

1 双色球(假设一共八个球,6个红球,球号1-32、2个蓝球,球号1-16) 2 确保用户不能重复选择,不能超出范围 3 用户输入有误时有相应的错误提示 4 最后展示用户选择的双色球的号码



 1 red_ball = [ ]
 2 blue_ball = [ ]
 3 count = 0
 4 print("Welcome to 小猿圈 lottery station")
 5 while count < 6:
 6     red_input = input("select red ball: ").strip()
 7     if red_input.isdigit():
 8         red_input = int(red_input)
 9         if red_input in red_ball:
10             print("number", red_input, "is already exist in red ball list")
11         elif red_input > 0 and red_input < 33:
12             red_ball.append(red_input)
13             count += 1
14             print([count],"select red ball:",red_input)
15         else:
16             print ("only can select n between 1-32")
17 while count < 8:
18     blue_input = input("select blue ball: ").strip()
19     if blue_input.isdigit():
20         blue_input = int(blue_input)
21         if blue_input in blue_ball:
22             print("number", blue_input, "is already exist in red ball list")
23         elif blue_input > 0 and blue_input < 16:
24             blue_ball.append(blue_input)
25             count += 1
26             i = count - 6
27             print([i],"select blue ball:",blue_input)
28         else:
29             print ("only can select n between 1-16")
30 else:
31     print("Red ball:",red_ball,'\n',"Blue ball:",blue_ball,'\n',"Good Luck.")


posted @ 2019-04-22 16:57  小敌哥  阅读(5235)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报