



<compilation debug="true">
            <!--自定义的ORM provider-->
                <add extension=".map" type="OrmBuildProviderSln.OrmBuildProvider"/>

我们的目标,开发一个自定义的OrmBuildProvider,实现数据库表到类的自动转换,并且要同时支持SQL Server和Oracle数据库。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Mappings namespace="OrmBuildProviderSln">
    <!--databaseType = "Sql|Oracle"-->
  <Mapping databaseType="Sql"
           connectionString  ="Data Source=localhost\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=MsPetShop4;Integrated Security=SSPI;Timeout=5;Application Name=OrmBuildProviderWeb"
           tableName ="Product"
           className ="Product"
           selectCommand ="SELECT [ProductId] as [ProductId]
                                             ,[CategoryId] as CategoryId
                                             ,[Name] as Name
                                             ,[Descn] as Descn
                                             ,[Image] as Image
                                   FROM [MSPetShop4].[dbo].[Product]"

    <Mapping databaseType="Oracle"
       connectionString ="Data Source=ORA252;User Id=trig;Password=trig;"
       tableName ="Customer"
       className ="Customer"
       selectCommand ="select customercode, regielicenceno, customername, address, phone, booker, zhuanmailx, businessform, organizemode, jingyingfs, issuedate, disable, issuedept, specdelivery from tg_customer"


public class OrmBuildProvider : BuildProvider

     public override void GenerateCode(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder)


实现GenerateCode有两种方法可以选择,CodeDOM API或者TextWriter直接输出。使用CodeDOM需要了解一大堆的API,但生成的代码可以适用于VB,C#;使用TextWriter的方法比较直接,但只能生成针对某种语言的代码。《aspnet 2.0高级编程》上给出了使用CodeDOM API的例子,峻祁连实现了使用TextWriter的代码,并进行了扩展,使得OrmBuildProvider同时支持Sql Server和Oracle两种数据库。

  public override void GenerateCode(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder)
     ///////////Using CodeDOM API
     //// 略,具体代码可以参考http://www.yuedu.cc/chapter/10482188/

     //////////////////////////Using TextWriter.Only for C#   by 杜长宇
     TextWriter writer = assemblyBuilder.CreateCodeFile(this);
     if (writer == null)
        String code = ParseFileAndCreateCode(base.VirtualPath);


        private string ParseFileAndCreateCode(string fileName)
            OrmDescriptor desc = ExtractInfo(fileName);
            //OrmDescriptor desc = new OrmDescriptor();
            StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
            // add some file header
            code.AppendLine("//  This file generated automatically. DO NOT change anything.");
            code.AppendLine("//  Because your change maybe dispeared when the application restarted.");
            code.AppendLine("//  Generated by OrmBuildProvider " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
            code.AppendLine("//  Implemented by Duchangyu     changyudu@163.com");

            code.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic;");
            code.AppendLine("namespace " + desc.NameSpace);
            //add a class present the table
            for (int i = 0; i < desc.Descriptors.Length; i++)
                OrmTableDescriptor t = desc.Descriptors[i];

                //add a comment here
                code.AppendLine("///----------"+ t.ClassName +"   Class-----------");

                code.AppendLine("   public class " + t.ClassName);
                code.AppendLine("   {");

                //add the properties present the table columns
                DataAdapter adapter = CreateDataAdapter(t.DatabaseType, t.SelectCommand, t.ConnectionString);

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                adapter.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Mapped);
                 DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                    DataColumn column = dt.Columns[j];
                    string colName = column.ColumnName;
                    Type colType = column.DataType;
                    string filedName = "_" + colName.ToLower();

                    code.AppendLine("     private " + colType.ToString() + " " + filedName + ";" );
                    code.AppendLine("     public " + colType.ToString() + " " + colName );
                    code.AppendLine("     {");
                    code.AppendLine("         set{ " + filedName + " = value;}");
                    code.AppendLine("         get{ return " + filedName + ";}");
                    code.AppendLine("     }");

                code.AppendLine("   }");

                //add the collectionClass--generic
                if (t.AllowCollectionClass)
                    code.AppendLine("  public class " + t.CollectionClassName + ": List<" + t.ClassName + "> ");
                    code.AppendLine("  { }");


            return code.ToString();



public OrmDescriptor ExtractInfo(string fileName)
    //load the *.map document
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    using (Stream stream = VirtualPathProvider.OpenFile(fileName))

    //get the namespace information
    XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;
    string ns = root.Attributes["namespace"].Value;

    //visite the <mapping nodes>
    XmlNodeList mappings = doc.SelectNodes("Mappings/Mapping");
    OrmTableDescriptor[] descriptors = new OrmTableDescriptor[mappings.Count]; //allocate resource;
    //List<OrmTableDescriptor> descriptors = new List<OrmTableDescriptor>(mappings.Count);
    for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Count; i++)
        XmlNode mapping = mappings[i];

        OrmTableDescriptor desc = new OrmTableDescriptor();
        desc.ConnectionString = mapping.Attributes["connectionString"].Value;
        desc.TableName = mapping.Attributes["tableName"].Value;
        desc.ClassName = mapping.Attributes["className"].Value;
        desc.SelectCommand = mapping.Attributes["selectCommand"].Value;
        bool allowPartialClass;
        bool.TryParse(mapping.Attributes["allowPartialClass"].Value, out allowPartialClass);
        desc.AllowPartialClass = allowPartialClass;
        bool allowCollection = false;
        Boolean.TryParse(mapping.Attributes["allowCollectionClass"].Value, out allowCollection);
        desc.AllowCollectionClass = allowCollection;
        if (allowCollection)
            desc.CollectionClassName = mapping.Attributes["collectionClassName"].Value;
        desc.DatabaseType = mapping.Attributes["databaseType"].Value;

        descriptors[i] = desc;

    //pack all info and return
    OrmDescriptor ormDescriptor = new OrmDescriptor();
    ormDescriptor.NameSpace = ns;
    ormDescriptor.Descriptors = descriptors;
    return ormDescriptor;




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace OrmBuildProviderSln
    public class OrmDescriptor
        private string nameSpace;

        public string NameSpace
            get { return nameSpace; }
            set { nameSpace = value; }
        private OrmTableDescriptor[] descriptors;

        public OrmTableDescriptor[] Descriptors
            get { return descriptors; }
            set { descriptors = value; }

        //private List<OrmTableDescriptor> descriptors;

        //internal List<OrmTableDescriptor> Descriptors
        //    get { return descriptors; }
        //    set { descriptors = value; }




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace OrmBuildProviderSln
    public class OrmTableDescriptor
        private string connectionString;

        public string ConnectionString
            get { return connectionString; }
            set { connectionString = value; }

        private string tableName;

        public string TableName
            get { return tableName; }
            set { tableName = value; }

        private string className;

        public string ClassName
            get { return className; }
            set { className = value; }

        private string selectCommand;

        public string SelectCommand
            get { return selectCommand; }
            set { selectCommand = value; }

        private bool allowPartialClass;

        public bool AllowPartialClass
            get { return allowPartialClass; }
            set { allowPartialClass = value; }

        private bool allowCollectionClass;

        public bool AllowCollectionClass
            get { return allowCollectionClass; }
            set { allowCollectionClass = value; }

        private string collectionClassName;

        public string CollectionClassName
            get { return collectionClassName; }
            set { collectionClassName = value; }

        private string databaseType;

        public string DatabaseType
            get { return databaseType; }
            set { databaseType = value; }



C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ormbuildproviderweb\be94c8e8\9adb5db3\Sources_App_Code\orm.map.72cecc2a.cs

//  This file generated automatically. DO NOT change anything.
//  Because your change maybe dispeared when the application restarted.
//  Generated by OrmBuildProvider 2008-02-29 21:25:03
//  Implemented by Duchangyu     changyudu@163.com
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace OrmBuildProviderSln
///----------Product   Class-----------
   public class Product
     private System.String _productid;
     public System.String ProductId
         set{ _productid = value;}
         get{ return _productid;}

     private System.String _categoryid;
     public System.String CategoryId
         set{ _categoryid = value;}
         get{ return _categoryid;}

     private System.String _name;
     public System.String Name
         set{ _name = value;}
         get{ return _name;}

     private System.String _descn;
     public System.String Descn
         set{ _descn = value;}
         get{ return _descn;}

     private System.String _image;
     public System.String Image
         set{ _image = value;}
         get{ return _image;}


  public class ProductCollection: List<Product>
  { }

///----------Category   Class-----------
   public class Category
     private System.String _categoryid;
     public System.String CategoryId
         set{ _categoryid = value;}
         get{ return _categoryid;}

     private System.String _name;
     public System.String Name
         set{ _name = value;}
         get{ return _name;}

     private System.String _descn;
     public System.String Descn
         set{ _descn = value;}
         get{ return _descn;}


  public class CategoryCollection: List<Category>
  { }

///----------Customer   Class-----------
   public class Customer
     private System.String _customercode;
     public System.String CUSTOMERCODE
         set{ _customercode = value;}
         get{ return _customercode;}

     private System.String _regielicenceno;
     public System.String REGIELICENCENO
         set{ _regielicenceno = value;}
         get{ return _regielicenceno;}

     private System.String _customername;
     public System.String CUSTOMERNAME
         set{ _customername = value;}
         get{ return _customername;}

     private System.String _address;
     public System.String ADDRESS
         set{ _address = value;}
         get{ return _address;}

     private System.String _phone;
     public System.String PHONE
         set{ _phone = value;}
         get{ return _phone;}

     private System.String _booker;
     public System.String BOOKER
         set{ _booker = value;}
         get{ return _booker;}

     private System.String _zhuanmailx;
     public System.String ZHUANMAILX
         set{ _zhuanmailx = value;}
         get{ return _zhuanmailx;}

     private System.String _businessform;
     public System.String BUSINESSFORM
         set{ _businessform = value;}
         get{ return _businessform;}

     private System.String _organizemode;
     public System.String ORGANIZEMODE
         set{ _organizemode = value;}
         get{ return _organizemode;}

     private System.String _jingyingfs;
     public System.String JINGYINGFS
         set{ _jingyingfs = value;}
         get{ return _jingyingfs;}

     private System.DateTime _issuedate;
     public System.DateTime ISSUEDATE
         set{ _issuedate = value;}
         get{ return _issuedate;}

     private System.String _disable;
     public System.String DISABLE
         set{ _disable = value;}
         get{ return _disable;}

     private System.String _issuedept;
     public System.String ISSUEDEPT
         set{ _issuedept = value;}
         get{ return _issuedept;}

     private System.String _specdelivery;
     public System.String SPECDELIVERY
         set{ _specdelivery = value;}
         get{ return _specdelivery;}


  public class CustomerCollection: List<Customer>
  { }



protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    OrmBuildProviderSln.Product p = new OrmBuildProviderSln.Product();
    p.Name = "product Name";
    p.ProductId = "2";

    OrmBuildProviderSln.ProductCollection pc = new OrmBuildProviderSln.ProductCollection();



后来转念一想,干嘛非得在BuildProvider类库的调试里折腾啊,我建一个web 站点程序,随便弄个页面,把BuildProvider当做普通的类来调试不就OK了么,下面是我调试ExtractInfo()方法。在最后一句设置断点,就可以跟踪到OrmBuildProvider 类里面了,呵呵。当然为了方便,把orm.map拷贝成一个orm.xml放在App_Code外面了,这样调试时好处理一些。

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    OrmBuildProviderSln.OrmBuildProvider ormBuild = new OrmBuildProviderSln.OrmBuildProvider();
    string path = Request.ApplicationPath + "/orm.xml";



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