Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys


The Greenwood Boys are group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Worker's Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying here for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasion.

group: 指合唱团
hand: n. 乐队

popular: adj. 受欢迎的

night club: 夜总会

occasion: n. 场合 = time: 时候
on the(this) occasion. 在这种时候
occasionally: adv. = sometimes 偶尔

nowdays: adv. 目前
up to now/ so far = at present

visit sp. 带有职业相关的目的

will be doing 将来进行时态

most of the young people. = most people

last night -> tonight -> tomorrow night
next night: 第二天晚上

have a difficult time: 日子不好过
have a hard time: 艰辛岁月
have a good time: 玩的很看心

why are you late? = what took you so long?

There will be a delay. 有某事发生
There will be a meeting.
There was a fire.

He'll leave for Paris before you come back next week.
leave for: 离开去巴黎

Our next meeting is to be held on Saturday.

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成

It __ be Wednesday tomorrow.
A. is going to B. will C. is about to D. is to

- 一般将来时通常有shall,will 或 be going to 加上动词原形构成。will可用于所有人称, shall 只能用于第一人称。在口语中,shall 和will的区别常被人忽略,因为它们的缩略形式都是“'ll”。
I shall / will see you tomorrow. = I'll see you tomorrow.
I won't / shan't go to the market.
- be going to 表示将来的用法
1. 在非正式文体中,表示“意图”、“打算”时,一般将来时多用be going to 而不常用will。
1. be going to 表示将来而不借助时间状语来表达时,这种情形常指“马上”或“不久的将来”。
I am going to travel by air. He is going to sell his car.
1. be going to 也可以表示将来的时间状语连用。
He is going to sell his car next week. They are going to move to a new flat next month/ next year.
1. be going to 可用来代替直接表达“打算”的动词。
I intend to write to him. = I'm going to write to him.
- 在条件句中一般将来时通常由一般现在时表达,即主句为一般将来时,从句为一般现在时。
If he is out, I'll call tomorrow.
If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.
If you see him, will you tell him about it?
He will come tomorrow if he can.
The moment he arrives, I shall let you know.
I shall wait here until he comes.
As soon as the rain stops, we shall go out.
We'll go into the living room after we finish dinner.
I'll give him the message when he returns.
- be doing 瞬间动作
go, come, arrive, leave, die, land, join

posted @ 2016-11-08 07:36  蝌蝌  阅读(337)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报