




I am trying to save my data that populates the TreeList in a ViewState. When nodes are editted, I want to update their values in the ViewState. But no changes seem to be saved in the ViewState. The Page.SaveViewState method is not even called after an edit or after a tree is expanded (it is only called on first page load).
Why can't I update the Page ViewState from one of the AJAX callbacks from a TreeList? Do I need to do something to allow the ViewState to be changed during postbacks from the TreeList?



The ViewState is stored in a hidden field which is rendered in the page's header. During a callback, the client receives the content of the control which initiated this callback. ViewState is not sent to the client (since it sits in the header) and our controls cannot embed it in the response and then update the corresponding hidden field. A possible solution is to set the ASPxTreeList's EnableCallbacks property value to false, and use the ASPxTreeList on the MS UpdatePanel. It will be able to intercept a TreeList's postbacks and "convert" them to callbacks. It is also able to update the ViewState.





posted @ 2013-05-15 21:10  老赵【苏州】  阅读(1421)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报