implement singleton

Two way to implement singleton pattern

posted Sep 12, 2011, 1:35 PM by Akrem AYADI   [ updated Sep 12, 2011, 2:00 PM ]

You find bellow the two ways to implement singleton pattern:


Classic implementation

To implement singleton pattern we need to consider the following 4 steps:

Step 1: Provide a default Private constructor

public class SingletonClass {

      // Note that the constructor is private

      private SingletonClass() {

            // Optional Code





Step 2: Create a Method for getting the reference to the Singleton Object

public class SingletonClass {


            private static SingletonClass instance;

            // Note that the constructor is private

            private SingletonClass() {

                  // Optional Code


            public static synchronized SingletonClass getInstance() {

                  if (instance == null) {

                        instance = new SingletonClass();


                  return instance;





Step 3: Make the Access method Synchronized to prevent Thread Problems.

public static synchronized SingletonClass getInstance() {

                  if (instance == null) {

                        instance = new SingletonClass();


                  return instance;




Step 4: Override the Object clone method to prevent cloning.


            public Object clone() throwsCloneNotSupportedException {

                  throw new CloneNotSupportedException();





New implementation

The new implementation is easier than the first. We will just make the instance variable as private static final and update getInstance() method. 
This is the new class implementation:

public class SingletonClass {


            private static final SingletonClass instance = newSingletonClass();

            // Note that the constructor is private

            private SingletonClass() {

                  // Optional Code


            public static SingletonClass getInstance() {


                  return instance;



            public Object clone() throwsCloneNotSupportedException {

                  throw new CloneNotSupportedException();





For performance reason, I advise you to use the new implementation J

posted on 2013-09-08 14:29  brave_bo  阅读(309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
