[Cocoa]深入浅出Cocoa之Method Swizzling

[Cocoa]深入浅出Cocoa之Method Swizzling


在前文深入浅出Cocoa之消息中,我简要介绍了ObjC 中消息的基本情况,包括SEL查找,缓存以及消息转发等。在本文中,我要介绍一个很有趣的技术,Method swizzling,通过这个手法,我们可以动态修改方法的实现,从而达到修改类行为的目的。当然,还有其他办法(如 ClassPosing,Category)也可以达到这个目的。ClassPosing 是针对类级别的,是重量级的手法,Category 也差不多,比较重量级,此外 Category 还无法避免下面的递归死循环(如果你的代码出现了如下形式的递归调用,应该考虑一下你的设计,而不是使用在这里介绍的 Method Swizzling 手法,:))。

// Bar
@implementation Bar

- (void) testMethod
NSLog(@" >> Bar testMethod");


// Bar(BarCategory)
@implementation Bar(BarCategory)

- (void) altRecursionMethod
NSLog(@" >> Bar(BarCategory) recursionMethod");
[self altRecursionMethod];



在前文深入浅出Cocoa之消息中提到,ObjC 中的类(class)和实例(instance)都是对象,类对象有自己的类方法列表,实例对象有自己的实例方法列表,这些方法列表(struct objc_method_list)是存储在 struct objc_class 中的。每个方法列表存储近似 SEL:Method 的对,Method 是一个对象,包含方法的具体实现 impl。由此可知,我们只需要修改 SEL 对应的 Method 的 impl 既可以达到修改消息行为的目的。下面来看代码:
void PerformSwizzle(Class aClass, SEL orig_sel, SEL alt_sel, BOOL forInstance)
// First, make sure the class isn't nil
if (aClass != nil) {
Method orig_method = nil, alt_method = nil;

// Next, look for the methods
if (forInstance) {
orig_method = class_getInstanceMethod(aClass, orig_sel);
alt_method = class_getInstanceMethod(aClass, alt_sel);
} else {
orig_method = class_getClassMethod(aClass, orig_sel);
alt_method = class_getClassMethod(aClass, alt_sel);

// If both are found, swizzle them
if ((orig_method != nil) && (alt_method != nil)) {
IMP temp;

temp = orig_method->method_imp;
orig_method->method_imp = alt_method->method_imp;
alt_method->method_imp = temp;
} else {
NSLog(@"PerformSwizzle Error: Original %@, Alternate %@",(orig_method == nil)?@" not found":@" found",(alt_method == nil)?@" not found":@" found");
} else {
NSLog(@"PerformSwizzle Error: Class not found");

void MethodSwizzle(Class aClass, SEL orig_sel, SEL alt_sel)
PerformSwizzle(aClass, orig_sel, alt_sel, YES);

void ClassMethodSwizzle(Class aClass, SEL orig_sel, SEL alt_sel)
PerformSwizzle(aClass, orig_sel, alt_sel, NO);

2,取得 SEL 对应的 Method;
3,修改 Method 的 impl,在这里是通过交换实现的。


上面的代码是可以工作的,但还不够完善。Apple 10.5 提供了交换 Method 实现的 API: method_exchangeImplementations 。下面我们使用这个新 API,并以 NSObject category的形式给出新的实现方式:

#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <objc/objc-class.h>

// NSObject (MethodSwizzlingCategory)
@interface NSObject (MethodSwizzlingCategory)

+ (BOOL)swizzleMethod:(SEL)origSel withMethod:(SEL)altSel;
+ (BOOL)swizzleClassMethod:(SEL)origSel withClassMethod:(SEL)altSel;


@implementation NSObject (MethodSwizzlingCategory)

+ (BOOL)swizzleMethod:(SEL)origSel withMethod:(SEL)altSel
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, origSel);
if (!origSel) {
NSLog(@"original method %@ not found for class %@", NSStringFromSelector(origSel), [self class]);
return NO;

Method altMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, altSel);
if (!altMethod) {
NSLog(@"original method %@ not found for class %@", NSStringFromSelector(altSel), [self class]);
return NO;

class_getMethodImplementation(self, origSel),
class_getMethodImplementation(self, altSel),

method_exchangeImplementations(class_getInstanceMethod(self, origSel), class_getInstanceMethod(self, altSel));

return YES;

+ (BOOL)swizzleClassMethod:(SEL)origSel withClassMethod:(SEL)altSel
Class c = object_getClass((id)self);
return [c swizzleMethod:origSel withMethod:altSel];

// Foo.h
// MethodSwizzling
// Created by LuoZhaohui on 1/5/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 http://www.cnblogs.com/kesalin/. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// Foo
@interface Foo : NSObject

- (void) testMethod;
- (void) baseMethod;
- (void) recursionMethod;


// Bar
@interface Bar : Foo

- (void) testMethod;


// Bar(BarCategory)
@interface Bar(BarCategory)

- (void) altTestMethod;
- (void) altBaseMethod;
- (void) altRecursionMethod;

// Foo.m
// MethodSwizzling
// Created by LuoZhaohui on 1/5/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 http://www.cnblogs.com/kesalin/. All rights reserved.

#import "Foo.h"

// Foo
@implementation Foo

- (void) testMethod
NSLog(@" >> Foo testMethod");

- (void) baseMethod
NSLog(@" >> Foo baseMethod");

- (void) recursionMethod
NSLog(@" >> Foo recursionMethod");


// Bar
@implementation Bar

- (void) testMethod
NSLog(@" >> Bar testMethod");


// Bar(BarCategory)
@implementation Bar(BarCategory)

- (void) altTestMethod
NSLog(@" >> Bar(BarCategory) altTestMethod");

- (void) altBaseMethod
NSLog(@" >> Bar(BarCategory) altBaseMethod");

- (void) altRecursionMethod
NSLog(@" >> Bar(BarCategory) recursionMethod");
[self altRecursionMethod];

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
Foo * foo = [[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease];
Bar * bar = [[[Bar alloc] init] autorelease];

NSLog(@"========= Method Swizzling test 1 =========");

NSLog(@" Step 1");
[foo testMethod];
[bar testMethod];
[bar altTestMethod];

NSLog(@" Step 2");
[Bar swizzleMethod:@selector(testMethod) withMethod:@selector(altTestMethod)];
[foo testMethod];
[bar testMethod];
[bar altTestMethod];

NSLog(@"========= Method Swizzling test 2 =========");
NSLog(@" Step 1");
[foo baseMethod];
[bar baseMethod];
[bar altBaseMethod];

NSLog(@" Step 2");
[Bar swizzleMethod:@selector(baseMethod) withMethod:@selector(altBaseMethod)];
[foo baseMethod];
[bar baseMethod];
[bar altBaseMethod];

NSLog(@"========= Method Swizzling test 3 =========");
[Bar swizzleMethod:@selector(recursionMethod) withMethod:@selector(altRecursionMethod)];
[bar recursionMethod];

return 0;

 输出结果为:注意,test 3 中调用了递归调用“自己”的方法,你能理解为什么没有出现死循环么?

========= Method Swizzling test 1 =========
Step 1
>> Foo testMethod
>> Bar testMethod
>> Bar(BarCategory) altTestMethod
Step 2
>> Foo testMethod
>> Bar(BarCategory) altTestMethod
>> Bar testMethod
========= Method Swizzling test 2 =========
Step 1
>> Foo baseMethod
>> Foo baseMethod
>> Bar(BarCategory) altBaseMethod
Step 2
>> Foo baseMethod
>> Bar(BarCategory) altBaseMethod
>> Foo baseMethod
========= Method Swizzling test 3 =========
>> Bar(BarCategory) recursionMethod
>> Foo recursionMethod

test 3 解释:在函数体 {} 之间的部分是真正的 IMP,而在这之前的是 SEL。通常情况下,SEL 是与 IMP 匹配的,但在 swizzling 之后,情况就不同了。下图就是调用的时序图。


rentzsch 写了一个完善的开源类 jrswizzle 来处理 Method Swizzling,如果你在工程中使用到 Method Swizzling 手法,应该优先使用这个类库,:)。






posted @ 2012-01-05 17:01  飘飘白云  阅读(4967)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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