POJ 1611 The Suspects (并查集)
文章作者:ktyanny 文章来源:ktyanny 转载请注明,谢谢合作。
解题思路---->显然并查集了。并查集的详细解释在可以点击 并查集(不相交集合)进行学习。采用num[]存储该集合中元素个数,并在集合合并时更新num[]即可。然后找出0所在的集合的根节点x,因此,num[x]就是answer了。
ac代码: 16MS C++
#include <stdio.h>//by ktyanny
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 30001; /*结点数目上线*/
int pa[MAXN]; /*p[x]表示x的父节点*/
int rank[MAXN]; /*rank[x]是x的高度的一个上界*/
int num[MAXN];/*num[]存储该集合中元素个数,并在集合合并时更新num[]即可*/
void make_set(int x)
pa[x] = x;
rank[x] = 0;
num[x] = 1;
int find_set(int x)
int r = x, temp;
while(pa[r] != r) r = pa[r];
while(x != r)
temp = pa[x];
pa[x] = r;
x = temp;
return x;
//if(x != pa[x]) //注释掉的其实也是可以的,不过不想用递归来做啦
// pa[x] = find_set(pa[x]);
//return pa[x];
void union_set(int x, int y)
x = find_set(x);
y = find_set(y);
if(x == y)return ;
if(rank[x] > rank[y])/*让rank比较高的作为父结点*/
pa[y] = x;
num[x] += num[y];
pa[x] = y;
if(rank[x] == rank[y])
num[y] += num[x];
//answer to 1611
int main()
int n, m, x, y, i, t, j;
while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m))
if(m==n && n == 0) break;
if(m == 0)
cout << "1\n"; continue;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
scanf("%d", &t);
scanf("%d", &x);
for(j = 1; j < t; j++){
scanf("%d", &y);
union_set(x, y);
x = y;
x = find_set(0);/*找到0所在的树的树根*/
//int ans = 0;
//for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
// if(pa[i] == x)
// ans++;
//cout << ans << endl;
cout << num[x] << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 30001; /*结点数目上线*/
int pa[MAXN]; /*p[x]表示x的父节点*/
int rank[MAXN]; /*rank[x]是x的高度的一个上界*/
int num[MAXN];/*num[]存储该集合中元素个数,并在集合合并时更新num[]即可*/
void make_set(int x)
pa[x] = x;
rank[x] = 0;
num[x] = 1;
int find_set(int x)
int r = x, temp;
while(pa[r] != r) r = pa[r];
while(x != r)
temp = pa[x];
pa[x] = r;
x = temp;
return x;
//if(x != pa[x]) //注释掉的其实也是可以的,不过不想用递归来做啦
// pa[x] = find_set(pa[x]);
//return pa[x];
void union_set(int x, int y)
x = find_set(x);
y = find_set(y);
if(x == y)return ;
if(rank[x] > rank[y])/*让rank比较高的作为父结点*/
pa[y] = x;
num[x] += num[y];
pa[x] = y;
if(rank[x] == rank[y])
num[y] += num[x];
//answer to 1611
int main()
int n, m, x, y, i, t, j;
while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m))
if(m==n && n == 0) break;
if(m == 0)
cout << "1\n"; continue;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
scanf("%d", &t);
scanf("%d", &x);
for(j = 1; j < t; j++){
scanf("%d", &y);
union_set(x, y);
x = y;
x = find_set(0);/*找到0所在的树的树根*/
//int ans = 0;
//for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
// if(pa[i] == x)
// ans++;
//cout << ans << endl;
cout << num[x] << endl;
return 0;
100 4 2 1 2 5 10 13 11 12 14 2 0 1 2 99 2 200 2 1 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 0
0 0
posted on 2009-12-09 14:40 Ktyanny Home 阅读(6812) 评论(3) 编辑 收藏 举报