【连载】【FPGA黑金开发板】NIOS II那些事儿--串口实验(六)
首先,我们要在NIOS II 软核中构建RS232模块。打开Quartus软件,双击进入SOPC BUILDER,然后点击下图所示红圈处,
打开NIOS II 9.0 IDE后,按快捷键Ctrl+b编译程序,等待编译……
/* * RS232 configuration * */ #define RS232_NAME "/dev/RS232" #define RS232_TYPE "altera_avalon_uart" #define RS232_BASE 0x00201000 #define RS232_SPAN 32 #define RS232_IRQ 2 #define RS232_BAUD 115200 #define RS232_DATA_BITS 8 #define RS232_FIXED_BAUD 0 #define RS232_PARITY 'N' #define RS232_STOP_BITS 1 #define RS232_SYNC_REG_DEPTH 2 #define RS232_USE_CTS_RTS 0 #define RS232_USE_EOP_REGISTER 0 #define RS232_SIM_TRUE_BAUD 0 #define RS232_SIM_CHAR_STREAM "" #define RS232_FREQ 100000000 #define ALT_MODULE_CLASS_RS232 altera_avalon_uart
typedef struct { //接收寄存器 union{ struct{ volatile unsigned long int RECEIVE_DATA :8; volatile unsigned long int NC :24; }BITS; volatile unsigned long int WORD; }RXDATA; //发送寄存器 union{ struct{ volatile unsigned long int TRANSMIT_DATA :8; volatile unsigned long int NC :24; }BITS; volatile unsigned long int WORD; }TXDATA; //状态寄存器 union{ struct{ volatile unsigned long int PE :1; volatile unsigned long int FE :1; volatile unsigned long int BRK :1; volatile unsigned long int ROE :1; volatile unsigned long int TOE :1; volatile unsigned long int TMT :1; volatile unsigned long int TRDY :1; volatile unsigned long int RRDY :1; volatile unsigned long int E :1; volatile unsigned long int NC :1; volatile unsigned long int DCTS :1; volatile unsigned long int CTS :1; volatile unsigned long int EOP :1; volatile unsigned long int NC1 :19; } BITS; volatile unsigned long int WORD; }STATUS; //控制寄存器 union{ struct{ volatile unsigned long int IPE :1; volatile unsigned long int IFE :1; volatile unsigned long int IBRK :1; volatile unsigned long int IROE :1; volatile unsigned long int ITOE :1; volatile unsigned long int ITMT :1; volatile unsigned long int ITRDY :1; volatile unsigned long int IRRDY :1; volatile unsigned long int IE :1; volatile unsigned long int TRBK :1; volatile unsigned long int IDCTS :1; volatile unsigned long int RTS :1; volatile unsigned long int IEOP :1; volatile unsigned long int NC :19; }BITS; volatile unsigned long int WORD; }CONTROL; //波特率分频器 union{ struct{ volatile unsigned long int BAUD_RATE_DIVISOR :16; volatile unsigned long int NC :16; }BITS; volatile unsigned int WORD; }DIVISOR; }UART_STR;
这个结构体中包括5个共用体,这5个共用体对应RS232的5个寄存器,我们来看看这5个寄存器,下图所示,这个图来自《n2cpu_Embedded Peripherals.pdf》的第6-11页
#define _UART #ifdef _UART #define UART ((UART_STR *) RS232_BASE) #endif
/* * ================================================================= * Filename: uart.h * Description: The head of uart device driver * Version: * Created: * Revision: none * Compiler: Nios II IDE * * Author: AVIC * Company: 金沙滩工作室 * ================================================================ */ #ifndef UART_H_ #define UART_H_ #include "../inc/sopc.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 200 /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * Define *---------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct{ unsigned char mode_flag; //xmodem 1;uart 0; unsigned int receive_flag; unsigned int receive_count; unsigned char receive_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int (* send_byte)(unsigned char data); void (* send_string)(unsigned int len, unsigned char *str); int (* init)(void); unsigned int (* baudrate)(unsigned int baudrate); }UART_T; extern UART_T uart; #endif /*UART_H_*/
/* * ================================================================= * Filename: uart.c * * Description: RS232 device driver * * Version: * Created: * Revision: none * Compiler: Nios II IDE * * Author: AVIC * Company: 金沙滩工作室 * =============================================================== */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Include *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "sys/alt_irq.h" #include "../inc/sopc.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "../inc/uart.h" /*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Function Prototype *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int uart_send_byte(unsigned char data); static void uart_send_string(unsigned int len, unsigned char *str); static int uart_init(void); static void uart_ISR(void); static int set_baudrate(unsigned int baudrate); //初始化uart结构体,大家注意结构体的初始化方式 UART_T uart={ .mode_flag=0, .receive_flag=0, .receive_count=0, .send_byte=uart_send_byte, .send_string=uart_send_string, .init=uart_init, .baudrate=set_baudrate }; /* * === FUNCTION ================================================== * Name: uart_send_byte * Description: 发送一个字节数据 * ================================================================ */ static int uart_send_byte(unsigned char data) { //将接收到的数据放到接收数据寄存器内,等待状态寄存器trdy置1,当trdy置1,说明接收完毕 UART->TXDATA.BITS.TRANSMIT_DATA = data; while(!UART->STATUS.BITS.TRDY); return 0; } /* * === FUNCTION ================================================= * Name: uart_send_string * Description: 发送字符串数据 * =============================================================== */ static void uart_send_string(unsigned int len, unsigned char *str) { while(len--) { uart_send_byte(*str++); } } /* * === FUNCTION ================================================================= * Name: uart_init * Description: 初始化程序 * ============================================================== */ static int uart_init(void) { //设置波特率为115200 set_baudrate(115200); // 对控制寄存器的irrdy进行置1,表示当接收准备好后,中断使能 UART->CONTROL.BITS.IRRDY=1; //清楚状态寄存器,这就是处理整个寄存器的方式,大家要注意 UART->STATUS.WORD=0; //注册uart中断,ISR为uart_ISR alt_irq_register(RS232_IRQ, NULL, uart_ISR); return 0; } /* * === FUNCTION ================================================ * Name: uart_ISR * Description: 串口中断 * ============================================================== */ static void uart_ISR(void) { //等待状态寄存器的接收数据状态位rrdy,当rrdy位为1时,说明新接收的值传输到了接收数据寄存器 while(!(UART->STATUS.BITS.RRDY)); //reveive_buffer为我们通过栈的方式在内存中开设的内存块,将接受数据寄存器中的数据到这个内存块中 uart.receive_buffer[uart.receive_count++] = UART->RXDATA.BITS.RECEIVE_DATA; //当接收数据的最后一位为\n(回车符)时,进入if语句,也就是说,\n作为了结束标志符,每次发送数据后,要加一个回车符作为结束符 if(uart.receive_buffer[uart.receive_count-1]=='\n'){ uart.receive_buffer[uart.receive_count]='\0'; uart_send_string(uart.receive_count,uart.receive_buffer); uart.receive_count=0; uart.receive_flag=1; } } /* * === FUNCTION =============================================== * Name: set_baudrate * Description: 设置波特率 * ============================================================== */ static int set_baudrate(unsigned int baudrate) { //设置波特率有一个公式的,波特率=时钟频率/(divisor+1),转换以后就是下面了。 UART->DIVISOR.WORD=(unsigned int)(ALT_CPU_FREQ/baudrate+0.5); return 0; }
#include "../inc/sopc.h" #include "system.h" #include "sys/alt_irq.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "../inc/uart.h" int main() { unsigned char buffer[50]="Hello FPGA!\n"; //初始化串口,注意它的使用方法
uart.init(); //循环发送字符串
while(1){ uart.send_string(sizeof(buffer),buffer); usleep(500000); } return 0; }
posted on 2010-03-31 19:02 FPGA黑金开发板 阅读(5124) 评论(14) 编辑 收藏 举报