Lesson 27 A wet night


Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a feild. As soon as this was done, they cocked a meal over an open fire and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out their sleeping bags and harried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream was formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!


  1. On the airfileld 飞机场

    in the filed 在田野里

    in one's field 在某个领域内 He's an expert in his field.

    football field 足球场

  2. smell:v. smell sth.

    半联系动词 闻起来 后接表语、接形容词

    The food smelt good.

    You look fine.

    It tasted very good.

    It sounded goode.

    I feel ill. 感到

    The blackboard felt cold. 用手感觉到

  3. wonderful = great (事)

    excellent = outstanding (人)

    brilliant, fantastic

  4. fire: 可数也不可数

    a fire: 一堆火,一场火,一次火

  5. creep: (偷偷地,悄悄地)爬行 ~ out

    climb the tree. climb up or down

    crawl: The baby is crawling on the floor.

  6. passing plane 正在路过的飞机

    sleeping bag 睡袋

    1. 正在...

    2. 用来做...

    sleeping dog

    listening material 听力材料

    walking stick 拐杖

【New words and expressions】(15)

  1. field n. 田地, 田野

    in the field 在田野里

    in one's field 在……领域

    football field 足球场地airfield 飞机场(介词用on)

  2. smell (smelled,smelt) v. 闻起来

    ① vt. 嗅,闻I can smell something burning.

    ② vi. 闻起来有……气味,散发……气味

    You smell of soap. 你身上有肥皂味。

    smell  系动词, 接表语, 接形容词

    taste v. 尝起来

    sound v. 听起来

    feel v. 感到

    ① 心理感到 I feel ill.

    ② 用手的感受The blackbroad felt cold.


    ③ n. 气味I can’t stand the smell in this room.

  3. wonderful adj. 极好的Fantastic!

    Great ! (与物相连,口语中用得更多)

    Excellent ! adj.卓越的, 极好的(与人相连)

    Outstanding ! (人) 好得站了出来

    Brilliant! adj.灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的

  4. campfire n. 营火, 篝火

    fire 可数也不可数 (一堆堆的火为可数, 炉子里的火为不可数)

  5. creep (crept,crept) v. 爬行 (蹑手蹑脚的) 也是平行的爬

    creep out 蹑手蹑脚(别人不注意, 偷偷摸摸的)

    climb v. 爬climb up or down (上下爬)

    crawl v. 平行地爬

  6. sleeping bag 睡袋

    动词加ing 变成形容词作定语有两个意思 :

    ① 正在…… 如:sleeping dog

    ② 用来做…… 如:leeping bag

  7. soundly adv. 香甜地 sleep soundly 睡得很甜

    表示睡觉的短语:go to bed 上床/go to sleep 睡觉/fall asleep坠入梦乡(fall为半联系动词)/sleep well睡得很好/sleep deeply 睡得很沉/fall fast asleep 睡得好香(fast asleep熟睡)

  8. leap v. 跳跃, 跳起 jump v. 跳

    jump up and down 原地跳跃

    leap v. 跳跃, 有距离(如从沟的这边跳到另一边, 位置变化)Look before you leap. 三思而后行

    leap year/month 闰年/月

    skip v. 课文行的跳过去,单词,文章

  9. heavily adv. 大量地

    rain/snow heavily 一般与雨雪连用

    smoke heavily 烟瘾重

  10. form ① vi. 形成,产生

    ②形状外形The ice cream is made in the form of a ball.③ n. 表格

  11. wind (wound;wound) ① v. 蜿蜒

    wind one's way 蜿蜒而行② n. 风;v. 刮风

  12. right adv. 正好

    right 做副词时强调后边的形容词、副词、介词短语,不强调动词,可用just来替换

    Right here. 就在这儿

    just like 正好; just as 正如

    后边加代词时只能用just,如:just you 就是你了,不能用“right”代替


汉语与英文只有意义的对等, 没有字的对等

My idea is the same as yours. 我的想法与你一样的

I agree with you.(口语)I think so.(口语)

  1. A wet night

    英文中表示 “湿” 的词:wet,damp,moist (湿的程度减少)

    wet adj. 湿淋淋的(反义词是dry)

    damp adj. 让人感觉不太舒服

    moist adj. 潮湿的; n. 潮湿,稍湿(给人感觉舒服,如湿润)moist cake 松软的蛋糕moist eyes 水灵灵的眼睛dreamy eyes 梦幻般的眼睛

    humid adj. 指气候比较潮湿

  2. Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.

    late in the afternoon 傍晚

    early in the morning  清早

    put up =set up 搭建(强调搭,如搭个草棚等)

    build 建(强调精心设计并且建造)

    build a car 制造汽车 (一般不用 “make a car” )

    make a desk

    in the middle of 在……当中,在……中间(相对两边,既可以用于表示地理位置,又可以用于表示时间或在某个过程当中)

    in the center of 在……中心,在……中部/中央(相对四面,一般用于表示地理位置,腹地)

    在陆地的腹地用 “center”

  3. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.

    open fire 在野外生的火, 篝火,盆火(指无遮盖的、没有围起来的火)cook a meal 做一顿饭

  4. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.


    在……旁边:at the door 门边, (紧挨着的)

    sit at the table 桌边

    by 在……旁边,靠近 (不会紧挨着的, 但也不会很远,通常指距离非常近)Come and sit by me.

    next to He sits next to me./who is the next? (紧邻)

    the next door to my house(next door 在隔壁)

    beside = next to 与……相邻near 在附近

  5. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.

    put out 人为的熄灭火be out 火自动熄灭

  6. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting.

    in the middle of the night=midnight

    at midnight 在午夜 the mid-autumn day 中秋节wake up

    醒来(主语自己醒)wake sb. up 唤醒

    开始干:begin doing/start doing/begin to do/start to do

  7. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.

    如果强调某东西自动形成, 则可以用主动态, 如果强调某东西是人为的, 用被动态,在这里river formed 河流是自动形成

    The door opened. 强调门自动开

    The door was opened. 门被打开, 强调人为的

I am very tall(so)(but)I must be careful. Doorways are often low(and)(but)I usually(beat)(knock)my head against them. My head always(hurts)(pains). I have never(met)(recognized)a tall architect. Have you?


doorways     n. 门栏

knock/beat:knock 大声地撞;beet 持续的撞击/打

against   prep. 相对作用的力 (在政治上叫 “反对” )hurt/pain:身体的某一部位+hurts,表示某一部疼痛;pain 表示疼痛的名词

My hand hurts./I have a pain in my hand.
【Letter writing】
【Special Difficulties】

put up with     容忍,忍受

put up  ① 搭建,搭建; ② 安排住宿,为……提供膳宿,夜宿put out     扑灭put on     穿上

put away  把……收好,放好put off  推迟,拖延put down = write down    记下,写下,记录下
【Multiple Choice】
9  The boys had put out the campfire. The fire wasn't ___d___ .a. switched on b. on fire c. on 	d. alight

be on    上演, 亮着的(一般指灯亮着的).

switch     n. 开关;v. 用开关

on fire  起火alight以a开头的形容词为表语形容词
posted @ 2017-07-02 09:46  蝌蝌  阅读(309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报