背后的故事之 - 快乐的Lambda表达式(二)
上一篇 背后的故事之 - 快乐的Lambda表达式(一)我们由浅入深的分析了一下Lambda表达式。知道了它和委托以及普通方法的区别,并且通过测试对比他们之间的性能,然后我们通过IL代码深入了解了Lambda表达式,以及介绍了如何在.NET中用Lambda表达式来实现JavaScript中流行的一些模式。
class MyBaseClass { public Action SomeAction { get; protected set; } public MyBaseClass() { SomeAction = () => { //Do something! }; } } class MyInheritedClass : MyBaseClass { public MyInheritedClass() { SomeAction = () => { //Do something different! }; } }
class MyBaseClass { public Action SomeAction { get; private set; } Stack<Action> previousActions; protected void AddSomeAction(Action newMethod) { previousActions.Push(SomeAction); SomeAction = newMethod; } protected void RemoveSomeAction() { if(previousActions.Count == 0) return; SomeAction = previousActions.Pop(); } public MyBaseClass() { previousActions = new Stack<Action>(); SomeAction = () => { //Do something! }; } }
void Main() { var mother = HotDaughter.Activator().Message; //mother = "I am the mother" var create = new HotDaughter(); var daughter = HotDaughter.Activator().Message; //daughter = "I am the daughter" } class CoolMother { public static Func<CoolMother> Activator { get; protected set; } //We are only doing this to avoid NULL references! static CoolMother() { Activator = () => new CoolMother(); } public CoolMother() { //Message of every mother Message = "I am the mother"; } public string Message { get; protected set; } } class HotDaughter : CoolMother { public HotDaughter() { //Once this constructor has been "touched" we set the Activator ... Activator = () => new HotDaughter(); //Message of every daughter Message = "I am the daughter"; } }
public Action GetFinalizer(string input) { switch { case "random": return () => { /* ... */ }; case "dynamic": return () => { /* ... */ }; default: return () => { /* ... */ }; } } //-------------------变身之后----------------------- Dictionary<string, Action> finalizers; public void BuildFinalizers() { finalizers = new Dictionary<string, Action>(); finalizers.Add("random", () => { /* ... */ }); finalizers.Add("dynamic", () => { /* ... */ }); } public Action GetFinalizer(string input) { if(finalizers.ContainsKey(input)) return finalizers[input]; return () => { /* ... */ }; }
static Dictionary<string, Action> finalizers; // 在静态的构造函数用调用这个方法 public static void BuildFinalizers() { finalizers = new Dictionary<string, Action>(); // 获得当前运行程序集下所有的类型 var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes(); foreach(var type in types) { // 检查类型,我们可以提前定义接口或抽象类 if(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MyMotherClass))) { // 获得默认无参构造函数 var m = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); // 调用这个默认的无参构造函数 if(m != null) { var instance = m.Invoke(null) as MyMotherClass; var name = type.Name.Remove("Mother"); var method = instance.MyMethod; finalizers.Add(name, method); } } } } public Action GetFinalizer(string input) { if(finalizers.ContainsKey(input)) return finalizers[input]; return () => { /* ... */ }; }
internal static void BuildInitialFinalizers() { finalizers = new Dictionary<string, Action>(); LoadPlugin(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); } public static void LoadPlugin(Assembly assembly) { var types = assembly.GetTypes(); foreach(var type in types) { if(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MyMotherClass))) { var m = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if(m != null) { var instance = m.Invoke(null) as MyMotherClass; var name = type.Name.Remove("Mother"); var method = instance.MyMethod; finalizers.Add(name, method); } } } }
int factorial(int n) { if(n == 0) return 1; else return n * factorial(n - 1); }