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arcgis engine 监听element的添加、更新和删除事件(使用IMovePointFeedback)




Write-on<wbr>ly property Display The display the feedback object will use.
Method MoveTo Move to the new point.
Method Refresh Call this after a refresh to show feedback again.
Method Start Begins a move feedback of the given shape.
Method Stop Stops the feedback and returns the shape.
Read/write property Symbol The symbol the feedback object will use.

Moving Feedbacks Example

This example shows how to create a tool which allows the user to move various geometry types using the appropriate feedback interfaces. The example requires there to be at least one of the following in the current document's BasicGraphicsLayer: MarkerElement, LineElement, RectangleElement, or PolygonElement. When the mouse button is pressed a search is made for any elements which intersect the mouse location. If any are found, then the first of these is taken. If the element's geometry is a Point, Polyline, Envelope or Polygon, then a Feedback object of that type is created, otherwise nothing is created and the routine will exit. Once the feedback has been created, any subsequent mouse movements cause this feedback to be moved on the screen. Releasing the mouse button will stop the feedback and update the element with the new geometry. The ActiveView is then refreshed.


How to use:

In ArcMap, select Tools | Customize... 

Select the Commands tab and scroll down to UIControls in the left pane. 

Click NewUIControl... 

In the dialog which appears select UIToolControl and then click Create. 

Drag the new tool which appears in the right pane onto a toolbar of your choosing. 

Right-click over your tool on the toolbar and select View Source. 

Copy and paste the code below into the VBA code pane which appears. 

Close the VBA Window and return to the ArcMap Window. 

Now select your tool from the toolbar and click on a graphic element (Marker, Line, Rectangle, Polygon) and move the mouse until the desired location is reached. Releasing the mouse button to finish. 

Private m_pDoc As IMxDocument

Private m_pAV As IActiveView

Private m_pScrD As IScreenDisplay

Private m_pDispFeed As IDisplayFeedback

Private m_pHitElem As IElement

Private m_pGraCont As IGraphicsContainer


Private Function UIToolControl1_Enabled() As Boolean

  'Set the ToolControl to enabled (disabled by default)

  UIToolControl1_Enabled = True

End Function


Private Sub UIToolControl1_MouseDown(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

  Dim pPnt As IPoint

  Dim pGeomElem As IGeometry


  ' Get the current mouse location in Map Units

  Set pPnt = m_pScrD.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y)

  ' Use a function to return the first element at this point (if any)

  Set m_pHitElem = GetHitElement(pPnt)


  ' If an element was returned then check what type of geometry it has (Point, Polyline, Envelope or Polygon)

  If Not m_pHitElem Is Nothing Then

    Set pGeomElem = m_pHitElem.Geometry

    'Point geometry

    If TypeOf pGeomElem Is IPoint Then

      ' Create a MovePointFeedback object and set its display property (to the ActiveView's ScreenDisplay)

      Set m_pDispFeed = New MovePointFeedback

      Set m_pDispFeed.Display = m_pScrD

      ' QI for the IMovePointFeedback interface

      Dim pMvPtFeed As IMovePointFeedback

      Set pMvPtFeed = m_pDispFeed

      'Start the feedback using the input (Point) geometry at the current mouse location

      pMvPtFeed.Start pGeomElem, pPnt


    ' Polyline geometry

    ElseIf TypeOf pGeomElem Is esriCore.IPolyline Then

      ' Create a MoveLineFeedback object and set its display property (to the ActiveView's ScreenDisplay)

      Set m_pDispFeed = New MoveLineFeedback

      Set m_pDispFeed.Display = m_pScrD

      ' QI for the IMoveLineFeedback interface

      Dim pMvLnFeed As IMoveLineFeedback

      Set pMvLnFeed = m_pDispFeed

      'Start the feedback using the input (Polyline) geometry at the current mouse location

      pMvLnFeed.Start pGeomElem, pPnt


    ' Rectangle (Envelope) geometry

    ElseIf TypeOf pGeomElem Is IEnvelope Then

      ' Create a MoveEnvelopeFeedback object and set its display property (to the ActiveView's ScreenDisplay)

      Set m_pDispFeed = New MoveEnvelopeFeedback

      Set m_pDispFeed.Display = m_pScrD

      ' QI for the IMoveEnvelopeFeedback interface

      Dim pMvEnvFeed As IMoveEnvelopeFeedback

      Set pMvEnvFeed = m_pDispFeed

      'Start the feedback using the input (Rectangle) geometry at the current mouse location

      pMvEnvFeed.Start pGeomElem, pPnt


    ' Polygon geometry

    ElseIf TypeOf pGeomElem Is IPolygon Then

      ' Create a MovePolygonFeedback object and set its display property (to the ActiveView's ScreenDisplay)

      Set m_pDispFeed = New MovePolygonFeedback

      Set m_pDispFeed.Display = m_pScrD

      ' QI for the IMovePolygonFeedback interface

      Dim pMvPolyFeed As IMovePolygonFeedback

      Set pMvPolyFeed = m_pDispFeed

      'Start the feedback using the input (Polygon) geometry at the current mouse location

      pMvPolyFeed.Start pGeomElem, pPnt

    End If

  End If

End Sub


Private Sub UIToolControl1_MouseMove(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

  If Not m_pDispFeed Is Nothing Then


    Dim pPnt As IPoint

    ' Get the current mouse location in Map Units and move the feedback

    Set pPnt = m_pScrD.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y)

    m_pDispFeed.MoveTo pPnt

  End If

End Sub


Private Sub UIToolControl1_MouseUp(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

  Dim GeomResult As IGeometry

  Dim pGeomElem As IGeometry


  ' Check that the user is using the feedback

  If Not m_pHitElem Is Nothing Then

    ' Get the geometry type for our element again

    Set pGeomElem = m_pHitElem.Geometry


    ' Check what type of geometry the element has  (again)

    ' Point geometry

    If TypeOf pGeomElem Is IPoint Then

      ' QI for the IMovePointFeedback interface and get the finished geometry

      Dim pMvPtFeed As IMovePointFeedback

      Set pMvPtFeed = m_pDispFeed

      Set GeomResult = pMvPtFeed.Stop

    ElseIf TypeOf pGeomElem Is IPolyline Then

      ' QI for the IMoveLineFeedback interface and get the finished geometry

      Dim pMvLnFeed As IMoveLineFeedback

      Set pMvLnFeed = m_pDispFeed

      Set GeomResult = pMvLnFeed.Stop

    ElseIf TypeOf pGeomElem Is IEnvelope Then

      ' QI for the IMoveEnvelopeFeedback interface and get the finished geometry

      Dim pMvEnvFeed As IMoveEnvelopeFeedback

      Set pMvEnvFeed = m_pDispFeed

      Set GeomResult = pMvEnvFeed.Stop


    ElseIf TypeOf pGeomElem Is IPolygon Then

      ' QI for the IMovePolygonFeedback interface and get the finished geometry

      Dim pMvPolyFeed As IMovePolygonFeedback

      Set pMvPolyFeed = m_pDispFeed

      Set GeomResult = pMvPolyFeed.Stop


    End If


    ' Set the geometry of the element and call update

    m_pHitElem.Geometry = GeomResult

    m_pGraCont.UpdateElement m_pHitElem


    ' Clear out the objects

    Set m_pDispFeed = Nothing

    Set m_pHitElem = Nothing


    ' Refresh the ActiveView


  End If

End Sub


Private Sub UIToolControl1_Refresh(ByVal hDC As Long)

  'Get a reference to the ActiveView and ScreenDisplay

  Set m_pDoc = Application.Document

  Set m_pAV = m_pDoc.ActiveView

  Set m_pScrD = m_pAV.ScreenDisplay

End Sub


Private Sub UIToolControl1_Select()

  'Get a reference to the ActiveView and ScreenDisplay

  Set m_pDoc = Application.Document

  Set m_pAV = m_pDoc.ActiveView

  Set m_pScrD = m_pAV.ScreenDisplay

End Sub


Private Function GetHitElement(pInPt As IPoint) As IElement

' Takes an IPoint and returns the first element that is hit (if any) in the ActiveView's BasicGraphicsLayer

  Dim pEnumElem As IEnumElement

  Dim DblSrchDis As Double


  ' QI for the IGraphicsContainer interface from the IActiveView, allows access to the BasicGraphicsLayer

  Set m_pGraCont = m_pAV


  ' Calculate the Search Distance (in MapUnits) based upon a portion of the ActiveView's width

  DblSrchDis = m_pAV.Extent.Width / 200


  ' Return an enumerator for those elements found within the search distance (in mapunits)

  Set pEnumElem = m_pGraCont.LocateElements(pInPt, DblSrchDis)


  ' If the enumerator is not empty then return the FIRST element found

  If Not pEnumElem Is Nothing Then

    Set GetHitElement = pEnumElem.Next

  End If


End Function


posted @ 2016-04-15 10:59  jhlong  阅读(1811)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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