有根树的表达 Aizu - ALDS1_7_A: Rooted Trees


题目:Rooted Trees Aizu - ALDS1_7_A 

A graph G = (VE) is a data structure where V is a finite set of vertices and E is a binary relation on V represented by a set of edges. Fig. 1 illustrates an example of a graph (or graphs).

Fig. 1

A free tree is a connnected, acyclic, undirected graph. A rooted tree is a free tree in which one of the vertices is distinguished from the others. A vertex of a rooted tree is called "node."

Your task is to write a program which reports the following information for each node u of a given rooted tree T:

  • node ID of u
  • parent of u
  • depth of u
  • node type (root, internal node or leaf)
  • a list of chidlren of u

If the last edge on the path from the root r of a tree T to a node x is (px), then p is the parent of x, and x is a child of p. The root is the only node in T with no parent.

A node with no children is an external node or leaf. A nonleaf node is an internal node

The number of children of a node x in a rooted tree T is called the degree of x.

The length of the path from the root r to a node x is the depth of x in T.

Here, the given tree consists of n nodes and evey node has a unique ID from 0 to n-1.

Fig. 2 shows an example of rooted trees where ID of each node is indicated by a number in a circle (node). The example corresponds to the first sample input.

Fig. 2


The first line of the input includes an integer n, the number of nodes of the tree.

In the next n lines, the information of each node u is given in the following format:

id k c1 c2 ... ck

where id is the node ID of uk is the degree of uc1 ... ck are node IDs of 1st, ... kth child of u. If the node does not have a child, the k is 0.


Print the information of each node in the following format ordered by IDs:

node id: parent = p , depth = dtype, [c1...ck]

p is ID of its parent. If the node does not have a parent, print -1.

d is depth of the node.

type is a type of nodes represented by a string (root, internal node or leaf). If the root can be considered as a leaf or an internal node, print root.

c1...ck is the list of children as a ordered tree.

Please follow the format presented in a sample output below.


  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 100000

Sample Input 1


0 3 1 4 10

1 2 2 3

2 0

3 0

4 3 5 6 7

5 0

6 0

7 2 8 9

8 0

9 0

10 2 11 12

11 0

12 0

Sample Output 1

node 0: parent = -1, depth = 0, root, [1, 4, 10]

node 1: parent = 0, depth = 1, internal node, [2, 3]

node 2: parent = 1, depth = 2, leaf, []

node 3: parent = 1, depth = 2, leaf, []

node 4: parent = 0, depth = 1, internal node, [5, 6, 7]

node 5: parent = 4, depth = 2, leaf, []

node 6: parent = 4, depth = 2, leaf, []

node 7: parent = 4, depth = 2, internal node, [8, 9]

node 8: parent = 7, depth = 3, leaf, []

node 9: parent = 7, depth = 3, leaf, []

node 10: parent = 0, depth = 1, internal node, [11, 12]

node 11: parent = 10, depth = 2, leaf, []

node 12: parent = 10, depth = 2, leaf, []

Sample Input 2


1 3 3 2 0

0 0

3 0

2 0

Sample Output 2

node 0: parent = 1, depth = 1, leaf, []

node 1: parent = -1, depth = 0, root, [3, 2, 0]

node 2: parent = 1, depth = 1, leaf, []

node 3: parent = 1, depth = 1, leaf, []


You can use a left-child, right-sibling representation to implement a tree which has the following data:

  • the parent of u
  • the leftmost child of u
  • the immediate right sibling of u


Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. The MIT Press.




关于树的深度的判断,我是采用了递归的方法。首先,一定要找到这个树的根节点是哪一个节点,然后,在进入递归函数finddeint po,int h)。函数中的h一定是当前节点po的的深度,记录在de数组中。之后通过节点的右指针指向该节点的相邻的右兄弟的定义递归遍历树的这一层,最后递归遍历节点的子节点,深度加1


 1 void findde(int po,int h)
 2 {
 3     de[po]=h;
 4     int ri=point[po].right;
 5     int le=point[po].left;
 6     if(ri!=-1)
 7         findde(ri,h);
 8     if(le!=-1)
 9         findde(le,h+1);
10 }




关于输出的话,其实就是注重一些格式的问题。不过有一点我想提一下,其实也是在敲代码的时候就出现的一点点问题。我一开始的时候用的是while循环来遍历这个节点的孩子。但是,会出现一些的格式问题,例如多了一点“, ”之类的,后来是用了两次判断l是否为-1来解决的问题,虽然是AC了,但是在while循环中其实是判断了两次的l是否为-1。这不是我希望的简洁的代码。于是我去看了一下书上的代码。惊为天人,原来还可以这样!他利用了for循环的特点完美地解决了我的问题,果然大佬就是大佬啊!

 1 //我的子节点的遍历输出
 2         int l=point[i].left;
 3         while(l!=-1)
 4         {
 5             cout<<l;
 6             l=point[l].right;
 7             if(l!=-1)
 8                 cout<<", ";
 9         }
10         cout<<"]"<<endl;
11         //大佬的子节点的遍历输出
12         for(int j=0,c=point[i].left;c!=-1;j++,c=point[c].right)
13         {
14             if(j) cout<<", ";
15             cout<<c;
16         }
17         cout<<"]"<<endl;



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <string>
 3 #include <cstring>
 5 using namespace std;
 7 struct Node
 8 {
 9     int pa;
10     int left; //表示的是该节点的左子节点
11     int right; //表示的是该节点的第一个右兄弟
12 };
13 Node point[100005];
14 int de[100005];
15 int n;
17 void findde(int po,int h)
18 {
19     de[po]=h;
20     int ri=point[po].right;
21     int le=point[po].left;
22     if(ri!=-1)
23         findde(ri,h);
24     if(le!=-1)
25         findde(le,h+1);
26 }
28 void print()
29 {
30     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
31     {
32         cout<<"node "<<i<<": parent = "<<point[i].pa<<", depth = "<<de[i]<<", ";
33         if(point[i].pa==-1)
34             cout<<"root, [";
35         else if(point[i].left==-1)
36             cout<<"leaf, [";
37         else
38             cout<<"internal node, [";
39         //我的子节点的遍历输出
40 //        int l=point[i].left;
41 //        while(l!=-1)
42 //        {
43 //            cout<<l;
44 //            l=point[l].right;
45 //            if(l!=-1)
46 //                cout<<", ";
47 //        }
48 //        cout<<"]"<<endl;
49         //大佬的子节点的遍历输出
50         for(int j=0,c=point[i].left;c!=-1;j++,c=point[c].right)
51         {
52             if(j) cout<<", ";
53             cout<<c;
54         }
55         cout<<"]"<<endl;
56     }
57 }
58 void init()
59 {
60     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
61     {
62         point[i].pa=-1;
63         point[i].left=-1;
64         point[i].right=-1;
65     }
66 }
67 int main()
68 {
69     cin>>n;
70     memset(de,0,100005);
71     init();
72     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
73     {
74         int a,num,l;
75         cin>>a>>num;
76         if(num)
77         {
78             cin>>l;
79             point[a].left=l;
80             point[l].pa=a;
81         }
82         for(int j=1; j<num; j++)
83         {
84             int x;
85             cin>>x;
86             point[l].right=x;
87             point[x].pa=a;
88             l=x;
89         }
90     }
91     int root=-1;
92     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
93         if(point[i].pa==-1)
94             root=i;
95     findde(root,0);
96     print();
97     return 0;
98 }
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posted @ 2019-06-07 19:40  lavena  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报