IIS COM+导致的错误


Server Application Error

The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

由于在下列系统 API 错误,COM+ 服务无法初始化。它通常是由本地计算机的系统资源存储问题引起的。
进程名称: dllhost.exe
错误代码= 0x80090017 : 提供程序类型未被定义。
COM+ 服务内部信息:
文件: .\security.cpp, 行: 615


A: The problem was resolved by adding the Interactive Users (NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE) and Authenticated Users (NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users) into the Local Users group and then running IISRESET.

A: The problem was resolved by adding the Interactive Users (NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE) and Authenticated Users (NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users) into the Local Users group and then running IISRESET
posted on 2005-01-27 11:10  龚祺  阅读(1298)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报