo!User Interface Libray 介绍

Yahoo! User Interface Library(简称yui) 是一个使用JavaScript编写的工具和控件库。它利用DOM脚本,DHTML和AJAX来构造具有丰富交互功能的Web程序。yui也包含几个核心的CSS文件。yui中的所有组件已经以开源的形式发布,它们遵循BSD协议并且可以免费使用。可以从Sourceforge站点下载完整的项目文件,同时包含相关文档和示例。


  -Written by 浪子 


Yui 工具包

Yui 工具包利用DOM脚本来简化浏览器内的开发(in-browser devolvement),使用DHTML和AJAX的特性开发所有的Web程序。

动画(Animation):在你的页面中通过指定位置,大小,透明度或者页面元素的其他特性来创建一个“电影效果(cinematic effects)”。这些效果将在你的页面发生变化的时候给用户更好的体验。

连接管理(Connection Manager ):这个工具包帮助你管理XMLHttpRequest(一般被称为AJAX)事务,它提供对表单提交(form posts),错误捕获(error handling)和callbacks的全面支持。该工具包也支持文件的上传管理。


拖放(Drag and Drop):创建可拖放的对象。为了提供丰富的交互功能(比如拖动一个对象到目标位置)你可能需要编写很多代码。这个工具包可以在所有支持的浏览器中捕获所有的操作事务并保证其稳定地运行。





自动完成(AutoComplete)控件:自动完成控件为文本输入提供一种渐进式的用户体验(streamline user interactions)。控件会提供相似项列表和基于多样化的数据格式的提前键入功能(type-ahead functionality based on a variety of data-source formats),并且可以通过XMLHttpRequest访问服务端的数据。


容器(Container)控件:一组模仿windows样式的控件,他们包括Tooltip, Panel, Dialog 和 SimpleDialog。其中Module 和 Overlay控件提供一个可扩展的平台,你可以控制自定义的模仿windows样式的控件。

日志(Logger)控件:提供一个快速和简单的记录日志的方式,它直接将日志信息输出到屏幕控制台(on-screen console)、Firefox的扩展组件FireBug,或者Safari的Javascript控制台。yui的Debug组件将完整的记录输出信息和调试信息。

菜单(Menu)控件:利用此控件只需要几行简单的代码就可以设计一个动态样式的菜单。可以完全使用javascript构造一个菜单,can be layered on top of semantic unordered lists。



第三章 yui的CSS资源

为了让CSS能符合不同等级的浏览器(A-Grade browsers)的标准,我们想了很多。我们把这些作为yui类库的一部分共享出来,希望能在这里得到促进,获得一个简洁的,可维护并在浏览器中表现优秀的设计。

页面网格样式(CSS Page Grids):7个基本的用css组织子组件的页面框架,支持130种不通的页面布局。

标准的CSS字体(Standard CSS Fonts):标准的跨浏览器字体样式和大小展现。

标准的CSS排列(Standard CSS Reset):使用这些CSS声明来排除页面的空白部分并且公共元素的样式兼容各种浏览器的展现。


YUI Team于美国时间5月28日发布了YUI 2.5.2,主要变化:
1. 这一版针对Firefox3和Opera9.5解决了几个关键性Bug。
2. 修复了DataTable、Menu、RTE、Button的几个主要Bug。
3. Charts组件增加3种新风格。
4. 从这版开始,在YUI下载包中增加了ActionScript源文件,方便开发者深入了解Charts和Uploader组件。
详情请见YUI Blog






  • YUI Components
  • Animation
  • AutoComplete
  • Browser History Manager
  • Button
  • Calendar
  • Charts (experimental)
  • Color Picker
  • Connection Manager
  • Cookie
  • Container
  • DataSource
  • DataTable
  • Dom
  • Drag & Drop
  • Element
  • Event
  • Get
  • ImageCropper
  • ImageLoader
  • JSON
  • Layout Manager
  • Logger
  • Menu
  • Profiler
  • ProfilerViewer
  • Resize
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Selector
  • Slider
  • TabView
  • TreeView
  • Uploader (experimental)
  • Yahoo Global Object
  • YUI Loader
  • YUI Test
  • Reset CSS
  • Base CSS
  • Fonts CSS
  • Grids CSS

    YUI JavaScript Core
    YUI JavaScript Utilities
    YUI Aggregate (Rollup) Files
    YUI CSS Packages
    YUI User Interface Widgets
    YUI Developer Tools








    中文:              文档:
    Combination SamplesGrid SamplesTabPanel SamplesWindow SamplesTree SamplesLayout ManagersComboBox SamplesForm SamplesToolbars and MenusTemplates and DataViewMisc Samples

    Combination Samples

    Feed Viewer 2.0

    RSS 2.0 feed reader sample application that features a swappable reader panel layout.

    Simple Tasks 2.0

    Complete personal task management application sample that runs on Adobe AIR.

    Simple Tasks

    Personal task management application sample that uses Google Gears for data storage.

    Image Organizer

    DataView and TreePanel sample that demonstrates dragging data items from a DataView into a TreePanel.

    Web Desktop

    Demonstrates how one could build a desktop in the browser using Ext components including a module plugin system.

    Grid Samples

    Basic Array Grid

    A basic read-only grid loaded from local array data that demonstrates the use of custom column renderer functions.

    Editable Grid

    An editable grid loaded from XML that shows multiple types of grid ediors as well as defining custom data records.

    XML Grid

    A simple read-only grid loaded from XML data.


    A grid with paging, cross-domain data loading and custom- rendered expandable row bodies.


    A basic grouping grid showing collapsible data groups that can be customized via the "Group By" header menu option.

    Live Group Summary

    Advanced grouping grid that allows cell editing and includes custom dynamic summary calculations.

    Grid Plugins

    Multiple grids customized via plugins: expander rows, checkbox selection and row numbering.

    Grid Filtering

    New! Grid plugins providing custom data filtering menus that support various data types.

    Grid From Markup

    Custom GridPanel extension that can convert a plain HTML table into a dynamic grid at runtime.

    Binding: Grid (basic)

    New! Data binding a grid to a detail preview panel via the grid's RowSelectionModel.

    Binding: Grid (advanced)

    New! Refactoring the basic data binding example to use a class-based application design model.

    TabPanel Samples

    Basic Tabs

    Basic tab functionality including autoHeight, tabs from markup, Ajax loading and tab events.

    Advanced Tabs

    Advanced tab features including tab scrolling, adding tabs programmatically and a context menu plugin.

    Window Samples

    Hello World

    Simple "Hello World" window that contains a basic TabPanel.


    Different styles include confirm, alert, prompt, progress and wait and also support custom icons.

    Layout Window

    A window containing a basic BorderLayout with nested TabPanel.

    Tree Samples

    Drag and Drop Reordering

    A TreePanel loaded asynchronously via a JSON TreeLoader that shows drag and drop with container scroll.

    Multiple trees

    Drag and drop between two different sorted TreePanels.

    Column Tree

    A custom TreePanel implementation that demonstrates extending an existing component.

    Layout Managers

    Layout Browser

    New! Includes examples for each standard Ext layout, several custom layouts and combination examples.

    Border Layout

    A complex BorderLayout implementation that shows nesting multiple components and sub-layouts.

    Anchor Layout

    A simple example of anchoring form fields to a window for flexible form resizing.

    Portal Demo

    A page layout using several custom extensions to provide a web portal interface.

    ComboBox Samples

    Basic ComboBox

    Basic combos, combos rendered from markup and customized list layout to provide item tooltips.

    ComboBox Templates

    Customized combo with template-based list rendering, remote loading and paging.

    Form Samples

    Dynamic Forms

    Various example forms showing collapsible fieldsets, column layout, nested TabPanels and more.

    Ajax with XML Forms

    Ajax-loaded form fields from remote XML data and remote field validation on submit.

    Custom Search Field

    A TriggerField search extension combined with an XTemplate for custom results rendering.

    Binding: Grid -> Form

    New! A grid embedded within a FormPanel that automatically loads records into the form on row selection.

    Advanced Validation

    New! Relational form field validation using custom vtypes.

    Toolbars and Menus

    Basic Toolbar

    Toolbar and menus that contain various components like date pickers, color pickers, sub-menus and more.

    Ext Actions

    Bind the same behavior to multiple buttons, toolbar and menu items using the Ext.Action class.

    Templates and DataView


    A simple example of rendering views from templates bound to data objects.


    A basic DataView with custom plugins for editable labels and drag selection of items.

    DataView (advanced)

    New! A more customized DataView supporting sorting and filtering with multiple templates.

    Misc Samples


    New! A simple StatusBar that can be dropped into the bottom of any panel to display status text and icons.

    StatusBar (advanced)

    New! Customizing the StatusBar via a plugin to provide automatic form validation monitoring and error linking.


    New! A slider component that supports vertical mode, snapping, tooltips, customized styles and more.

    Custom Drag and Drop

    New! Enabling drag and drop between a DataView and a grid using DragZone and DropZone extensions.


    Various tooltip and quick tip configuration options including Ajax loading and mouse tracking.

    Progress Bar

    A basic progress bar component shown in various configurations and with custom styles.


    A basic collapsible panel example.


    Examples of making any element resizable with various configuration options.


    A utility for masking everything except a single element on the page to visually highlight it.

    Localization (static)

    Demonstrates fully localizing a form by including a custom locale script.

    Localization (dynamic)

    Dynamically render various Ext components in different locales by selecting from a locale list.

    posted @ 2008-07-25 10:47  leonardleonard  阅读(600)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报