Pydev Debugger not working with breakpoints

I have a simple test module:

It runs pretty fast as expected, wether i use Run as or Debugg as does not matter.

But as soon as I enter a Breakpoint the Debugger starts (pydev debugger: starting (pid: 2696)) but does not reach the breakpoint nor finish the program(>5min).
I suddenly had this problem in a bigger project and created this test module to see if the debugger works. I did not change any settings in the prefrences menu of eclipse. I'm using python 3.x with the anaconda interpreter.
I restarted the computer and updated eclipse and pydev.
python eclipse debugging pydev

I found that deleting .metadata from the workspace solves the problem. But I have no clue what caused the issue.

posted @ 2016-08-05 01:39  功夫 熊猫  阅读(1004)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报