Lesson 7 Too late


The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plan arrived, some of detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Tow men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While tow detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!

detective: n. 侦探 detective story

expect: v. 期待,等待(心理上)
I think so = I expect so. (口语)我希望如此
expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人去做某事
I expect you to write back.
expect sth. I expect your letter.
wait for sth./sb.: vi 动作上的等待
I'm waiting for the parcel.

valuable: adj. 贵重的 value: n. 价值
precious: adj. 珍贵的(带有感情色彩的)
priceless: adj. 无价的 price: n. 价格
valueless: adj. 没有价值,不足道的
worthless: adj. 不值钱的

precious stone: 宝石
crystal: 水晶
jade: 玉
diamond ring: 钻戒

steal sth. : 偷(某物)
rob sb.: 抢(某人)
My wallet was stolen. 我的钱包被偷了
I was robbed. 我被偷了
rob bank(地点):抢银行

main: adj. 主要的(不用来修饰人)

life guard: 救生员
body guard: 保镖

would do 过去将来式

others = other + 复数名词
Others were going shopping. = Other children were going shopping.

while + 从句:动作一定会延续
when + 从句:延续性动词/瞬间动作
when he arrived.

- 过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作或状态,不一定需要时间状语。
Mr. Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display.
His wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake.
The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top, because the summit was the prize they sought.
I was living abroad in 1987, so I missed the general election.
- 过去进行时和all开头的状语(all night,all day)一起食用,强调动作的连续性。
It was raining all night / all day yesterday / all the afternoon.
- 过去进行时表示某事发生前已经开始的动作。在这种情况下, 过去进行时常和一般过去时在同一个句子里食用。过去进行时表示当时正在进行的动作或情况,一般过去时则表示比较短暂的动作或事件。正在进行中的动作或情况常常和连词when, as, just as, while 等引导的时间状语从句连用。
While I was watering the garden, it began to rain.
Just as I was leaving the house, the phone rang.
Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour.
- 过去进行时表示并行的动作,经常与while 或 at the time 连用,强调同时进行的两种或几种动作。
While I was working in the garden, my wife was cooking dinner.
- meanwhile(与此同时、在此期间)经常用于描述正在进行的动作
Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press.
- 过去进行时和used to 在使用时应该注意的问题
过去进行时表示过去某个时间正在发生的动作;而“used to + 不定式”表示一个动作或状态时过去的习惯,但并没有持续到现在(一般译为“过去常常”)。
I used to go to work by bus, but I go by car now.
I used to live with my grandparents, but I have my own home now.
I used to collect stamps.
- 在正式英语中,used to 的否定形式为 used not to, 疑问句形式常把used提前到主语前,为Used (you) to ... ? 但在口语中,更常用的否定形式为didn't use to 以及疑问句形式为Did you use to ...?

posted @ 2016-11-03 08:08  蝌蝌  阅读(346)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报