
在corona sdk里,创建界面交互元素widget,非常方便灵活,并且具备极强的可定制性。


widget.newButton( options )


  • id:(可选)一个关联到此按钮的可选的字符串标识,默认为”widget_button“
  • x, y:(可选)origin坐标
  • left, top:(可选)左上角坐标
  • isEnable:是否启用,默认为true。通过button:setEnable()来设置,设置为false时,按钮不响应任何事件。
  • OnPress\onRelease\onEvent:事件


1 基本视觉方式

  • label:(可选)显示在按钮顶部的标题
  • labelAlign:(可选)按钮标题对齐方式,可选值为left,right,center,默认为center
  • labelColor:(可选)一个table,保存两个RBGA值,用于表示默认和按下时颜色。格式如:labelColor = { default={ 1, 1, 1 }, over={ 0, 0, 0, 0.5 } }
  • labelXOffset, labelYOffset:(可选)按钮标题的x和y方向上的偏移。例如,labelYOffset=-8将会把标题往上移动8个像素
  • font:(可选)按钮标题使用的字体,如native.systemFont
  • fontSize:(可选)按钮标题的字体大小,单位是像素。默认为14
  • emboss:(可选)如果设置为true,按钮标题将呈现为浮雕状(内凹)
  • textOnly:(可选)如果设置为true,按钮将只能通过一个文本对象来构造 (无背景元素,貌似没有周围的空隙了),默认为false
local widget = require( "widget" )

-- Function to handle button events
local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then
        print( "Button was pressed and released" )

-- Create the widget
local button1 = widget.newButton
    left = 100,
    top = 200,
    id = "button1",
    label = "Default",
    onEvent = handleButtonEvent



2 2-Image方式


width, height:(可选)图片文件的宽度和高度




local widget = require( "widget" )

-- Function to handle button events
local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then
        print( "Button was pressed and released" )

local button1 = widget.newButton
    width = 240,
    height = 120,
    defaultFile = "buttonDefault.png",
    overFile = "buttonOver.png",
    label = "button",
    onEvent = handleButtonEvent

-- Center the button
button1.x = display.contentCenterX
button1.y = display.contentCenterY

-- Change the button's label text
button1:setLabel( "2-Image" )



3 2-Frame方式


  • sheet:按钮用到的ImageSheet。
  • defaultFrame:默认帧位于第几帧
  • overFrame:抬起帧位于第几帧
local widget = require( "widget" )

-- Function to handle button events
local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then
        print( "Button was pressed and released" )

-- Image sheet options and declaration
local options = {
    width = 240,
    height = 120,
    numFrames = 2,
    sheetContentWidth = 480,
    sheetContentHeight = 120
local buttonSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "buttonSheet.png", options )

-- Create the widget
local button1 = widget.newButton
    sheet = buttonSheet,
    defaultFrame = 1,
    overFrame = 2,
    label = "button",
    onEvent = handleButtonEvent

-- Center the button
button1.x = display.contentCenterX
button1.y = display.contentCenterY

-- Change the button's label text
button1:setLabel( "2-Frame" )


4 Shape方式


  • display.newRect()
  • display.newRoundedRect()
  • display.newCircle()
  • display.newPolygon()


  • shap:定义按钮外形(背景)需要的形状。有效的值为”rect“,”roundedRect“,”circle“,”polygon“
  • fillColor:(可选)同前=> fillColor = { default={ 1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7 }, over={ 1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 } }
  • strokeColor:(可选)同上=> strokeColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0.4, 0.1, 0.2 } }
  • strokeWidth:(可选)形状对象边框的宽度。只在strokeColor被定义时才有效。
  • conerRadius:(可选)当为roundedRect形状(圆角矩形)。其他形状时会忽略这个字段。
  • radius:(可选)当为circle形状(圆形)。其他形状会忽略这个字段。
  • vertices:(可选)一个x,y坐标数组,用于polygon形状(多边形)。其他形状会忽略这个字段。如vertices = { -20, -25, 40, 0, -20, 25 }


local widget = require( "widget" )

-- Function to handle button events
local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then
        print( "Button was pressed and released" )

-- Create the widget
local button1 = widget.newButton
    label = "button",
    onEvent = handleButtonEvent,
    emboss = false,
    --properties for a rounded rectangle button...
    width = 200,
    height = 40,
    cornerRadius = 2,
    fillColor = { default={ 1, 0, 0, 1 }, over={ 1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.4 } },
    strokeColor = { default={ 1, 0.4, 0, 1 }, over={ 0.8, 0.8, 1, 1 } },
    strokeWidth = 4

-- Center the button
button1.x = display.contentCenterX
button1.y = display.contentCenterY

-- Change the button's label text
button1:setLabel( "Shape" )


5 9-slice方式


  • width,height:按钮的宽度和高度
  • sheet:用于按钮的ImageSheet对象
  • middleFrame,middFrameOver:默认和按下状态中部填充区域的帧序号
  • topLeftFrame,topLeftOverFrame:默认和按下状态左上角填充区域的帧序号
  • 。。。

详细 参数具体见API手册,就不罗列了。

local widget = require( "widget" )

-- Function to handle button events
local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then
        print( "Button was pressed and released" )

-- Image sheet options and declaration
local options = {
    frames =
        { x=0, y=0, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=21, y=0, width=198, height=21 },
        { x=219, y=0, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=0, y=21, width=21, height=78 },
        { x=21, y=21, width=198, height=78 },
        { x=219, y=21, width=21, height=78 },
        { x=0, y=99, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=21, y=99, width=198, height=21 },
        { x=219, y=99, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=240, y=0, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=261, y=0, width=198, height=21 },
        { x=459, y=0, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=240, y=21, width=21, height=78 },
        { x=261, y=21, width=198, height=78 },
        { x=459, y=21, width=21, height=78 },
        { x=240, y=99, width=21, height=21 },
        { x=261, y=99, width=198, height=21 },
        { x=459, y=99, width=21, height=21 }
    sheetContentWidth = 480,
    sheetContentHeight = 120
local buttonSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "buttonSheet.png", options )

-- Create the widget
local button1 = widget.newButton
    width = 340,
    height = 100,
    sheet = buttonSheet,
    topLeftFrame = 1,
    topMiddleFrame = 2,
    topRightFrame = 3,
    middleLeftFrame = 4,
    middleFrame = 5,
    middleRightFrame = 6,
    bottomLeftFrame = 7,
    bottomMiddleFrame = 8,
    bottomRightFrame = 9,
    topLeftOverFrame = 10,
    topMiddleOverFrame = 11,
    topRightOverFrame = 12,
    middleLeftOverFrame = 13,
    middleOverFrame = 14,
    middleRightOverFrame = 15,
    bottomLeftOverFrame = 16,
    bottomMiddleOverFrame = 17,
    bottomRightOverFrame = 18,
    label = "button"

-- Center the button
button1.x = display.contentCenterX
button1.y = display.contentCenterY

-- Change the button's label text
button1:setLabel( "9-Slice" )


posted @ 2015-01-22 09:59  弯弓射月  阅读(1839)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报