perseverance combined with energy



Code Meaning Description
ID Identification Contains identifying information and characteristics of the sequence
AC Accession number(s) Release-to-release stable identifiers
DT Date When the entry was created, or when the sequence or annotation was modified
DE Description The name of the protein, often a function indicator
GN Gene name(s) The gene(s) that code for the protein
OS Organism species The organism from which the sequence is derived
OG Organelle If the sequence is non-chromosomal in origin
OC Organism classification The taxonomic class to which the organism belongs
OX Taxonomy x-reference(s) The NCBI TaxID for the OC line
RN Reference number The sequential number of the literature citation within the entry
RP Reference position The type of data, and the position in the sequence to which the citation refers
RC Reference comment(s) Comments relevant to the reference cited
RX Reference x-reference(s) Bibliographic cross-reference, such as PubMed ID
RA Reference authors Authors of the citation
RT Reference title Title of the citation
RL Reference location Source of the citation, such as journal, book, or unpublished data
CC Comments Free text notes about the protein
DR Database x-references Pointers to sources or related information for the entry
KW Keywords Indexable indicator of function, structure, or other information
FT Feature table Annotation of specific residues of the sequence
SQ Sequence header Marks the beginning of the sequence and provides summary data
(no code) Sequence data The sequence itself
// Termination line End of entry

posted on 2010-04-16 20:33  xiajf  阅读(429)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报