[OpenCV] Samples 06: logistic regression

logistic regression,这个算法只能解决简单的线性二分类,在众多的机器学习分类算法中并不出众,但它能被改进为多分类,并换了另外一个名字softmax, 这可是深度学习中响当当的分类算法。 


Reference: denny的学习专栏  // 臭味相投的一个博客


  • Xml保存图片的方法和读取的方式。
  • Mat显示内部的多个图片。
  • Mat::t() 显示矩阵内容。



在opencv3.0中提供了一个xml文件,里面存放了40个样本,分别是20个数字0的手写体和20个数字1的手写体。本来每个数字的手写体是一张28*28的小图片,在xml使用1*784 的向量保存在<data>中。

这个文件的位置: \opencv\sources\samples\data\data01.xml



//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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// This is a implementation of the Logistic Regression algorithm in C++ in OpenCV.

// Rahul Kavi rahulkavi[at]live[at]com

// contains a subset of data from the popular Iris Dataset (taken from
// "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Iris")

// # You are free to use, change, or redistribute the code in any way you wish for
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// # This code comes with no warranty of any kind.

// #
// # You are free to use, change, or redistribute the code in any way you wish for
// # non-commercial purposes, but please maintain the name of the original author.
// # This code comes with no warranty of any kind.

// # Logistic Regression ALGORITHM

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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library

// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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#include <iostream>

#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/ml.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::ml;

 * Jeff --> Show mutiple-photos from Mat.
static void showImage(const Mat &data, int columns, const String &name)
    // columns = 28
    Mat bigImage;
    for(int i = 0; i < data.rows; ++i)
        //rows: number of photos.
        // vector --> reshape --> col 28, col 28 ...
        // push_back: show each pic from left to right.
        bigImage.push_back(data.row(i).reshape(0, columns));

    imshow(name, bigImage.t());

static float calculateAccuracyPercent(const Mat &original, const Mat &predicted)
    return 100 * (float)countNonZero(original == predicted) / predicted.rows;

int main()
    const String filename = "../data/data01.xml";
    cout << "**********************************************************************" << endl;
    cout << filename
         << " contains digits 0 and 1 of 20 samples each, collected on an Android device" << endl;
    cout << "Each of the collected images are of size 28 x 28 re-arranged to 1 x 784 matrix"
         << endl;
    cout << "**********************************************************************" << endl;

    Mat data, labels;
         * Jeff --> Load xml.
         *          transform to Mat.
         * FileStorage.
        cout << "loading the dataset...";
        // Step 1.
        FileStorage f;
        if(f.open(filename, FileStorage::READ))
            // Step 2.
            f["datamat"] >> data;
            f["labelsmat"] >> labels;
            cerr << "file can not be opened: " << filename << endl;
            return 1;
        // Step 3.
        data.convertTo(data, CV_32F);
        labels.convertTo(labels, CV_32F);

        cout << "read " << data.rows << " rows of data" << endl;

    Mat data_train, data_test;
    Mat labels_train, labels_test;
    for(int i = 0; i < data.rows; i++)
        // Step 4.
        if(i % 2 == 0)
    cout << "training/testing samples count: " << data_train.rows << "/" << data_test.rows << endl;

    // display sample image
    showImage(data_train, 28, "train data");
    showImage(data_test, 28, "test data");


    // simple case with batch gradient
    cout << "training...";

    // Step (1), create classifier.
    Ptr<LogisticRegression> lr1 = LogisticRegression::create();

    // Step (2),

    // Step (3), train.
    //! [init]
    lr1->train(data_train, ROW_SAMPLE, labels_train);
    cout << "done!" << endl;


    cout << "predicting...";

    // Step (4), predict.
    Mat responses;
    lr1->predict(data_test, responses);
    cout << "done!" << endl;

    // Step (5), show prediction report
    cout << "original vs predicted:" << endl;
    // Jeff --> CV_32S is a signed 32bit integer value for each pixel.
    labels_test.convertTo(labels_test, CV_32S);

    cout << labels_test.t() << endl;
    cout << responses.t() << endl;
    cout << "accuracy: " << calculateAccuracyPercent(labels_test, responses) << "%" << endl;

    // Step (6), save the classfier
    const String saveFilename = "NewLR_Trained.xml";
    cout << "saving the classifier to " << saveFilename << endl;

    /****************************** End ***************************************/

    // load the classifier onto new object
    cout << "loading a new classifier from " << saveFilename << endl;
    Ptr<LogisticRegression> lr2 = StatModel::load<LogisticRegression>(saveFilename);

    // predict using loaded classifier
    cout << "predicting the dataset using the loaded classfier...";
    Mat responses2;
    lr2->predict(data_test, responses2);
    cout << "done!" << endl;

    // calculate accuracy
    cout << labels_test.t() << endl;
    cout << responses2.t() << endl;
    cout << "accuracy: " << calculateAccuracyPercent(labels_test, responses2) << "%" << endl;

    return 0;






Logistic回归与多重线性回归实际上有很多相同之处,最大的区别就在于它们的因变量不同,其他的基本都差不多。正是因为如此,这两种回归可以归于同一个家族,即广义线性模型(generalizedlinear model)。


  • 如果是连续的,就是多重线性回归;
  • 如果是二项分布,就是Logistic回归;
  • 如果是Poisson分布,就是Poisson回归;
  • 如果是负二项分布,就是负二项回归。




  • 寻找危险因素:寻找某一疾病的危险因素等;
  • 预测:根据模型,预测在不同的自变量情况下,发生某病或某种情况的概率有多大;
  • 判别:实际上跟预测有些类似,也是根据模型,判断某人属于某病或属于某种情况的概率有多大,也就是看一下这个人有多大的可能性是属于某病。






  1. 寻找h函数(即hypothesis); ==> Sigmoid函数
  2. 构造J函数(loss函数);
  3. 想办法使得J函数最小并求得回归参数(θ)



posted @ 2016-12-01 07:12  郝壹贰叁  阅读(1718)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报