thinkphp整合tagit插件和jquery input tags几个插件比较




  1:jquery  tags input plugin   官网:  这个插件是第一个让我心动的,有很炫的界面,有输入提示功能,以逗号分隔标签,但是提示功能有点不怎么匹配,而且他的提示数据放在一个网页中,不知道怎么搞的,笔者没怎么研究这个插件,应该代码中有配置项,我没有研究,希望有研究的朋友指点,这里有一篇博客讲这个插件的


  2:tag-it  官网:  这个插件不错,有炫的界面,能切换主题,刚接触到这个插件的时候,我jquery不是很懂,所以没有采用它


  3:jquery tagit  官网  经过2天的摸索,加上对jquery的渐渐熟悉,能够基本上看懂这个里面是怎么个原理了,开始结合thinkphp开干



1 <ul id="inputtags" style="width: 990px;"></ul></td>


 1 <script type="text/javascript">
 2 $(function() {
 3       var availableTags = [ "cuowu",  "教程简介", "jquery教程",
 4                             "C", "C++", "错误",  "ColdFusion", "大家好",
 5                             "你是谁啊啊啊啊啊", "COBOL", "ColdFusion", "Erlang",
 6                             "Fortran", "Groovy", "Haskell", "Java",
 7                             "JavaScript", "PHP", "Python", "Ruby", "Scala",
 8                             "Scheme" ];
10                     $('#inputtags').tagit({
11                         tagSource : availableTags,
12                         sortable : true,
13                         initialTags : [ 'ahi' ],
14                     });
16                 });
17             </script>


 availableTags这个数组是用来提示作用的,然后 tagSource : availableTags,说明他的tag源就是这个数组,然后sortable : true,是说明是否可以拖动排序,你可以试试,然后initialTags : [ 'ahi' ],是初始化数据,就是一加载就有的数据;他的详细配置都在tagit.js文件中,你可以详细看一下,比如

 1 options:{
 2             //Maps directly to the jQuery-ui Autocomplete option
 3             tagSource:[],
 4             //What keys should trigger the completion of a tag
 5             triggerKeys:['enter', 'space', 'comma', 'tab','semicolon'],
 6             //custom regex for splitting data
 7             seperatorKeys: ['comma','semicolon'],
 8             //array method for setting initial tags
 9             initialTags:[],
10             //minimum length of tags
11             minLength:1,
12             //should an html select be rendered to allow for normal form submission
13             select:false,
14             //if false only tags from `tagSource` are able to be entered
15             allowNewTags:true,
16             //should tag and Tag be treated as identical
17             caseSensitive:false,
18             //should tags be drag-and-drop sortable?
19             //true: entire tag is draggable
20             //'handle': a handle is rendered which is draggable
21             sortable:false,
22             editable:false,
23             //color to highlight text when a duplicate tag is entered
24             highlightOnExistColor:'#0F0',
25             //empty search on focus
26             emptySearch:true,
27             //callback function for when tags are changed
28             //tagValue: value of tag that was changed
29             //action e.g. removed, added, sorted
30             tagsChanged:function (tagValue, action, element) {
31                 ;
32             },
33             maxTags:undefined,
34             //should 'paste' event trigger 'blur', thus potentially adding a new tag
35             // (true for backwards compatibility)
36             blurOnPaste:true
37         },



posted @ 2013-06-09 16:13  九月光  阅读(993)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报